Chapter 2

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It's been two years. Two long years since Sirius Black walked out the front door, and never came back.

"Are you hungry, Sweets?"

Ara's adorable pout make Diana's heart tug

Diana leans down to her daughter"What's wrong?"


Diana's already broken heart, brakes. Sirius had left almost two years ago. He was accused, and thrown into Azkaban for killing 13 muggles. But Diana knew the truth, It was all Peter, and Sirius had been framed. The trial had been corrupted, and no matter how much Diana pushed, no one believed Sirius's innocence.

"I want Daddy"This time, it was a demand.

Diana ran a hand through Ara's curly, black hair"I know Ara, I want him back too."She pressed a kiss to Ara's cheek"But you need to eat"

The little girl shook her head

Diana bits her lip"Please?"

Ara shook her head

Diana raised the spoon of saucy spaghetti, and briefly wonder's if it was a mistake to give her messy daughter such messy food

"But's it's really good"Diana coaxes

The girl shook her head again, but this time parted her lips to talk. But instead, she had a mouth full of spaghetti. Diana smirked"There you go"

Ara chewed, and swallowed"FurryClaw"She complained 

Diana smiled at the childhood nickname that never left"That's right, I'm FurryClaw, and you're just like PadFoot, stubborn as a mule"

Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang.

One came after another until the door was thrown open and five men walked into the house. Diana stood and whipped out her want"What is this?"She demanded as Ara began to cry

"Diana Volkov Black"One of the men say in a loud voice, throwing a unspoken spell at Diana so she cannot move"You are under arrest, and sentence to the Kiss"

Diana's eyes widen"Under what accusations? I have done nothing"

"For aiding Sirius Black, and the Dark Lord Voldemort in the betrayal of James and Lily Potter"

"Sirius was framed, and as I am"Diana argued"You have no right to do this, unleash me!"

"We have to go"One of the other men said"They are coming"

The first man nodded"We will go, and be back for her body after"

The man left, leaving Diana and Ara for their fate 

Ara whimpered, Diana yelled the counter-curse but it doesn't work. Fearing for her last moments, tears streak down her face"Ara?"


"I want you to know that I love you"The words get caught in Diana's throat as the cold becomes a chill"Your Father and I loved you very much, don't believe anyone who say's different"


"Hide! Go!"

Ara scrambled off the kitchen chair, and hides in the living room behind the couch. Diana let's out a breath. At least her daughter would be save until help came. The black figures floated through the door, Diana looked at them with nothing but hate 

"You took my uncles, aunts, and grandparents"She spit"You soulless bastards can get bent"Her eyes close, she barely feels the tears cover her face at the Dementor slides closer"I love you Ara, so much"

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!"A loud voice yells and a Phoenix swoops in and makes the dementors flee away but it's too late. Diana Volkov is gone.

A man with wispy green robes puts away his wand, A grim look on his normally passive face. A woman in red, gold and silver robes follows him.

"Oh, oh dear"She cries"We're too late"

Ara peered from behind the couch, the two new people turn to her.

"Don't cry Minerva"He said in a soothing voice"We may not have Diana, but we have her child"

The woman slowly comes closer to Ara, the little girl can't help but to come closer"What are we going to do, Albus?"

"I will call St. Mungo's"

"And of Ara?"The woman smiles as Ara hugs the woman's legs"We surely cannot leave her..."

"No. I have an idea"


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