Chapter 9: The bell test

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Naruto's P.o.v

I leaned sat on top of the "structurally-stable" cobblestone wall while I kicked my short legs up and down. My hands were holding my head and trying to make my head as closely related to comfortable as it was possible, unluckily for me sitting on top of a wall had previously sounded like a bad idea, and it is. I leaned my spine back and groaned.

"Maaaaaaaan where is Kakashi sensei, I had to miss breakfast for this and we haven't even done anything but wait around!!!"

I heard a groan of agreement from both Sasuke and Sakura, we had been waiting for about oh I don't know...3 HOURS and we were all getting extremely impatient. Pros and cons of having Kakashi sensei as my instructor, pros, he can rapidly expand the growth of the uchiha's training and..can help..motivate sakura, not to mention he is wise and does a lot of teamwork based training which is good for Sasuke dropping the fact that I suspect he may have trust issues. Cons, he is ALWAYS late and sometimes doesn't even show up to training. It's annoying.

After what had felt like a decade he finally arrived, of course blaming his tardiness on the fact that (I quote) "I saw a black cat so I had to go the long way around it." -Kakashi Hatake.

Kakashi proceeded to take us to the training grounds for our first assessment where he explained the rules. There were 2 bells and 3 of us, whoever gets one of them passes and since there are only 2 bells, one of us will fail. As a result one of us will head back to the academy. I heard that my father Minato Namikaze also performed this practice along with Kakashi. Unfortunately, I never had the chance to learn teamwork like this hence being in the anbu ment you never knew when your teammate would perish in battle, holding a bloody kunai, reciting their sins and beg for forgiveness over the deserved souls. We anbu were taught to not let our emotions and sincerity get in the way of our goals. Cruel world is it not?

When we finally got the signal to begin, I swiftly appeared a clone to carry out in my place while I monitored the others. After doing so my clone raced towards kakashi, throwing as many half-fast kicks as I could, however kakashi just dodged them. As a sign of consistency to mark the shadow clone jutsu as my "signature move" I threw in about 20, who just as ironically threw more half fast kunai, shurikens, and other sloppy kicks. Eventually kakashi got bored of dodging and replaced his body with a log substitute, after reappearing, kakashi took out...his...make out paradise novel and began to flip the pages.
My gaze switched to search for the missing Sasuke and Sakura who had hidden in the trees patiently. If this was a mission it would be wiser of them to hide, 'however this is a team drill and such absence will not be tolerated', I belive were kakashi's thoughts at the time.

After the shadow clones had long perished, and my clone was condensing their chakra to look out of breath, my interests once again mover toward the rest if team 7, however it was narrowed to Sasuke in particular.
He performed a nearly flawless fire jutsu and in shock nearly grabbed one of the bells. Sakura on the other be kind she was-
'Useless?' Kurama interuppted rudly.
'Well that is one way to put it.'
Sakura after being serperated from Sasuke went looking for him only to be caught in Kakashi's haze. I wasn't quite sure what she saw but I assumed it was about Sasuke by the way she screamed his name and cried.
'This team needs alot of work.'

After all of us were completely and utterly embarrassed we were summoned to the center of the field for Kakashi to begin our lecture on teamwork and such, I had the unfortunate punishment of being tied up to a log post for trying to eat my lunch before the end of the drill.

"You all failed, not only did not not get the bells but you refused to understand the point of this exercise." Kakashi scolded. "Do you know why there are 3 of you on a team? It's because ninjas work together, but you guys refused to help one another." His head swiftly turned to mine.
"Naruto you butt into action without a plan and refuse to compensate with your teammates." His head then turned to Sakura, "Sakura you rely too much on Sasuke that you don't use the skills you have, instead you watch Sasuke and wait for him. Naruto is on your team as well."

'Could he repeat that and uh be a little more straighforward,..could I also get it on tape?'
'Kurama stop'
'What? It's true and you know it.'

I rolled my eyes and continued to pay attention to the rest of the lecture.
"And sasuke, your skills are still developing, don't get so full of yourself, you are no better than naruto with an attitude with that."
"HEY!" I yelled.
Kakashi's eyes then sofened, "remember this, those who break the rules are scum but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum, with that enjoy your lunch."
"HEY!! What about me?!!" I yelled.
"Well I told you that you couldn't eat but you did so anyway, and as punishment, no lunch."
"AW WHAT?!" I groaned.
"-Also no giving food to naruto or you will to be sent back to the acadamy." And with that the unfathomable kakashi dissapeared.
Sasuke and Sakura proceeded to open their bentos unveiling the warm home cooked sesame seed rice and tereyaki chicken..and....sasuke had tomatoes...sure...
My stomach growled and I groaned with it, though I had gone longer without food and still managed to take down foe, this is just cruel.
"Oi dobe, here." Sasuke reached out his chopsticks in which had a piece of chicken with sweet sauce on it.
"Sasuke what are you doing, you will get in trouble, you heard what kakashi sensei said." Sakura told him.
"Yes but he also said that we were a team and we can't have Naruto going low on energy or the entire team suffers."
"Well then, naruto have mine." She handed me her bento. I was actually slightly taken aback by her generosity.
"What about kakashi?" I asked.
"Well he isn't here is he." Sasuke replied as he gave me a mouthful of rice.

We heard a sudden 'poof' and appeared kakashi.

"You know what Kakashi, fine put us back in the academy but you told us to always stick with our teammates and never leave one behind. Naruto is our teammate and we won't leave him behind because we let him starve!" Sakura said as she stood in front of me, her chopsticks

"Yeah!" Sasuke chanted.

'Aw kit, isn't this sweet,'

"YOU...passed, congratulations."

"WHAT?! B-but you said,"

"I know what I said but it was only to test your teamwork. Anyway meet by the bridge tomorrow for your first mission"

'I guess this team is going somewhere afterall..'

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