Clumsy? Check to the power of a thousand.

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Dawson's POV

"Cheif?" I asked, suffling my feet with nerves. Ava was right, I had to ask Chief if I wanted a microscope, even if we weren't exactly 'buddy buddy'.

"Yes?" She scanned me, trying to know what I was thinking. Like she does with everyone.

"I have a blood sample for Ava... I just need a microscope to know what she has exactly," I moved my gaze around the room, avoiding eye contact.

I could feel her sharp eyes on me, before I let out a breath of relief at her statement. "I suppose this information is crucial."

Technically, that was a yes. Right?

"There are some in storage, from before." She reached behind her, and a guard put a key in her hand not even a second later. "Return this key when you are finished."

I let out a breath of relief that I didn't know I was holding in, and took the key with a thankful smile. "Will do, Cheif."

"Now, another matter. Have you addressed our situation with 6A?" She knew the answer, I know that for a fact. She knows everything. This was just her way of getting in your head and reminding you of what you have to do.

"No..." My fingers fiddled on their own accord, my eyes tracing the tiles on the floor. Not following one of Cheifs orders made everyone feel guilty, especially me. Sometimes it didn't even have to be an order for me to follow blindly.

Cheif just nodded, Kane glancing up at her and nudging her hand. She patted his head, and his tail wagged before he resumed his slightly serious stance.

Kane has had a lot of training, making him a feirce protecter for Cheif, which I was grateful for. He seemed to know exactly how to act, and when. He honestly fits in better than Ava does. Oh, no offense sis!

Once again, for the millionth time in my life, I had no idea what I should do next. Should I leave and get the microscope? We didn't say goodbye... So that means I have to say it right? Yeah, that sounds good.

"Ok well, bye..." Wow, smooth.

Cheif met my eyes, confusion lacing in the dark colour. Great, she assumed I had left. Good freaking job, Dawson.

"Best regards, 6D." I nodded, leaving as soon as possible. Once out of the room, I tried to compose myself by taking deep breaths.

Once I had calmed down enough to seem normal, I made my way to the storage rooms. They weren't far from Cheifs office, which made the journey short.

My eyes scanned over multiple shelves as I tried to see any clues as to where the microscopes would be. I peeked around the corner, lost my balance, and knocked over a table.

"Ouch..." A grumble came from my throat as I rubbed the side of my head. I'm losing every skill I have today, aren't I?

My eyes landed on a microscope, and I sighed in victory. I had revealed it when I knocked everything over. Talk about pros and cons. Luckily my tall stature allowed me to reach the box and pull it into my arms.

I grimanced as I looked at the mess I had made before shutting and locking the door. Clumsiness? Check to the power of a thousand.

"I see you have found what you were looking for. Did you have to many troubles?" Cheif asked, an innocent look on her face. I mean, of course she'd have an innocent look, it's not like she knows I trashed the room. Or maybe...? No, not possible. Probably.

"No, no troubles at all. All smooth sailing over here!" I probably sounded like an idiot to tie along with my awkward wave moves I did with my free arm.

Cheif gave me a questioning look but didn't pry, which I was grateful for. "Then I will be taking the key."

I nodded and handed it over. Our hands brushed and I held back the blush threatening any ounce of pride I had left. If I had any at least. Deciding to not end up in the same situation as minutes prior, I said goodbye to Cheif and went back to my dorm.

It's been entertaining living without Ava, thanks for asking. Sam's been, well, Sam. He's dunked over my head more times than I can count, which never expect, and he likes to argue. I should be accustomed to it by now, but alas I am not.

Seconds after opening the door and thud sounds throughout the room as I'm attacked by a basketball. I'm suprised I didn't fall, but not disappointed.

"Thanks," I sigh and shut the door before going to the small metal desk in the corner of the room. "I really do appreciate a good basketball headache."

Sam laughed and flopped down on his bed. "Whatcha doin'?"

"I'm going to examine Ava's blood sample and find out if my hypothesis is correct."


"I'm going to look at Ava's blood and see if she has the sickness I think she has."

"There we go,"

I rolled my eyes and adjusted the microscopes position. A few minutes of digging through my drawer revealed a small glass disk, and I poured the blood into it. I feel like some crazy scientist from a movie or something when I handle blood around science equipment. I don't know why, and don't judge!

I gritted my teeth as my hypothesis was confirmed an hour later. "Great, why do I always have to be right?"

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