Chapter 15: Traitor

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The next morning, I woke up with a pounding headache and a book covering my face. My mind was throbbing from what I read, both about monsters and that random guy's diary.

The warning haunted my mind but that was written hundreds of years ago, I didn't see a point in worrying about it. Instead my mind focused on what I read about monsters.

I remember Leixa saying something about naming her life partner but I never thought it would be as strong as that. There was so much more to naming that I wasn't aware of and it made me wonder, why the hell did Syren let me name her?

My heart fluttered at a thought that seemed impossible, but I couldn't stop my mind from obsessing over it. Did she let me name her because she considered me a close companion? Or was it something more? I found myself hoping for much more.

I had a silly grin on my face when Rose woke up, soon followed by Freya after the redhead groggily spoke, "Why are you smiling?"

"It's nothing." I looked down in an attempt to hide my obvious smile. It didn't work.

"Well stop. Your positivity at this hour is disgusting to me." Rose was always like this in the mornings.

"I'm guessing your smile has something to do with what you read." Freya's voice was still laced with sleep but at least she was more joyful.

"Can we please just talk about this later. I don't want to hear happy things right now." Rose rolled over, squashing both Freya and I. She didn't care.

I looked at Freya, trying to send her a message by pointing at Rose's body and making a shoving motion with my hands. She caught on and grinned.

With a silent countdown from me, both myself and Freya knocked Rose to the floor with a thump. The poor redhead screamed on her way down. I nearly felt bad for laughing. Nearly.

"Assholes." Rose grumbled but never moved from her spot on the ground.

"Get up! It's time for breakfast!" I said in a slightly higher pitch. When Rose didn't budge, I hopped off my bed and lied down on top of her.

It took Rose a good five seconds before she caved in. "Fine you win, just get off me."

Smiling, I did as she asked and helped her up.

"I don't like you." She narrowed her eyes as I laughed again.

"I know." I flung my arm over her shoulders. Rose was always fun to tease in the mornings.

I was excited when we went down to breakfast, my stomach growled in agreement.

"What were you reading last night?" Rose asked once we had all sat down with our bowls of porridge that I had been looking forward to since yesterday. "You seemed annoyed when I tossed you the diary."

I sighed remembering all that I read though I promised myself to finish the book later on. "It was about monster characteristics."

I could tell Rose was going to ask more but I shook my head and motioned around us. People were everywhere.

She got the message.

"After breakfast, I'll tell you everything. Just not here." I kept my voice low and sure enough, we left for the forest straight after we had finished eating.

The three of us wandered deeper into the forest where Rose assured me that no Watchers were on duty. Climbing a tree to a deserted platform, we all sat down a recapped on what we had read.

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