Grimmuld Place and a Visitor...

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Narrator's POV

A few days passed and the Yule Break began.

Harry made preparations to go home with Remus from now on during the break and Summer.

Now, on the last day before the break, the group of seven plus Remus made their way onto the Hogwarts Express.

The group of seven children and one adult sat in their compartment and talked and laughed freely.

About an hour into the ride, Remus said, "You should get changed, Harry. We're going to have to go through Muggle London to make it Grummuld."

Harry quickly went to the bathroom to change into the last pair of Dudley's clothes —he hadn't burned— for the fist time since he was eleven.

An hour later, they exited the train and entered Platform 9 3/4.

Remus and Harry politely said their goodbyes and quickly hailed a Muggle taxi and gave the directions, "Number 12 Grummuld Place." and began their journey.

After a few minutes the taxi stopped in front of a worn building, Remus pained the fare, and they went inside, immediately, they heard screaming from the top of the staircase, "STAINSOF DISHONOR, TAINT OF SHAME ON THE HOUSE OF MY FATHERS, FILTHY HALF-BREED, BLOOD-TRAITOR, CHILD OF FILTH!"

After a few minutes the taxi stopped in front of a worn building, Remus pained the fare, and they went inside, immediately, they heard screaming from the top of the staircase, "STAINSOF DISHONOR, TAINT OF SHAME ON THE HOUSE OF MY FATHERS, FILTHY H...

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Remus sighed, "Hello, Walburga, this is my godson, Harry."

Walburga looked from Remus to Harry from her portrait, "FILTH, HALF-BREED, TAINT OF THE HOUSE OF M-" Walburga stopped mid-word once she caught sight of Harry's locket —which had come out of hiding during the bumpy ride— "The boy carries a symbol of our Lord."

Remus didn't notice her whispered sentence, "Harry how'd you get her to shut up?"

Harry shrugged, "I don't know."

Suddenly, a grumpy house-elf entered the room, "Werewolf filth and half-blood scum, lunch is ready."

"Good, Kreacher." Remus said, "Lets go, Harry."

"Kreacher," Walburga muttered, "Serve the boy well, he carries the locket."

Kreacher eyed the Slytherin Locket, "Yes, mistress."

Remus led Harry into the formal dining room where the meal was laid out: Roast Beef with Yorkshire Pudding was their entree and they had Bakewell Tart for dessert.

Remus led Harry into the formal dining room where the meal was laid out: Roast Beef with Yorkshire Pudding was their entree and they had Bakewell Tart for dessert

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Days later, Sirius Orion Black panted as he ran down the streets of Muggle London in his animagus form —the Grim— at the dead of night.

He quickly changed back into his human form and climbed through a window into Grummuld Place, he was glad to see both Kreacher and his mother's portrait asleep.

Sirius tip-toed upstairs and into the master bedroom where Remus and he moved into after they wed and his parents and Regulus died; he was surprised Remus was there, he could of swore that Remus moved out after he was thrown in Azkaban.

He attempted to leave the room, but Remus tackled him, "HOW COULD YOU, PADFOOT, PRONGS LOVED YOU AND YOU BETRAY HIM TO BLOODY YOU-KNOW-WHO!"

"Remus, let me explain-"


Harry opened the door, rubbed his eyes, and yawned, "What's going on?"

He was ignored.

"Remus, I didn't betray James and Lily, I would have died before doing that: it was Peter. Wormtail sold them out to You-Know-Who. Peter faked his death after blowing up that Muggle street and left me to take the blame. Dumbledore knew, but he still made sure I didn't get a trial. Moony, I'll prove it: test me with Veritaserum, I'll show you my memories —whatever it takes."

"Padfoot, I want to believe you, but I need to be sure. I have Veritaserum in the cabinet behind you, Sirius." Remus told his husband

Sirius turned, opened the cabinet, and drank the potion.

His eyes glazed over, signaling that it worked, "Are you a Death Eater?" Remus asked

"No." Sirius robotically answered, Remus sighed in relief

"Did you betray Lily and James to Voldemort?"


"Sirius, did you kill Peter?"

"No. He's still disguised as Wormtail, he's Ron Weasley's pet."

"That disgusting thing." Harry muttered "Scabbers?"

"Can you forgive me for not believing in you and trying to plead your case?" Remus asked

"Yes. Dumbledore played everyone." Sirius replied

Remus then hugged his husband for the first time in twelve years, the reunited pair then motioned their godson over and they had a family hug.

And then, for the first time in twelve years, Remus and Sirius kissed and Harry stepped away to let them.

And then, for the first time in twelve years, Remus and Sirius kissed and Harry stepped away to let them

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"You need a bath, Padfoot, and a large meal." Remus smiled

"We need to contact the Ministry, Sirius needs a trial and his freedom." Harry said

"Yeah. I'll write to them now." Remus replied, "Harry tell Kreacher to get something ready for Sirius and Pad go take a bath."

The other two males did as told and the werewolf began to write an angry yet formal letter...

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