Third person

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"WHERE THE HADES ARE ALL THE CABINS?!?!" Yelled Lucas, Charles and Mia together.
"The cabins are in front of you." Replied Annabeth. "But what happened to the rest of them?" This was from Charles "What rest? You can see all the twelve cabins from here." She said confused. "You know the one's you designed!!" Came from Lucas who was promptly hit in the back of his head by Thalia.

"This is before the promise idiot, she didn't design anything yet." Stated Bianca. Earning a giggle from Zoe. "What design are you guys talking about?" Asked a perplexed Percy. "Well after the first war, the minor gods and lord Hades got a cabin in the camp too. Aunt Annabeth designed them, since the war HASN'T HAPPENED YET, the cabins aren't here now." Came from Bianca as the three who screamed were rubbing the back of their necks sheepishly.

"Oh, but how did that happen?" Asked Jason. "Daddy exchwainged immowtality for that." Zoe shrugged nonchalantly. "YOU GAVE UP IMMORTALITY?!?!?" Came a cry from the demigods save Percy there which were the parents of the legacies. The poor boy was just staring at the legacies shocked.

"But why would they offer me immortality in the first place?" He asked. "Well, you did lead and win a war against Kronos sooo....." Thalia trailed off. A war against Kronos? "Hey he had the Achilles curse in the first war right?" Sammy oh so helpfully inputs.

"He has the curse of Achilles?" Asked Frank. "Had, not anymore he uh......... Lost it?" Selina replied everyone just stared at Percy horrified, how could he just lose the curse of Achilles? It's the curse of Achilles!!!!

"OK, moving on......" Percy tried uncomfortable by the stares given to him.he decided to give up long ago, but it was strange to see that he actually did jump in the Styx and survived. The tour was unnecessary, the legacies just needed to know that there was less cabins, other than that they seemed to know the camp pretty well.

"OK so what do you guys want to do?" The legacies shrugged. "Heyyy, we could pwactice our powas." Suggested Zoe. But Annabeth shook her head "not without adult supervision you're not, and we're not adults."

"But in our time you are!!" Whined Charles "and in our time we're not so don't even think about it." Annabeth says with her hand crossed over her chest and a look of determination on her face. The legacies knows better than to argue. So they decided to move forward.

"Hey, we can watch you guys practice..." Said Sammy. The demigods shrugged and chose a partner Annabeth hurried towards Piper getting her a weapon as well as avoiding Percy who had the same idea and partnered up with Jason. So that's how it went with none of the demigods fighting against their future better half.

The demigods trained all day. Sometimes stopping to help the legacies learn as well. In the end they had to give Zoe a bow and arrows to practice with less chance of getting hurt. Now don't ask the demigods how a two year old could be a better archer than her father. (Blessed by Artemis, Apollo,well, any god who doesn't hate Percy and Annabeth).

They finally realized the time when the conch shell blew in the distance signalling dinner. They made their way towards the (i accidentally typed y after the t in the The. autocorrect came as TYPE. I laughed harder than I should have.) Dining pavilion.

The other demigods were waiting for them to return. When they reached the tables, Chiron had to allow the parents to sit with the legacies, he was no match for seven puppy dog and one baby seal eyes. The legacies sat happily with their parents all of them chattering and dining while the others eyed them wearily.

But soon the tension dissolved and everyone went back to normal, they were demigods, weirdness is a part of their life and they had to embrace it otherwise it'd be a problem. "Oh, hey guys, do we have jobs in new Greece?" Asked Piper just remembering the question.

"Of course you do, you all work not only in new Greece but outside in the mortal world too, well, mom's a designer, dad's a pilot, uncle Nico has a coffee shop while uncle Will is a doctor, uncle Travis and Connor owns a joke shop business together, uncle Leo builds a very different variety of..... Stuff, aunt Clarisse and uncle Chris runs a gym together, uncle Frank owns a zoo and aunt Hazel owns a jewelry shop, aunt Annabeth is one of the most renowned architects in the world while uncle Percy's an Olympic gold medalist"

"Oh OK then" the demigods responded. Then suddenly there was a very bright light that came from the cabins area. The demigods got close and before they reached the cabins they heard three men screaming, "WHERE THE HADES ARE ALL THE CABINS?!?!?!"

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