Flying and a Duel...

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Narrator's POV

Flying lessons had been canceled last week since Madam Hooch hadn't been feeling well, so this week would be their first lesson.

"Welcome to your first flying lesson," Madam Hooch said, "Everyone step to the left side of your broom. Stick your right hand over the broom and say 'up'."

Everyone did as told, but Ron's broomstick refused to go up.

"Up!" Ron whined and his broom did as told and smacked him in the face and the Slytherins sniggered

"Now that's you've got your broomsticks, I want you to mount it and grip it tight —I don't want you to fall of the edge." Madam Hooch ordered

The students did so and then Pansy's broom began to fly out of control, slamming her on the castle's brick walls, then she fell off her broom and landed with a loud crack.

The Slytherins winced as the Gryffindors laughed.

Madam Hooch quickly moved to help her to the infirmary, "Get off your brooms and don't move an inch."

As soon as Pansy and Madam Hooch were gone, Ron remounted his broom, grabbed the bow that had fallen off Pansy's head and tossed it around while levitating six feet off the ground.

"Hey!" Harry said, "That's Pansy's, give it to me!"

"And what are you going to do about it?" Ron taunted

To that, Harry got on his broom, causing Weasley's eyes to widen and he flew higher up and away and Harry chased after him.

Out of fear, Ron dropped the black bow and Harry dove after it, and watching from a corridor Snape showed one of his rare smiles: Harry was standing up for someone like his mother had done for Snape.

As Harry caught the bow, Snape made his way down to where the children were at and said, "MR. WEASLEY! HOW DARE YOU TAKE ANOTHER STUDENT'S BELONGINGS AND FORCE ANOTHER STUDENT TO CHASE AFTER YOU TO GET IT FOR HER WHILE SHE IS IN THE INFIRMITY AND UNABLE TO GET IT! 200 POINTS FROM GRYFFINDOR AND DETENTION WITH ME FOR A WHOLE MONTH!" Snape then turned to face Harry, "Mr. Potter, good job for standing up for another student and you showed quite impressive maneuvers while flying there, for a first try. 200 points to Slytherin and Slytherin's Qudditch team needs a new Seeker and I believe you're fit for the job."

Everyone was shocked: Snape actually gave a compliment.


After class the next day, Harry, Draco, Neville and the other Slytherin First Year Boys returned to their dorm room.

On his bed, Harry found a package wrapped in black paper with a note on top of it.

Harry opened the package and the boys who had gathered around him gasped, several mumbled in shock, "That's the Nimbus Two Thousand! The best broom on the market!"

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Harry opened the package and the boys who had gathered around him gasped, several mumbled in shock, "That's the Nimbus Two Thousand! The best broom on the market!"

Harry smiled, if Tom knew that he had to be close by.

Also in the package there was a Broom Care Kit and several packages of chocolate frogs.


The next day at breakfast, Marcus Flint reminded him to show up to try outs after class that day, at the Gryffindor Table Weasley's face was redder than his hair.

After breakfast, Weasley approached him with his goons, Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnegan, saying, "Me and you. Wizard duel. Midnight tonight behind Hagrid's hut."

"Draco'll be my second." Harry said, remembering what Hermione had told him about those

"Seamus'll be mine. See you there." Weasley said, walking away with his goons


After double-potions, Harry and his friends approached Snape.

"Professor Snape," Luna said, "we need to talk to you."

"Yes, Ms. Lovegood?" Snape asked

"Rumor has it," Harry answered "that Weasley is going to skip detention with you tonight to Wizard Duel tonight behind Hagrid's hut at midnight."

"Thank you for letting me know." Snape thanked " Five points to Slytherin for informing me."


The next morning, the Gryffindors glared at Ron, Seamus, and Dean for losing them five hundred points in a week, putting them in negative two hundred while Slytherin was leading with five hundred and it was only the second week!

Harry giggled, Slytherin was going to win the House Cup for sure if Weasley kept losing Gryffindor points like this...

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