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Wow, I wonder what it's like being a praetor, guess I can ask Percy or the others later....... I look over to the Hermes table to see Nico. He looks cute, there I said it he's really cute. I mean with his pale look and those big doe eyes and............ Yup, I'm whipped.

Huh, I noticed one thing though, the legacies call everyone aunt or uncle, I wonder what's up with that........
"Hey, guys, why do you call everyone uncle or aunt?" I ask
"Well, we're all basically family, then again we grew up with all of you guys taking care of us like own family, so we call each other like that." Answered Charles for once looking serious.

"Uncle Percy explains it better, he really takes family seriously." Added Bianca everyone else nodded. Wow, Percy's a real hero huh? "That's what Luke says!!" Exclaimed Annabeth. "Yeah, but he broke his promise to you aunt Annabeth, uncle Percy didn't." Said Lucas gently. Everyone was shocked.

"What do you mean I broke my promise?" Asked Luke. "You promised family right? But then you turned to Kronos and everything else tumbled down........ But you did keep it in the end I guess." Sammy said softly Luke and Annabeth looked torn.

"What exactly happened?"
"A lot" was a short but piercing answer. Man the future is messed up. Huh, I wonder...... How exactly did Nico notice me...... I mean he's a big (not really) bad son of Hades, why did he choose me of all people? I'm a son of Apollo who can't sing, not extremely good at archery ether. So why?

"Hey guys, I have a question........" Trailed off an Aphrodite camper. "Uh....... yeah?" They ask uncertainty."how did all of your parents get together? " groans were heard. Sometimes I'm really glad that the Apollo children are naturally tan. It really helps to keep blush out of others site.

"You mean exactly how they got together....... All of them?" "Uh huh" the entire Aphrodite cabin nodded eagerly save Piper. "Well...... Ooh uncle Travis and dad used to prank the Demeter cabin all the time because they had a crush on aunt Katie and mom, they wanted them to notice them and finally they did" came from Mia.

"And dad literally crashed into mom's island on festus the first time they met, he's the only person to visit Ogigya twice. And he freed mom sooo........" Trailed off Charles.
"Festus?" "Yeah, dad made him , he's a bronze dragon." They shrugged. Yeah, sure, crashing into Ogigya on a bronze dragon........ No big deal......

"Well, mom and dad bonded when dad came out of the labyrinth mad and mom took care of him." Answers Selina. Wait Clarisse taking care of someone......... While they're sick and not bullying them? What did the world come to?

"Well, mom and dad went on a quest with uncle Percy. They got together after mom kisses dad." Said Sammy. Awwww so cute.

"Well, when Queen Hera exchanged dad and uncle Percy to Greek and Roman sides, she used the mist to make them think that dad and mom were going out. But they actually started going out after the second giant war." Said Thalia. Wait what?

"Well papa had 'doctors orders' " says Bianca and the legacies burst out laughing. "Doctors orders?" Leo asks. "You see, after the second war, papa just got over some things when he was ordered by the head healer to spend three days in the infirmary. And things just stumbled from there." Bianca explained. A huge squeal from the Aphrodite cabin nearly made everyone deaf.

After that everyone turned to Zoe who promptly fell asleep on Annabeth's lap. "Well, everyone knows the story of percabeth curtsey of the Aphrodite cabin. So we'll tell it." Said Thalia.

"It all started when........ Hey guys, when did it all start?" Asked Lucas.
"Uhhhhh...... Welllllll....... Ummmm...... Ok, I have no idea. First quest maybe?" Answered Bianca. "First quest? There's more than one quest?" Asked Annabeth trying to steer the conversation away.

"Well, yeah, you and uncle Percy go to about ten quests together......... Wait do the wars count?" Asked Thalia. We shrug of the part about the war, because we won't get much out of them about that.
Back to the present conversation, Annabeth looked stunned, she has been trying to get a quest for so long, to think she'd get this many though.

"Well, I think it's time for a break, would some demigods help to show around the legacies?" Chiron inputs. And we have a break.

Past and future colliding (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora