Wipe out

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"Hey dipstick! You're going to make me late! Again!" Ava's yell ran throughout the house as she swung her backpack over her shoulder. "School starts in 4 minutes!"

Usually her twin brother, Dawson, would get everyone out the door on time. Him and the twins of Abby and Paylie were at a baseball tournament unfortunately, so she was going to be late for the second day in a row.

"Ava! Do not talk to your brother that way!" She groaned at the sound of her mother's angry voice coming from the garage. Sam, her younger brother, walked up just in time to hear Ava's apology.

Luckily they made it just as the bell wrung, giving them a sliver of hope. Not a second passed before they started to race around the school towards the back entrance.

"Just in time, again." Their gym teacher stated as they gave innocent smiles, obviously practiced.

"Ok bro, have fun."

"Yeah, as if." Sam walked around the corner to the next hall as Ava put her things in her locker.

"Hey! Did you get your homework done?" Abby asked as she stood behind Ava, Paylie beside her.

"Oh no! I completely forgot!" Paylie all but slammed her hand into her face with a groan. "Great, I'm so in for it."

"Don't worry, I didn't get it done. Stupid Geo, always getting in the way of straight A's."

"I don't really like Geo either," Ava stated as she kneed her locker door shut. "But I don't think it's horrible."

"Says you miss smarty-pants." Abby crossed her arms and Paylie narrowed her eyes at the page in Ava's hand before pointing at it.

"Can I copy that? Please? Thank you!" Paylie eagerly started to copy the words down in her notebook as they walked to class.

Most students weren't there yet since they liked to walk around before class, for reasons the three would never understand. Luckily they all say together in the back, which gave them a huge advantage.

A few minutes before class ended, Abby was called on for the sole reason that she was drawing instead of paying attention. She gave a silenly pleading look to Ava who handed her a peice of paper.

"7!" Her answer caused laughter to flood the room and a grunt to come from the teacher.

"This isn't math class Miss Randel."

Abby gave a goofy grin anyways. "Sorry Mr. Stokes." The bell rang as if on cue, and everyone stood up with their things already packed.

Ava was separated from Paylie and Abby for the next class, which caused Ava to work better. The pair thinks it's a coincidence, but Ava thinks otherwise.

"I cannot wait to get my hands on this sub." Paylie pulled a large sandwich from her bag and unwrapped it. "I have no idea how subway does it, all I know is that they're my religion."

Abby and Ava shook their heads in amusement. "Subway can't-"

"Oh shut up." The random person did as Paylie said within seconds. No one insults food.

Ava stood up and raised her hands with one closed eye and her tongue sticking out. "Think I can make it?"

"Definitely not, that garbage can is way to far." Ava's apple only had one bite out of it, but she wasn't hungry anymore. She threw the apple up in the air and everything seemed silent for the three of them.

"Nope." She sighed as her apple his the grass and started to walk towards it.

"Ava watch-" Paylie couldn't finish her sentence before Ava was hit from the side by an older guy from their school. He had been running away from his friends, and didn't see Ava there.

The next thing Ava knew, she was in a comfy chair next to the nurses office. "What... Happened?"

"This guy named Jordan was going one way and you were going the other way and he hit you from the side." Abby used hand gestures to show what she meant. "But if it makes you feel any better you did a cool flip."

There was a large chunk out of her lip and a cut on the side of her head, causing blood to drip down. They think she probably bit it out on accident but they couldn't be sure.

Paylie snapped infront of Ava's face when she started to close her eyes. "No way you're falling asleep again."

"You two should leave." A man in a white lab coat stepped out of the office before helping Ava out of the chair. "She'll be fine."

"But-" They received a pointed glare, causing them to grumble in disagreement while they walked off.

Ava stumbled into the office and sat on the couch. "How are you feeling?"

"Light headed..." Her eyes became heavy enough for her to fight to keep them open. Her mind felt as though it was filled with fog and mist, while her limbs felt somewhat numb.

"You have to stay awake, ok Ava?" Ava started to nod, but her head just tilted to the side as her eyes closed. Darkness was all she could see, and every noise started to muffle out as if her ears were starting to be filled with cotton balls.

"Ava!" The nurse tried to wake her up, but it was no use. She was going to pass out from blood loss and probably a concussion. "Hang in there." He grabbed a needle and stuck it in her arm with his heart beating fast.

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