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This is a mess, a very big mess, and considering that I try to stay upbeat about most things, that is saying something.

Wait, let me backtrack...... I am Chiron, trainer of heroes and centaur, son of Kronos. I teach demigods of camp half blood how to survive the real world, and no the camp is not under attack, we just found some children in the woods.

Wow, the great trainer of heroes, worried about some kids? Some trainer you are. Nope, it's not the kids that scare me, it's the fact that the fates took interest in them is the problem.


I was standing in the big house eating chocolate. While I was doing that, suddenly a bright light filled the room and three figures entered the room, I know who they were and I was really worried about why they were here, after all, it's not everyday the Fates decide to visit.

"Hello Chiron", they said in synk. "We have decided to lead some legacies of the futures in here in order to teach them about their parents. Now not all of their parents are here. So......" they snapped their fingers and seven children appeared out of thin air. There were four boys and three girls.

One of the girls looked to be native American decent and she had choppy brown hair with kaleidoscopic eyes, I think she might be a child of Aphrodite given her eye color.

Then there was a girl with cinnamon colored hair, dark skin and golden eyes, she looked to have a very sweet nature. Though she looked rather disoriented.

The next girl I knew, she is calypso, and I was rather baffled to see her out of her island. She looked baffled too.

Then there was a boy with electric blue eyes and blonde hair he seemed to have a scar on his upper lip. I was worried about his eye color, the last time I saw those kinds of eyes was on a child of Zeus and it did not go well.

Next was a boy who was rather scrawny, he seemed to be of Latina decent. Something told me his ADHD was worse than normal demigods he had curly brown hair and brown eyes and he wore a mischievous smile.

Finally was a pale boy was standing. I think he might be of Europe, Italy likely. He had black hair and onyx eyes. He too looked really hyper.

The Fates helped me to explain everything to the demigods. And told me their parentage. It was scary to think that there were so many big three children, but I guess it is to be expected of my brothers, they were not known to keep it in their pants throughout history. They also told me the parentage of Percy Jackson.

"The legacies will arrive in the forest after a while, you should introduce the new demigods to the campers. Then go to the Forest to get the legacies. It will b an educational experience for them. We'll send their parents to collect them once the ordeal is done. You must also remember that anyone of the past shall forget about the whole matter."

*Flashback over*


The news of the legacies arrival is not made public yet. The demigods know that legacies will be arriving, but........ Well lets be honest here, I did not expect so many demigods to be alive for there to be so many legacies.

There was eight legacies, none of them were actual siblings, though some of their parents were. Five girls and three boys. None of them were above ten, well, I wonder what their parent's reaction was going to be.......

I feel a tug at my leg,"chiiiron, are we gonna be fine?" Came from the girl with blonde hair and sea green eyes. Don't let her slur and age fool you. She is very smart for her age, though she does act her age sometimes.

"You're not worried about anything else child?" I ask I haven't gotten to getting all of their names, I'll ask them with everyone else.

"Nope, cause momma and daddy said everything will work out if we're all fine." She says with a brilliant smile and I can't help but smile back at her. I turn my eyes back to the other children, the bulky girl with brown hair and a mischievous smile said something to the boy with curly caramel hair and brown eyes.

The girl with black hair and sky blue eyes was sitting all by herself only to be knocked on the shoulder by the girl with brown hair and electric blue eyes. And all of them seemed very at ease. "Children, do you all know me?" I ask.

"Yeah huh, we see you in new Greece everyday, and you teach us a lot of stuff too" was the enthusiastic reply by the boy with brown hair and Forrest green eyes. A legacy of Demeter perhaps?

Before I could ask anymore Annabeth walked in the room, "Chiron, did you know when the legacies........." Her questions died down, if you do not know how she looks like, well, why are you reading this? Everyone knows what she looks like.

"Yes, child the legacies are here already, is everyone still at the dining pavilion?"
"Yeah, they're still there. We should take the legacies there right?"
"Yes,...." I turn to the children, "everyone lets walk to the dining pavilion, everyone is waiting for you there." The legacies cheered and ran towards the pavilion. I shake my head at them thinking what the future is like.

Past and future colliding (Complete)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora