Divine Retribution...

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Narrator's POV

Petunia Jane Dursley née Evans liked everything to be perfect.

Food was always perfectly cooked, clothing was always perfectly washed and mended, the home was always perfectly cleaned, the garden was always planted, and her family was perfect now that the freak was gone.

The 'Freak' in her life was her nephew, Harry James Potter, who she had not seen in almost five normal years.

Sure, her life was slightly more difficult now that she had to do all the chores the freak used to do, but she didn't mind since everything had to be perfect for her Diddykins and Vernon.

After she had perfectly cooked and served breakfast, Vernon left for work, and Dudley left for a friend's house, she went outside and checked the mail.

On top of the stack of letters, there was a black envelope that read:

Seeing that this letter was out-of-the-ordinary, she went back inside before she opened it

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Seeing that this letter was out-of-the-ordinary, she went back inside before she opened it.

It read:

When Vernon arrived home he said "We have won a contest we didn't even enter

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When Vernon arrived home he said "We have won a contest we didn't even enter. I told you, Petunia, that our life has been great since the freak left. The neighbors will be jealous of us and Dudley will have fun with the mystery solving."

The next morning, the family of three —with all three suitcases— went outside as a black limousine pulled up in front of their house.

A tall man with a black ponytail and goatee —that Petunia could have swore she recognized— held the door open for them and put their luggage into the trunk.

Settling into the front seat, the driver grinned as his sunglasses fell to his nose and he started the limo for the three hour drive.


The driver led the family of three into the large Manor.

"Why is it so dark?" Dudley asked

But before anyone could answer, the driver slammed the back of their heads with a suitcase: rendering them unconscious.

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