Chapter 4: Moon's Peak

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The following morning, I was the first one awake out of what seemed like the entire Base.

Looking out of my window, I could see the sun rising over the mountains far in the distance. The golden rays edging over the tree tops, illuminating the forest with its light.

Upon deciding that I couldn't stay in the house anymore, I got dressed in my regular attire which was very similar to what I wear on Venture Days. I tiptoed out of the house, careful not to wake Freya. I'd be in for it if she woke up.

Wandering around the Base early in the morning was rather boring. The main square was empty so there was no one to talk to, Gram and Freya were still asleep and Rose was who knows where. So that just left me and the trees, not that I minded of course, the forest was always beautiful at this time of day.

Letting my feet take control for a while, my mind began to drift back to the conversation between the monster and I. Why would the king want to know which human comes down to the border? What was he planning to do with that knowledge?

Before I could stop myself, my feet began walking in the direction that I saw my captor last.

Once I was near the border, I hid behind a tree, and peered round the trunk to see if she was still there. Lo and behold, she was. Standing as straight as ever, she showed no signs of exhaustion.

"Back again human?" She greeted, a little more of a relaxed welcome compared to last night. I made a mental note to try and improve my stealth. Seeing as there was no point in me hiding, I stepped out from behind the tree. I noticed that her headpiece was laying in the grass by her feet from where it was removed the night prior.

"Have you been standing here all night long?" I questioned, baffled how anyone could possibly do that without a break.

"My King ordered me to stand and keep guard, therefore I will fulfil my duty to him." She replied, not moving from her position.

"But isn't that like physically impossible?"

"You forget that I'm not human, I am able to go without rest for much longer." Her silver eyes found my brown ones.

"Show off." I muttered and I noticed her lips quirk up.

"I'm stating facts. Why are you down here anyway?" She asked as she began to twirl her spear around as if to intimidate me. Ha, as if indeed.

"I wanted to see if you were still here." No point in lying, she'd probably be able to tell.

"Why?" Her head cocked to one side in genuine confusion.

"To ask why your king wants to know who comes down to the border?" Her spear nearly fell out of her hand as soon as the question was asked.

"And you're expecting me to tell you?" She asked in disbelief. I just shrugged.

"A girl can hope."

She sighed and continued her motions with the spear. I couldn't help but notice how skilled she was with her weapon. She made wielding it look effortless, twirling it around in a fluid manner that reminded me like the flow of water, natural and unstoppable.

"How do you do that?" I whispered, now suddenly wanting a weapon of my own. As it seemed, Venturers spent years of training learning how to get out of troublesome situations, Protectors spent years of training learning how to fight.

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