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Abbys POV

Ava has forgotten how to live here. She is a runner, she is an important member of this base. If she doesn't know how to use a gun, or all the rules, how will she survive out there? I must have 6E teach her the basics of being a runner. Perhaps then she will remember.
Enough thinking, I have some work to attend to.
I open my office door, which used to be the office, and step into the hall. As I head towards 7P's room, everyone moves to the sides of the hall in respect. My combat boots make it sound as though a teacher is walking down the hall.
As I reach her studio, I open the door and examine what she is working on. 7P, who Ava would still call Paylie, Is sketching something new on a piece of paper. Mannikins line the wall, each dressed in different clothing.
"Have you come up with any improvements? Perhaps any new disigns?" I look at her scetch pad as she draws in another one.
"I have come up with a new improvement to the runner outfits, and I have an improvement for you aswell, Chief." She looks up from her page and I spot a jacket.
"Continue," I walk back and forth infront of the mannikins, scanning for differences.
"It's almost winter, a harsh and cold time of year. Most will not be affected by this, but the runners need to stay warm, yet still have the agility and free movement. I have designed a jacket for that. The runners can do whatever in this jacket. It's comfortable and light weight." I nod my head. She has valid points, and it is only a matter of months before snowfall. "The other improvements aren't for your outfit, but for your defence. I designed a weapon, and 7A made it." She pulled a small gun shaped weapon from her drawer. "This gunshot is twice as powerful, and five times as deadly. The bullets are stronger, and sharper."
I grab the gun and examine it. This must have taken a fair amount of time.
"Thank you, 7P. Thank 7A for me." I stuck my new gun on my side, attached to my body by leather.
As I walk down the hall towards the nursery, people move out of the way once more. I reach the room, and it seemed to be quieter then usual.
Once I enter the room I see why. All the younger children are sleeping, while the slightly older ones are either reading or doing puzzels. 4M walks up to me and smiles.
"Nice to see you, Chief. You came at a quiet time." As the awake children hear 'Chief', they run up to us. I come here rarely, because these children aren't quite old enough to show me the respect Im used to.
"Chief, wanna do a puzzle?"
"Wanna play cards?"
"Wanna draw with me?"
4M shushes them and sho's them off. Before, 4M was Morgan. But we have all been different since then.
"The children are down for the night?" I ask, looking at how many are asleep.
"Most of them, yes. The older ones stay up until curfew, so they will be ready when they become part of the base." 4M says, walking over to a little girl who started stirring in her sleep.
"Good night, 4M." I head out the door and walk back to my office. It was approximately thirty minutes until curfew. Curfew is when everyone must be in thier dorms, and stay there untill morning.
At curfew, I speek over the P.A system, telling everyone to go back to thier dorms.
I walk towards my room, which used to be a room in the office. The two gaurds move from infront of the door so I may enter, and once I step inside the door shuts and I hear them move back to thier places.
I change out of my uniform, into camouflaged pyjamas. After I take my hair out of my tight bun, and my slightly wavy hair falls to my back. I wash my face, and brush my teeth.
I start to brush my hair, but I hear a knock on the door. I head over to the door cautiously.
Opnening the door I see it is 6A and 6D, Ava and Dawson.
Ava smiles and walks into my room, while Dawson waits for permission. I let Ava do so, she still thinks I am her friend, not her leader.
"Come in." Dawson nods and steps into my room, his hands behind his back. A guard steps in aswell, keeping me safe, although I do not need protection. He shuts the door.
"Why have you come after curfew? 6D, you know better than this." I look at Dawson and he looks down, as if nervous, or ashamed.
"We came to hang out," Ava jumps on my bed, back first. I restrain myself from telling her who I am, and how my rank is much higher than hers, and how she should not be jumping on my bed.
"I do not have time to hang out. I must sleep, so that I will be rested for tomorrow." I explain. Ava looks at me as if I grew another head.
"Why? What's tomorrow?" She asks, pulling a book off my shelf.
"Tomorrow is another day at the base. We fight, we survive, we thrive. None of those things are possible without rest." Ava ignores my reply.
"6D," I turn to Dawson, "When you return to your dorm, teach her the essentials to surviving in the base." Dawson nods once agian.
"I will do so Chief. Perhaps she should not go on the next runners mission?" He looks up, and he seems hopeful.
"Perhaps. She is in perfect condition, she has just lost her memory. It will be similar to her first overnight mission." The hope leaves his eyes slightly.
"Im right here," Ava turns her page.
"Yes, we are aware." Setting my brush on the nightstand, I latch my hand around the book, taking it from her.
"Hey! I was reading that!" Ava grabbed it back and tried to find her page. I stood up straight and took a deep breath. This is Ava, not 6A. "It is passed curfew, you must be in your dorm."
Dawson reaches over and grabs Ava's wrist. "Listen to Chief, please." Ava looks at Dawson wierdly, and gives me the book. Dawson lets out a breath and drops his hand from her wrist.
"Perhaps seeing your other brother, Sam, will lighten your mood?" I somewhat felt bad for her, she has lost quite a bit, for a seacond time. I am not entirely sure she knows that most of her family is gone. Ava has more family then most of us though. She has two members of her family by her side, while others have none.
"Sam's here?" Ava smiles.
"Yes, you share a dorm with both your brothers." It had been a long day, and I had to keep my eyes open. I am assuming Dawson noticed this, because he told Ava he was tired and that he wanted to go to sleep.
"Ok then, night!" Ava gave me a hug. My shoulders tensed and my arms stayed at my side. Dawson stared, wide-eyed.
"Good night." I gently pushed Ava away. She was used to me being Abby, not Chief, so I should try to make it less hard on her.
"See you tomorrow!" She stepped out with Dawson and the guard, and they left.
I grabbed my brush off my nightstand, and put it back in the washroom. After I climb in bed, falling asleep instantly.

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