Chapter 6: Hell

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Naruto's P.o.v

I woke up silently but definitely not what I would call elegantly. I groaned as I leaned up, memories still fresh from my mind. I grasped my head as I recall Itachi's last words...
'I know you can do it Kitsune..'
His words rung through my mind, then it all was consumed by the leftover feelings of anger and regret left in my mind. It really wasn't fair that Konoha had to sacrifice so many lives and best shinobi to protect us. Sasuke...I heard Itachi tall about him. He said he was determined, stubborn but promising.
'Heh I will be the judge of that thank you very much.' I thought to myself.
Captain.....oh right. I was no longer a liutenent. Honestly I regret everything. I would gladly accept every D ranked mission in all Konohagakure to have my captain back, however it was to late to go back.
I put on my anbu gear and lept out the window unsure of where I was going. I let my mind wander while I walked and in little time (how ironic) I walked onto Uchiha territory. There were shinobi everywhere including some anbu I barely recognised, but what really caught my attention was a little raven haired boy sitting in the courner. His eyes had tears in the corners and his hands were pulling at his hair. He must have been no older than me. He looked just like Itachi.
I looked back at the anbu, one I did recognize, he has spiky silver hair and was fairly tall, the other I could not recognize. Looking closer, there were at least 20 bodies lined up, thin white linin covered the bodies though most of the white linin was seeped a deep red.
I turned around having seen enough and headed towards Jiji's for the captain inalgeration. This having once been a dream of mine now seemed heavy of blood and sacrifice.
'Itachi' I thought, 'was it worth it?' In my heart I knew it wasn't, the boy who looked after him and cherished him would grow to hate the only thing that made him truly happy, I hated myself for getting mixed up in it all. What I would give to go back.
When I arrived the hokage greeted me with a sense of formiliatlity.
"Greeting Captain Kitsune." The other anbu bowed down on their knees.
"What do you need?"

----5 year time skip----

I groaned as I walked into the academy once again in my 'kill me please' orange jumpsuit. I felt like a complete idiot and the facade I had sure as hell wasn't helping. I felt glares from few of the girls and other groans and whispers from the boys.
'Damn you itachi, damn you.' I groaned as I took a seat in the only place that was left.
"Naruto you're late! Again!" I heard iruka sensei yell. I giggled like a bit dopey idiot and said my apologies. I heard few whisper insults from the courner of the room.
"Oh he will never pass graduation."
"How did he even get into the acadamy?"
I rolled my eyes and looked at the board as I continued to drift off only to have a pink screaming banshee scream in my ear like the big fucking fan girl she is.
"NARUTO, WHY DO YOU GET TO SIT NEXT TO SASUKE?!!" I looked next to me, Mr emo was sulking out the window as he groaned again.
"HE SHOULD BE SITTING NEXT TO ME!!!" I heard her yell once again.
"WHO MAKES YOU THINK HE SHOULD SIT NEXT TO YOU FOREHEAD?! " I heard annoying fangirl #2 yell in my ear. She shoved Mr out of the seat and onto the table. Ignoring the screaming fangirls I looked at sasuke, his dark eyes spoke revenge, but also a certain softness and sadness.
"What are you looking at dobe?"
'Something moody and emotional teme.' I thought. Pretending to look upset I leaned over to yell at his when I swore someone pushed me...right into the teme. Our lips locked and our gazes daggers at one another. We pushed off one another in disgust.
It was strange, I didn't really feel as disgusted as I thought I would have.
'Oh great have fun.'
'Kurama you coward!'
A bunch of fangirls lined up in back of screaming baka #1 and #2.
I sat back down and ignored the gazes of both the fangirls and Mr emo illuminating in the air.
"CLASS!" Iruka yelled.
All heads both pink, whiye, black and brown looker towards the board.
"Alright, as you all know today is your graduation exam." Iruka yelled, hid words started to fade from my mind as I looked at sasuke and then out the window.
"You will have a written mysef check the development of your clones then....." His words became a total twist of phrases and words that were completely enriched in their own thoughts.
I remember the first test I had ever taken in the acadamy when I was younger.
'What is a kunai?' I recall and thinking to myself I kidded 'Oh my god, it's a freaking balloon.'

"Naruto you're next!" Iruka sensei beckoned.. I groaned internally as I made my way over, Uchiha ass giving me a glare as he walked back to his seat successful after making 2 clones.
'Wooow 2 clones, it's not like I can make 2,000 solid clones at all.' I sarcastically remarked; this test however was not to show teme my much superior clone making skills. Ironically it was to do the worst on the test to remain in character. Though my main objective was to observe the Uchiha baka however earlier I had dropped some suspicions on one of the jonin over to Jiji. Mizuki.
An ugly smile was plastered onto hid forsaken face as I passed by. Oh we will meet again Mizuki, in quite different measures.

"Naruto you failed!" Iruka yelled. It was strange but I gave myself an upmost pat on the back for that. Failing was not easy, to make that one messed up clone I needed Kurama to block all chakra to me and to lose every piece of knowledge I knew about chakra control.
"Aw sorry Iruka sensei."
I walked out of the acadamy, there he was Mizuki practically looming with bad energy.
"I know a way that you can pass." My suspicion arose.
"Really?!!" I prentended to get excited.
'Careful Kit, I don't trust him.'
'Thanks Kurama.'
Mizuki's face grinned maliciously as he leaned over to my ear.
"Alright but you have to do something."
"In order for you to pass you need to grab the sacred scroll."
'I knew it.'
"You really think stealing it would help me pass." I looked at him with my big cerulean eyes.

I hid in the back of a tree, leaving my chakra open.
"Naruto where are you?" Mizuki sing song ed with a certain level of annoyence in his voice.
"Well well, looks like I found you, hand over the scroll Naruto."
"Naruto don't let him have the scroll," I heard Iruka yell.
"Naruto do you want to know why the villagers look down on you?"
"Mizuki don't"
I mentally smiled with a sudden feel of hate surge into my eyes.
"It's because your a demon, the nine tails fox is in you naruto."
'Several years to late for that bud.'
"Give me the scroll you stupid child" he yelled.
My eyes became red and I slipped out from behind the tree, right behind Mizuki.
"Sorry but I can't do that." I snarled as I summoned 50 shadow clones, each of which attacked Mizuki quickly in the blink of an eye leaving him fractured bones and crushed organs. My red chakra eyes looked over at Iruka who was huddled in a courner from fear.
"Not a word Iruka" I told him, merging my voice with Kurama's. "If you tell anyone I will personally slaughter you got it?" He nooses fearfully.
'Aw kit, I know you want to get your point across but you don't have to scare the man half to death.'
'Aw I thought you liked a good scare Kurama, getting soft are we?'
'Never!' He protested.
"See you in class tomorrow Iruka." I sung as I took his forehead protecter off the ground as I disappeared in a gust of wind with Mizuki under my arm. I headed to the hokage's office to await his punishment.

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