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Narrator's POV

Sirius and Remus Black where very confused to how their godson was behaving: Harry was constantly sneaking out at night and brushed it off when confronted about it, saying that he went to see a friend; and Harry looked like he was constantly in a rush.

Remus and Sirius couldn't understand it.

They hated that Harry was constantly sneaking out since Dumbledore warned them of Voldemort's return and they were worried for his safety.


A few nights later, Sirius and Remus hid behind a corner at the hallway leading to Harry's room to wait for him to sneak out.

Within a few minutes, Harry stuck his head outside his door, looked up and down the hallway —missing the invisible men— and shut the door.

"He is going to sneak out through the window!" Remus and Sirius thought simultaneously

Padfoot and Moony quickly rushed to Harry's room and threw open the door, only to see the teen —who had changed into a black dress— start to climb into the full-length mirror, Sirius quickly pulled Harry out and set the teen on his bed.

"Harry, you've got to tell us where you've been sneaking off to." Sirius said, holding onto Harry

"I told you, a friend." Harry replied, trying to get out of Sirius' hold

"Who?" Remus asked, "Draco? Neville? Hermione? Who?"

"My soulmate." Harry answered

"Why would you have to sneak out to see your soulmate, puppy?" Sirius asked, "We'd love to met them."

"You really wouldn't want to meet him." Harry muttered

"Of course we'd want to meet the man our cub was destined to." Remus assured, "Just tell us who he is."

"His name is Tom." Harry relented

"And who is Tom?" Sirius asked

Harry sighed and continued, "But you two and the rest of the world know him as Lord Voldemort."

A few moments of silence passed before Harry spoke, "Now that you both know, you're going to have to make a choice: 1, you go tell Dumbledore where my loyalties lie and all that, but while you do that I'm going to pack my things and leave through the mirror —it's magically imprinted to only let me through— and you two will never see me again; 2, you two don't tell Dumbledore, let me go to the meeting, swear to go neutral in the war, and I'll continue to live with you both; or 3, you two don't tell Dumbledore, let me go to the meeting by my self this time, join us and fight for the Dark, and I'll stay living with you guys."

The two men looked at each other and Remus spoke, "Harry, that first option is completely out the window; we've missed out on so much of your life —and I think I can speak for Sirius on this too— but I would never be able to forgive myself to miss anymore of it. But going Dark or Grey, that's going to take some time to think over."

Harry smiled, "If it helps in your choice; but the rumor that Death Eaters hate muggleborns is false, we just hate the Muggle ideals they bring with them —purists and Death Eaters aren't always the same thing. We're also fighting for creature's rights, if we win every magical creatures, staring with werewolves, are going to be equal to regular witches and wizards."

Harry then put on his mask and left through the mirror as his godfathers began to discuss their choice.

"What do you think, Pads, should we go Grey or Dark?" Remus asked

"Dark." Sirius replied

"Why?" The Werewolf asked

"Moony think about it, I think we've always been Dark —all four of us." Padfoot elaborated

"What do you mean?" Moony asked

"Remember how we treated Severus in school, we loved tormenting him." Sirius explained

"He wasn't exactly a saint to us either." Remus replied

"And during the First War, we used Dark Spells all the time, but no one cared since we were fighting with Dumbledore." Sirius pointed out

"You have a point." Remus muttered, getting off the bed, "We'll give Harry out choice in the morning, lets go to sleep."


The next morning the trio ate breakfast in a awkward silence, to break it Remus said, "Cub, we've made our choice."

"What is it?" Harry asked

"We'll join you and fight alongside you." Sirius answered, "But you're going to have to introduce us to him some time in private so we can threaten him properly."

"He's the bloody Dark Lord." Harry laughed

"I don't care if he's bloody Doctor Who." Sirius replied, "I'll tell him, 'I don't care if you're damn near immortal, if you hurt a hair on my godson's head, I'll find a way to kill you'."

The family trio finished their breakfast and Harry took a deep breath, "I'm going to tell you two something serious."

"What is it?" Remus asked, concerned

"It's about my life before I discovered my magical heritage." Harry answered

"Go on." Sirius urged

"Okay, so, after Mum and Dad died, you were sent to prison, and the Ministry forbid Remus from raising me, Dumbledore dropped me off at my aunt and uncle's." Harry informed, "For as long as I can remember, I slept on a ratty mattress in the cupboard under the stairs, I was barely allowed food, I had to do all the chores, and I never had any friends. Well I had one friend, Tom: he always comforted me in my dreams; he made me laugh, he told me stories, he taught me what little he could —I guess he didn't want to get me caught up in all that while I had so much on my shoulders— and he always made sure I knew I had at least one person in the world who cared about my existence. Vernon and Petunia hated me more than that hated anything out of the ordinary. They would constantly hit me, kick me, berate me, and just plain out make me feel like I was nothing —I really don't think I would have turned out as stable as I did without Tom. Dudley made sure that when I started school that all the kids were too scared to talk to me and the teachers thought I was an idiotic troublemaker. Growing up, I never received a gift except Dudley's old clothes and broken toys while Dudley was spoiled rotten —on his birthday right before I started going Hogwarts, he got 38 birthday presents."

Both Sirius and Remus were beyond livid.

"I'm going to rip them to shreds." Sirius hissed

"I knew they were horrible muggles and they wouldn't treat you well, but to that extent? I'll kill them, no wolf needed." Remus said through grit teeth

Harry smiled wickedly, Tom felt the same way about those Muggles: the Dursleys' days were numbered...

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