My Piece

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While most of you probably think that the following reasons why I haven't been active are just excuses, I assure you that they're very real and have caused a huge impact in my life.

First off, a few people very close to me passed away. One of which was my immediate family. I cannot begin to tell you how awful the past few months have been because of this.

Secondly, I'm a second year university student trying to balance all my classes, studying and a job with the global pandemic. At this point most of my classes are heavily based on independent study which is incredibly difficult as I'm studying two languages from scratch and have 6 other classes on top of them to manage.

Thirdly, I got some really nasty messages saying how much of a shit writer I am and that it's like my writing is done by a 5 year old. As much as I hate to admit it, that had an impact on me and made me stop wanting to write altogether.

Lastly, I was stupid to think that I can give a date as to when I can write and produce a whole ass book. I'm not sure how many of you know how fucking difficult it is to produce a chapter let alone a whole story. So much goes into it behind the scenes. The endless research, coming up with an idea, names for the characters, physical attributes of the characters, world building, character building/arcs/backstories/what makes them who they are and how they behave, the plot, the heroes, the villains, the overall goal, the twists, the emotional rollercoaster, the struggles the heroes face and how they overcome them, what made the villains who they are and their overall ambition, the list goes on and on and on. Then once I've figured all that out, I have to write it. I need perfect grammar, paragraphs that aren't too long but keep the reader engaged all the same, proper sentences, no typos, conveying the emotions the characters are feeling, accurately describing the actions they take, world building, make sure the characters are staying true to who I envisioned them to be, making sure I can convey what I have in my head to the reader etc etc etc.

It's not as simple as writing a few words and calling it a day. It's a very long process and one I'm still trying to figure out.

Now imagine having to do all of this along with real life stuff too with the pressure of a deadline. This isn't my job as much as I wish it was and I have a life that I live outside of Wattpad. I do this purely for my own enjoyment and it's something I love to share with the rest of the world however putting unnecessary pressure on myself and having pressure put on me from a few comments which I have now deleted is not okay. I'm not getting paid to write, I do it because I love it.

No I haven't given up on this story. Don't think for a second that I have. However I cannot give a date as to when the new book will be ready. Right now I can't even think about writing.

For those of you who think I've given up or are finished with my work then I'm sorry about that but you're dead wrong. Imagine me as the George R. R. Martin of Wattpad. It takes me ages to produce a book but once I do, it's completely worth the wait (I hope anyway).

The book is still coming, it will just be in my own time and when I am ready and happy to write again. All I ask for those of you reading is for patience and time and I swear I will make the wait worth it!

Anyway I've said my piece.
I hope you all are well, staying safe and staying strong in these revolutionary times.

I adore and miss you.

Until we meet again,
Heather xxx

To Be Human (Lesbian Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora