Chapter 7: The loud stupid dobe

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Naruto's P.o.v

I walked into class the following day in quite a glorious mood (comparing to how I usually felt). Mizuki had gotten a life sentence into prison for treachery agents the village. The word spread quickly which had not did not surprise me at the least. The details of his capture had been classified only to anbu and we'll iruka.....he won't be saying anything on my watch. Still the look on his face haunted me, me, the baka wasn't so helpless as they all thought.

"NARUTO!" Someone yelled breaking me out of my trance. "You can only be in here if you graduated!" the banshee yelled.
"See here Sakura." I pointed to the forehead protecter on my head.
"Muimi (nonsence)"she mumbed under her breath which I politely ignored.
"Alright everyone settle down, congratulations on becoming genin now it's time to pick the teams. I groaned, I knew sasuke would be on the same team as me, Jiji made sure of it, however, genin teams typically has 3 members, I just hoped that I wouldn't get useless fangirl #1 or #2 but knowing hokage-sama, you could never be sure.
"Azura's team, Choji, Shikamaru aaannddd, Ino." I heard a loud groan from Ino behind me. "Why do I have to be on a team with them?!!" She yelled, "I wanted to be on a team with Sasuke senpai..."
'God can she get ANY more annoying?!' I thought.
" 7...Naruto.."
'Yippi here we go'
"...Sasuke....and....Sakura.." Sakura shot up and "attempted to give sasuke a hug getting immediately shoved off, then she looked at me.
"Wait why do I have to have Naruto baka on my team, he didn't even pass?" I rolled my eyes.

'Aw have fun with your best friends kit' Kurama snickered.
'Shut up you oversized ball of fluffy chakra.' I shot back.
'Someone is grumpy' he replied. I turned my attention away from Kurama and slightly drifted off, the next thing I knew we were dismissed. I gathered my things and ignored the others.

"Heeeyyyyy Iruka." Everyone had left except for iruka and I. Sweat formed on his head as he tried is best to avoid me.
"H-hello Naruto."
"So I have a question to ask sensei," my eyes narrowed as I kept using my usual annoying voice.
"W-what can I help Y-you with?" He studdered. I wish everyone could be like this around me instead of looking at me like some loud stupid dobe.
"Weeelll what I wanna know is why I was put on a team with the screaming banshee."
"The h-hokage picked the t-teams" Of course I knew that.
More than anything I hated being this idiot I was a long time ago. Ignorence is not bliss. I hated with a fury being loud idiot that no one thought of as a ninja...but as a joke. This is what I craved, fear. When I joined the anbu I disliked it, the scent of blood pouring around me a corpses rot as they were separated from their families and children. Women, men, children. What measures we go to in order to ensure the safety of our village. I miss it in a way.
"Alright byyyeeee iruka sensei." I giggled maniacally as I skipped out of the room and ran across the buildings till I got to Jiji's.

I landed on the steps and proceeded to make my way inside, from the way all the paperwork was stacked, you wouldn't ordinarily think that there was someone working behind it. I slipped into the room without a trace and walked up to hokage from the behind.

"Hello Jiji." He jumped.

"Oh hello Naruto, I didn't even realize you were there, can I help you." I smiled,

"Well as a matter of fact you we got our teams..." I stared at him hoping that he would get the 'are you actually kidding me' look. "aaand well Sasuke was on my team as planned however..." I discontinued knowing he wouldn't get it first shot. "Aaaanyway, I was wondering why you put..uhh what was her name....oh yea the benevolent screaming moron on my team?" Jiji was unimpressed, his eyes didn't even look away from the paperwork.

"Sakura....I put her on team 7 to maybe inspire her. Sasuke is a very talented ninja and you have trained many so I was hoping you could teach her a thing or two, that is indirectly." he said.

It was true that I had trained many, I never liked keeping disciples for very long because they never had the spirit I had and was looking for. No student has ever givin me that sense of desperation in improvised in their own skills so I always dropped students.

"Makes sense....who is our instructor?" I asked.

"You would know them, Kakachi Hatake." I wasn't surprised. Karachi and I had been on the same anbu team...well Kitsune was on the same team as him. Luckily for me, he never knew my identity.

"He has no knowledge on my identity correct?"

"No. For all he knows Kitsune became captain and has been on a long term mission."

"Good" I said seriously, then left faster than i had appeared. I skipped across the buildings calmly as I looked at the people down below. I learned long ago never to walk on the street unless you are with someone, luckily the people calmed down a while back, they still give me glares and tint my food or give me rotten food but, it was a bit better once I started "training" to be a ninja a few years ago. If they knew I was an anbu they could react in 2 main ways. They could fear me..fear Kitsune...or they would call me a threat and try to kick me out. What a strange world.

"Oi Naruto." I heard a familiar voice down below. I slipped down from the water tank I had been sitting on and was met with mr emo uchiha himself.

"Hey Sasuke!" I said happily.

"What were you doing on the water tank?" He asked, i felt honesty in his words not like that poser cool kid facade he puts on in class.

'Just like Itachi in a way.' I laughed at the thought. We walked down the streets towards my apartment ironically without any serious thoughts.

"You seem quiet, it's like you killed someone." He told me as he looked ahead not really paying attention to anything but for the sound of my voice to reassure everything.

'If only you knew' I thought again.

"Nah I just don't feel talkative right now." I said non challantly.

"Oh my got, then dobe doesn't feel like talking?" He joked sarcastically. I loved times like this.

"Aw shut it time, there are times when you are talkative too, hmph" I posted putting my face into my *ahem 'Kill me orange jumpsuit'.

When we departed I felt a pang of sadness over my body.

'Maybe there is more to Uchiha then meets the eye' I thought, 'Just like his brother.'

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