Malfoy Manor and the Yule Ball...

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Narrator's POV

As promised, Narcissa took Harry clothes shopping the next day and Draco went with them.

He got more clothes than the Dursleys had ever used combined.


Several weeks later, Harry awoke on December 25, Yuletide, to Draco giggling at him, "Harry, wake up. Mum and Dad are waiting in the lounge. We have presents to open."

Draco was excited, he'd never had a brother before: Neville was his cousin, Luna was his cousin-in-law, Hermione was his soulmate, Theo was his first friend, Louis was more of a mentor, and he didn't see other children often enough to consider them siblings; over the last few months Harry had become the brother he never had.

The two eleven-year-olds ran out of Harry's room and down the hallways of Malfoy Manor, but walked into the lounge where Narcissa and Lucius were waiting —two piles of gifts in the room.

"Joyous Yuletide, boys." Narcissa greeted

"And to you, as well." Harry replied

Harry began to open his gifts: a collection of books about life in the Wizarding World from Hermione; chakra stones from Luna; tamed Devil's Snare from Neville; owl treats from Theo; Qudditch Books from Pansy; Qudditch broom repair supplies from Louis; a self-correcting quill and colored ink from Victoria; and the rest of the Slytherins sent him a variety of different candies.

At the bottom of the pile he found a small box that had a folded letter and a silver locket with a emerald 'S' on it.

At the bottom of the pile he found a small box that had a folded letter and a silver locket with a emerald 'S' on it

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The note read:

Harry put the locket on and slid the hanging under his robe so only the chain was visible

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Harry put the locket on and slid the hanging under his robe so only the chain was visible.

He then refolded the letter and put it in his robes pocket.

Lucius Malfoy was known for the ability to keep a straight face no matter what, but shock widened his eyes: he could have sworn he saw Harry put on Salazar Slytherin's locket, how did Harry get his hands on that?


That night, dressed in a fancy black robe that had silver embellishments and his new locket hidden around his neck, Harry entered the ballroom of Malfoy Manor where the Yule Ball was being held.

As guests began to arrive, Harry sought out his friends from Slytherin: Louis, Victoria, Draco, Hermione, Luna, Neville, Pansy, and Theodore.

Soon, Harry —who was talking with his friends in a corner— noticed Dumbledore and McGonagall walk into the large and lavishly decorated ballroom followed by the rest of the Hogwarts teachers.

"What's Dumbledore doing here?" Harry asked, his voice barely over a whisper as the teachers walked past them

"Mum and Dad have to invite him, he has too much power and if they didn't people would get suspicious. And Dumbledore always brings the staff." Draco answered

"Good thing Weasel isn't here." Pansy venomously muttered

"Mum and Dad have to invite him and his blood-traitorous family too but they never come." Draco clarified to Harry in sneeringly fashion, "They say they don't want to be seen with people like us."

"Their betters." Neville muttered

"Yeah," Louis added, "I hear instead of Yule, they celebrate the Muggle 'Chrismass'."

"I've heard of that holiday." Victoria said, "Muggles write to a beast called 'Sandy Claws' and he brings them things."

"I heard Sandy Claws is a stalker because Muggles say that he sees you when you're sleeping and he knows when you're awake." Hermione added

"I heard he eats the bad Muggle children." Luna added "Or he eats them if they don't sacrifice cookies and milk in his honor."

"Or he deforms them and makes them slaves in his workshop." Victoria added

"And he flys on deer with red lamps for noses." Pansy shuddered

"What savages." Theo muttered

"Harry," Draco asked "you lived with Muggles before discovering your heritage, ate the rumors true?"

Harry's minds eyes flashed to the mountain of gifts Dudley had undoubtedly opened this morning and said, "You've got it opposite, he rewards the bad children and does those horrid things to the good ones."

"How'd you survive?" Pansy gasped

"The Muggles I lived with had enough evil inside for everyone in this ballroom —except Dumbledore probably." Harry answered


From the other side of the ballroom Tom Marvolo Riddle, who was possessing the body of Qurriell, watched his little soulmate laugh at something one of his friends had said.

His normal nervous facade he wore as Qurriell broke momentarily to a smile as he watched Harry and saw the chain of the locket around his neck.

"Soon I'll reveal myself once my body is back, Harry." Tom thought to himself, "And then, I'll be the cause of that sweet laugh."


Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore watched the former Death Eaters around the room.

Bellatrix LeStrange, her husband, and brother-in-law, stood with Harry Potter and his group, talking with them.

Severus Snape was there as well, his hand on Harry's shoulder.

What were they up to?


*Moments Earlier*

Bellatrix and the other adult LeStranges talked with the children —save Harry and Draco— about some story of their first Yule Ball at Hogwarts."

"Hello, Uncle Sev." Draco greeted his godfather

"Hello, Professor." Harry greeted

"Call me 'Uncle Sev', in private Harry, everyone does." Snape said, placing his hand in Harry's shoulder

Harry smiled, "Okay, Uncle Sev."

And so the ball finished and Yuletide was completed for this year...

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