Who Would Have Thought (Ch 8)

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I laughed, remembering all the stunts Seth has pulled in the past. Some things never change. I walked over to the couch and sat beside Jared with Jacob right on my other side. Jared had turned on a random movie that was playing on the WB, but I didn’t really pay attention to it. Instead, I took in my surroundings. Everything was exactly the same way I had left it. The same ivory swirled wall paper that I had helped Emily put up after the other one started peeling. The little animal trinkets Emily kept on top of the television set. The plaid afghan that was always thrown over the black armchair in the corner. I guess my smile didn’t go unnoticed for I was soon met with three pairs of questioning eyes.

“What are you smiling about?” Quil looked around.

I shrugged. “Just happy to be home.” I looked up at Jake and nudged him. He quickly returned it.

“Hey, Lucy,” Emily came in looking a lot less frazzled than before, a smile taking over her face. “Why don’t you go get settled in, maybe take a shower before the rest of ‘em get here.”

I nodded, realizing that I really did need to get out of these clothes. Unlike New York, LaPush was slightly warm, and almost.. musky. It just felt like the air was thicker here. This cardigan wasn’t really fitting with the weather, especially considering that everyone was wearing t-shirts. I place my hands on Jake’s and Jared’s knees, pulling myself up.

“Yeah, that’d be great.” I walked over to Emily. “My suitcases are upstairs?”

She nodded. “Yeah, Sam put them up. You remember your room, right?”

“Of course.” I grinned, remembering my dark violet room. Emily had done it especially for me knowing I was obsessed with the color. I turned back to the guys, one foot on the stairs. “I’ll be back, guys.” They all nodded, seemingly too engrossed in the movie that they were watching. Jake however smiled and got up from his spot. He made his way over to me and surprised me with another hug. “I’m so happy you’re home.”

I rubbed his hard shoulders and whispered in his ear, “I’m happy, you’re happy I’m home.”

He chuckled and let go.

“Oh, And Sam had a small bathroom built into your room last year.” Emily added. “I hope you like it.”

I gaped. “Really? Em, that’s too much, really I’m fine sharing the one in the hall.”

She shook her head. “Nope, you have your own now.” She smiled. “Enjoy!”

“Ugh, Thank you so much.” I hugged her tightly before heading up the stairs.


I watched her disappear up the stairs before taking back my seat on the couch with Jared. As soon as my body came in contact with the cushion, I felt six pairs of eyes on me.

“What?” I looked to each of the guys, expectantly.

It was even weirder when they all raised an eyebrow suggestively. We reallyhave been hanging around each other way too long.

“What?” I repeated, now a bit roughly than before. “What are you all staring at?”

Sam was first to speak. “Lucy, huh?”

I looked at him, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Jake, drop the stupid-card.” Quil leaned forward, a serious look on his face.

“Yeah, that’s more Seth’s thing anyway.” Paul chuckled from the armchair.

“Hey, shut up.” Seth smacked him upside the head.

Paul turned to him, threateningly. Seth scoffed at this, having gotten used to Paul’s attempts at being the tough one. “Oh shut up, you can’t do anything to me.”

“Both of you shut up.” Jared turned away from the two and back at me. “Come on, we all know, Jake.

I sank back in my chair.

“We’ve all been through it.” Quil added. “Well, except for Paul, Seth, and Embry.” He faltered looking at the three. “Sorry.”

“Nice.” Paul and Embry retorted.

“Sorry” Quil shrugged. “I didn’t mean it that way.”

I sighed, looking up at the ceiling. I knew exactly what they were talking about. I just didn’t want to acknowledge it and I sure as hell didn’t want them to either. It was so unexpected. Lucy? How could that possibly be it? That person I had been so desperately waiting to come along, was Lucy? After what I had gone through with Bella, I thought I wouldn’t ever be able to have what Sam, Quil, and Jared had. I thought there was something wrong with me—that something within my being was broken. And that was why Bella was unable to choose me. There was something that made it impossible for me to find the solace and happiness that the other guys felt. I would hear each one’s thoughts about Emily, Kim, or even little Claire, that made me envious of what they had. I wanted more than anything to have someone to go home to, to make me feel complete. And when I had left for those three months last summer, I looked for that someone- going anywhere and hoping to feel a connection with a certain girl. But now, just after seeing her, I’ve realized why I never found someone these past years. I’ve realized why it didn’t work out with Bella. I’ve realized that Lucy Clearwater was who I had been waiting for. Lucy Clearwater was my imprint.

“Jake---“ I was taken from my thoughts when a large hand waved in front of my eyes. “Dude..”

I looked at the guys, “Is it that obvious?”

They all nodded, smiles stretched across their lips. “Yah.. very.” Embry nodded.

I nodded, leaning my arms on my knees and clasping my hands together. I stared down at the carpet pattern, my mind wandering until a hand patted my shoulder.

“It’s okay. We’re happy for you, man.” Jared stated.

“Yeah, Jake. This is great!” Seth whooped, fist pumping.

Paul rolled his eyes at the over excited boy beside him and looked back at me. “Yeah, wish it was happening to me.”

I looked at him and offered a crooked smile. Whoa, this is really happening.

“Lucy Clearwater.” Sam sighed. “who woulda thought, huh?” He chuckled looking at me.

I ran my hand through my short hair. “Sure as hell not me.”

Everything I've Needed (A Jacob Black Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now