Chapter 8: Team 7

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Naruto's P.o.v

My alarm clock went off and I in return crushed it into pieces, mind you my face still encased in the pleasures of my pillow. I groggily gained the strength to pull my body off the sad excuse of a bed I have over to the kitchen. I ravenged through the empty shelves for something to get me thorough the day.

'Well looks like for breakfast I will be having...ramen...again.' I sarcastically mocked as I put the instant noodles into the microwave Jiji got me. My head was pounding and I still had to go to meet my new instructor. Kakashi Hatake, interesting choice, rumors were he had never passed a team. Still it was none of my business if the team passed or failed. My job was but only to look after the developing Uchiha and make sure he didn't do anything stupid, though I will admit, putting Kakashi on Uchiha's team will be a risky but rewarding choice. If we were being honest I could make a shadow clone and have it play out the day for me while I rest or train however I think Jiji maybe onto me so maybe it's best to not risk it.

As the usual routine continued I put on my 'kill me' neon jumpsuit to be awaited with the sad life of living as an idiot surrounded by even stupider idiots. My 'team' and I would meet out sensei in the academy, however knowing cat....I could possibly wait a bit, however I knew Sakura would NOT approve.

'She will not like Kakashi' I though to my self as i grabbed my bag and headed out the door. The sky was blue and the air was fresh, birds were singing all around and villagers were smiling.

'Its such a nice day huh Kurama.'

'Its too bad you are stuck with your sorry excuse of some teammate. Believe me if I could I would eat all of them for not treating you like the hero you are' Kurama huffed.

'It's funny Kurama, it sounds like you care for me' I teased only to make the furry ball of chakra mad, or at least I can assume knowing his usual temper. The rest of the walk was quite silent, only me, the birds and the laugh of the children below; in no time I had landed in front of the academy with a attitude of a mixture of laziness and determination. I walked in the doors only to meet an angry Sakura and a distorted Sasuke.

'What am i doing with my life.' I thought with a sigh as I ignored the banshee's bickering and sat down. I was going to be here for a while and what better thing to do than to build up my character and first impressions that with a half assed prank. Why the hell not?

I slipped off my slipped and using a chair I continued to place the slipper in between the door so that when Kakashi arrived, I will make a first impression.

"Naruto that prank is never going to work!" Sakura argued. I mentally rolled my eyes, she could be so 2 sided, I never really hated Sakura but the fangirl faćade can really bother me. Sakura never really even wanted to be a ninja, the only reason she joined the academy is because she was brainwashed into the possibilities of marring an Uchiha by her parents. In my eyes she could have so much potential but she is so stuck up on impressing Sasuke instead of using her potential for herself and growing from it, she is holding herself down.

'Who would like Sasuke anyway, his stupid face, stupid duckbutt hair, stupid glisseni- you know what forget i said anything.'

'If I didn't know any better I would say you like him.' Kurama teased. That overgrown ball of chakra!


'AW look at my little kit growing up, interested in a boy. *sniffle' That is IT.

"SHUT IT" I yelled, I jumped back to reality only to realize that I said that out loud.

"Naruto you baka!" Sakura yelled, Sasuke just...loomed would be the best word for it, soon enough we heard a noise down the hall.

'It's about damn time.' I growled.

"He-" Kakashi was about to say before getting a clog fall on his bouncy silver hair, as apart of my facáde and just because it was funny I burst into laugher and fell out of my seat.

'That's what you get cat for being so damn late!'

"Well my first impression of you...I hate you."

'It was worth the effort' I chimed in my head.

'Wow kit from mass murders of criminals and from saving the entire village from clan massacres to the old clog in the doc trick, a real step up' Kurama sneered sarcastically.

'I feel as if I am constantly being harassed today by you.'

"NARUTO!' i jolted back.


"Sensei just asked us to meet on the roof for introductions." She replied as she swiftly ran. I picked up my stuff and ran up to the roof as loudly and as obnoxious as I could.

When I got there Mr. Emo was already sitting down and the banshee sat next to him, practically drooling over his face, to be honest I never had any interest with girls or relationships though perhaps one day I could have a family.

"Alright introduce yourselves." Kakashi said, his mask not even moving as he spoke.

"Can you give us an example?" Sakura chirped, Kakashi's eyes narrowed, "Well alright, my name is Kakashi Hatake, I like and hate a lot of things, my hobbies are none of your business and my dreams....never thought about it."

"What?! All we learned was your name."

'Actually he said a lot.' I thought quietly.

"Alright now that I have given an example, pinkie start us off."

'Here we go again.'

Her eyes came into a full sparkle as see proceeded to sit up straight.

"Well I like (looks at Sasuke), my hobbies (looks at sasuke) and my goals (giggles while looking at sasuke.)"

'In Sakura's defense Sasuke really is quite...I am getting off track here.'

"Alright and your dislikes?"

"NARUTO!" She yelled almost instinctively. I immediately after grabbed a hand to my chest and whined obnoxiously.

Kakashi was unamused, he turned his head to Sasuke, I hinted a slight desperation to get the thought of...them..together.

"Alright Emo you are next." I sharply tuned my head to the infamous Uchiha in which had his arms intertwined between his fingers and had been silently guarding at Kakashi this entire time.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things, and I don't particularly like anything. What i have is not a dream but is a reality...I'm going to restore my clan and destroy a certain someone...." My eyes darkened as I looked down into my hands.

'Itachi....what did you do'

"Alright you next," he pointed to me, I pushed all my negative feelings away for in my opinion the most embarrassing introduction of myself since my enrollment into the academy.

'Itachi the next time I see you...I am going to kick your ass.'

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki! My dream is to become the greatest Hokage so that everyone with respect and admire me! My likes are ramen and my dislikes are waiting for the ramen to heat up. I also like my family and friends and I would do anything to protect them. Dattebayo!" I gave a goofy grin and looked at Kakashi who again was unamused.

After all the introductions were over we were assigned to meet again tomorrow for our first test, the bell test I presume, Jiji told me about it and was to give insides on the developing shinobi's progress.

'Until then I guess only time will tell...'


Sorry I have not updated in a while, I have been busy I promise I will update more regularly, sorry and thank you for reading.

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