After Ending #1

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The funniest part was that he didn't realize there was a mirror behind him. I glanced in it trying to be nonchalant.

"Got any 7s?" I asked.

Ted let out a frustrated sigh and threw down 2 cards. "How do you keep guessing correctly?"

I chuckled to myself. "I guess I'm just lucky." Cassidy ducked her head next to was taking all of her will power to keep quiet.

"I'm never playing Go Fish with you again." Ted said. "Got any Queens?"

"Go Fish." I smirked.

Ted groaned and tilted his head back. "I can't believe you're beating me this bad." He was about to sit up straight again when he caught a glimpse at my helping hand. Ted sat up quickly and glared at me. "You've been looking at my hand through the mirror!"

That did it for Cassidy. She doubled over clutching her stomach in laughter.
I hid my face behind my hand of cards as he kept glaring at me.

After a brief knock on my door, my stepmom stuck her head in. "Dinner is ready!" She said, smiling as always.

Cassidy and Ted were staying in Paris with me over spring break. We spent our days eating croissants and unwinding from the stress of college.

I stood up at Laurie's call and grabbed Ted's hand, pulling him up at well. "I'm sorry babe." I said and stretched up on my toes to kiss him. He instantly melted into my kiss, all anger from the game immediately forgotten.

As we exited my bedroom, Cassidy shook her head. "He has you wrapped around his finger, tough guy."

Ted looked down at me, giving me a soft smile. "I know." He said.

I wondered if the butterflies in my stomach would ever go away.

"If you're done drooling over each other, I would like to eat!" My twin brother Joseph called."

I broke away from Ted's gaze, my face flushing red. "Shut up Joseph."

The three of us sat down at the dinner table as my dad place the food on the table.

"You're such an amazing cook Robert." Cassidy said. "Have you ever considered opening your own restaurant?"

My dad pondered that for a second. "Yeah, I have. But opening a restaurant requires a lot of time and dedication. I don't want to take that time away from my family.", He said, dropping a kiss on Laurie's head.

"Aww father, you're too kind!" Joseph said, earning himself a flick on the forehead from our dad.
After dinner Cassidy stayed behind to help Laurie with the dishes. The two of them were pretty close. Ted and I retreated to my bedroom. We were lying stop my my covers, facing each other, holding hands.

"Every day I'm not with you hurts." He said. I closed my eyes and buried my face against his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. "I miss holding you. Looking into your beautiful eyes. Running my hand through your hair. Moments like this feel too small, knowing I have to return home soon."

I tried my hardest to keep my tears from falling. "Only one more semester. Only one more." I said. "Then we graduate and we can be together."

After graduation, Ted was moving to Paris. No matter how much I tried to talk him out of it, he wouldn't listen. I wanted to find an option that didn't require him leaving his family and moving across the globe but he wouldn't hear it. He said that after reuniting with my family so recently, I shouldn't have to leave them. To make me feel better, he decided to keep one of his family's private jets in Paris so that he could visit them as often as he would like. Oh the benefits of being rich.

Ted ran his hand along my back and breathed in deep. "Then we can be together forever."

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