Chapter 13: Ethereal

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Leixa and I didn't stop running until we made it out of the city and were covered by the uneven landscape that consisted mainly of mountains and bushes. Running with the heavy satchel weighed me down quite a bit so when we stopped to rest, my breathing was more laboured than usual.

"There is an old town over the next hill, I say we head for it once you're ready." Leixa sat next to me on the grass. It was slightly embarrassing with her being able to breathe easily while I was having a bit of trouble. "You look like you need a bit of a rest."

"It's the bag. I'm not like this, usually I'm so much faster." I said once my heart rate had returned to normal.

"Hm." Was all I got in response.

As soon as I had stopped hyperventilating, we began walking to where Leixa had said an old town was. We were far enough away from the city to have the luxury of walking.

"Why were you there?" I asked Leixa. "In the library."

"We were part of the patrol but managed to sneak away once Syren had caught sight of you entering the glass building." Leixa stared at me curiously, narrowing her eyes just a little. "Why were you there?"

Uh oh. "Collecting something."

"Those books?" She pointed and out of reflex, I shifted my satchel ever so slightly out of her reach. It's not that I didn't trust Leixa, it's just that I didn't trust what she would do if she found out what information the books contained.

"Yes, the books." I mumbled, in attempt to drop the conversation.

She seemed to get the message as she changed topic. "Did Syren ask you to name her?"

"No, I offered."

Leixa's mouth tilted upwards in a smirk. "Why does that not surprise me?"

"What's the big deal about the names anyway? Someone close to me said that it was either between close friends or lovers. Is that true?"

The monster rolled her eyes. "Oh Dawn."

I didn't push it as I hoped to find it in one of the books. I felt quite nervous, not of the information I'll find out but of what I might feel afterwards.

"Who named you?" Leixa raised her eyebrows and I started to regret my question until she laughed lightly and shook her head.

"My life partner. He and I named each other a few weeks after we met." She seemed distant when she spoke, as if she were someplace else. "I named him Gaige, and he named me Leixa."

"You named each other a few weeks after meeting?"

"You named Syren a few days after meeting her." She retorted and I really couldn't argue. She had a point.
"Speaking of which, why the name Syren?"

I thought about that for a moment. I wasn't thinking at the time but I suppose the name popped into my mind because of a book I found once in the south eastern ruins. "She reminds me of a piece of mythology I once read about."

This peaked Leixa's interest. "And what mythology would that be?"

"Sirens. Seductively beautiful women who would lure men to them with their voice."

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