Tag, you're it!

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I bolted as fast as I could when I spotted Carter behind me. So far I had managed to grab a few clothes pins, but had lost a few as well. Leaving me with a total of four on my shirt.

Only a couple people had gotten out so far, and they were standing off to the side waiting to see who the winner would be.

If this wasn't training, I would have made alliances. But, this is training and apparently I have to follow the rules even during games.

"Tag, you're it!" Sam exclaimed as he ran past with one of my clothes pins in his hand.

"Wrong game, Sam!" I yelled back, running and jumping over a foam block. Obstacles were placed all over the room, making it look like a colourful paintball arena.

I watched for anyone, but saw no one. Everyone must be hiding and waiting for the perfect time to strike. I took the moment of peace to check how many clothes pins I have, and I was shocked to see 2. Who beside Sam had taken one?

One thing I forgot to mention is that this training involves everyone. Dawson explained to me that every 30 days we all have training together. It was just the way our schedules played out.

Which means Paylie, Aislynn, Morgan, and even Cheif is out there. I hadn't seen them yet, but I had a feeling my missing clothes pin had been taken by one of them.

"Game change!" A horn was blown and we all left our hiding spots. "The next game will be similar, yet more realistic. You will each be given a toy gun, and if you're hit, you're out."

Us runners are going to kill this game. Evan walked between the crowd, handing out toy guns. I was given a toy pistol, which I'm happy with.

"See ya on the battle field," Carter said as he bumped my shoulder with his. "Don't die right away."

"Shouldn't I be telling you that?" I asked. Carter opened his mouth to reply, but the horn sounded again. I ran off and slid into a small space made by the foam blocks getting stacked on top of each other.

"Come on..." I waited with my gun pointed out. Suddenly I was thrown off by a clicking noise. Maybe that's that sound the guns make when they shoot.

Feet came into my view range, but just as I was going to shoot they moved to the right. I shuffled backwords, remembering the hard to see exit on the other side.

The light of the room hit my eyes and my back felt like it had something on it. I reached behind me, and pulled a fake bullet of my back. "No way!"

"Never underestimate your opponent." Cheif stated, jumping down from on top of the stack of foam. "I believe you are eliminated."

I graoned, and suffled over to the side in shame. Although, watching everyone hide and run from Cheif was amusing to watch. Like a weird game show.

Soon enough, she was standing infront of all us as we hung our heads in defeat. She had won.

After that, we were done for the day and we left to our dorms to shower. I read while the boys showered, than showered afterwards.

"To bad we can't have movie night anymore." Sam mumbled as he stared at the ceiling from his bed.

"Movie nights went against the basic rules. Of course we can't do it anymore." Dawson was folding clothes and placing them in drawers.

"Yeah but it was fun!" Sam threw his hands in the air to show just how fun it was. He let the fall back down with a heavy sigh. I rolled my eyes and left the dorm. No point in staying there.

I had no idea where I was going. Maybe for a walk around the base? See what each classroom had been turned into?

The Infirmary was the first room I noticed, and I decided to stop by. When I first walked in, the room was full of people with injuries. I'm assuming they can share rooms because a broken limb isn't contagious.

Cade was nodding his head and writing down stuff on a clip board as someone I didn't recognize spoke. Abbi had opened a door on one side and went into one across the room after getting a different clip board.

Off to the side was a bookshelf with files, books on anything health related, and viles. Lots of viles filled with plants, powders, and liquids.

"Are you hurt?" Cade asked after he finished speaking with the patient. I shook my head in reply. "Good, then you don't have to be here." He left into the door across from me, and Abbi entered.

"If you're not hurt you should leave," Abbi suggested, searching through the many viles on the middle shelf.

"Is there anyway I can help? I mean I'm not a doctor but I have nothing better to do." Abbi studied my face for a moment.

"We are somewhat busy..." She pondered for a moment. "Ok. Do as these instructions say. Make two batches." She handed me a small slip of paper and ran off to talk to another patient.

I grabbed viles number 48, 23, 5, and 34 off of the middle shelf. Then went over to a table in the corner of the room with a bunch of weird tools on it.

Crunch stems of plant in vile 48 into fine pieces.

I did as instruction number 1 said, and put it into a bowl. Making sure to use twice the amount listed.

Add two drops of vile 23.

The steps went on, and I continued to do each one. I split the final paste in two, and placed them each in a clean vile which was step number 8.

"Good, now give one vile to the patient in room 3." Cade spoke as he past, stopping for basically half a second to make sure I did it right. How do each of them always know what's going on with each patient?

I opened door number 3, and woke up the person in the bed. They seemed young, around 7. The little boy sat up and with shaking hands took the vile from me. I gave a small smile, and left the room with the empty vile in hand.

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