To Be Human 2.0

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Hello! *waves*

I said I would explain where I've been so here I am about to explain why I haven't been updating! First of all I would like to thank you all for being so patient and honestly you must be so sick of reading these little updates so I'm sorry but this update is SO important so make sure to read to the end!

Anyway, I haven't been updating due to two reasons.

The first one is that last September I started university and as you can imagine, I've had no time to actually sit down and write a chapter. To write a chapter takes so much time and thought and I am far too busy right now to even think about my stories let alone write them. It's really sad because I love writing and I haven't had the time to do it, however in another 2 months, I'll be able to write as much as I want so if you're wondering when I'll release another chapter, it will most likely be in May or June.

Secondly, I absolutely hate this story. I started it in 2016 and it's now 2020. I've changed so much since then and so has my writing and thought process. As have my ideas for this story. I can no longer remember what I wanted the plot to be for To Be Human and as a result, I hate writing it. Even now as I write this, I'm cringing at the thought of it.

I know what a lot of you may be thinking, "What's going to happen to this story Heather?! Are you going to abandon it?!"

I'm not going to lie, at one point I was. I was genuinely going to delete it. But I thought about it and realised that however much I hate what I wrote back then, it doesn't mean I have to delete the story.

I can rewrite it, and rewrite it I will.

So as of now, the 30th of January 2020, To Be Human is going to be rewritten and will be changed drastically. I'm not kidding. You will barely recognise the story once I'm finished with it.

Don't worry, there will still be some dialogue that stays the same along with some major plot points so there will still be familiar scenes but trust me when I say that this story is about to get a whole lot darker and much more exciting. Get ready for To Be Human, version 2.0 where absolutely everything is going to change.

Say goodbye to the characters you thought you knew, because when you see them again you certainly won't know them anymore.

See you in May everyone!

Heather xoxo

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