Kids and Bullets

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Without Dawson, I didn't know my schedule. So, I naturally used that as an excuse to go read.

My happiness was short lived though. A knock on the door made me leave the amazing fantasy in the book, and join the oh so wonder world. Yay.

"What?" I swung the door open. Standing there was Morgan, someone who I haven't seen yet. Well, here anyway.

She had white and blue clothing on, totally different from everyone elses. A little girl was resting on her hip, sucking her thumb.

"Mind giving me a hand? I thought since you aren't used to all this," She waved her hand at the building, "It might be a little more normal."

The little girl giggled. She was probably one or two years old. Her curly black hair that went down to her shoulders was adorable, and her brown eyes worked well for her.

"I guess. Where are we going exactly?" Morgan backed up and I moved forward and shut the door.

"We are going to the nursery." Her reply made me both excited and dreading the moment we walked in that door.

A nursery. I guess they can't really have the kids running around while others are trying to train or work.

Poor Morgan was stuck with the job of taking care of them. Kinda like babysitting, but twenty four hours a day.

It was a lot different then what I expected. Kids weren't trying to glue eachothers heads to the ground, or hit eachother in the face with Lego.

The older ones were learning rules, how to kill zombies, and other skills they might need for the future.

The younger ones were doing different types of puzzles. Some puzzles with one hundred pieces, and some brain games.

The little kids, around the age of the little girl in Morgans arms, were putting the right blocks into the right shaped hole.

The babys were laying in cribs, sleeping and chewing on stuffed animals. There were probably a total of twenty kids.

I waved to the kids learning as they looked at me. They smiled, then turned back to Marissa.

Wow. These kids were more serious about this then I was.

Morgan had me feed the babies, and I have to say, they are pretty cute.

But when one of them pulled my hair, I was out. No way I was gunna let some miniature punk pick on me.

When I got back to my dorm, Dawson was laying in his bed reading.

"It's almost curfew. Where were you?" He placed his book mark in and glanced up at me.

"At the nursery." I flopped down onto my bed, and looked at my Marks. They were tattooed on.

My vison blurred, and Dawson looked at me oddly. "Are you ok?" I was overcome by darkness, then I wasn't.

"6A," Cheif handed me a pen. Honor swept throughout me as I drew five thin lines on each wrist. The fith one crossing over the other four.

I placed a hand on my forehead. Dawson was standing beside my bed with a concerned expression.

"Are you ok? What happened?" He waved a hand infront of my face. I reached up and grabbed it.

"Stop," I put my hand down. "I just had another memory. Cheif asked me to put her Marks on for her."

Dawsons eyes were filled with hope. "Another memory! That's good!"

"I guess," Not that I needed my memories. I mean, It would be nice but I'm doing fine. I don't think I missed that much.

"Is there somthing you want me to remember?" I asked, my eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"What? No- I mean yah but it's no big deal..." His eyes darted around and he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Ok..." I shrugged. "Where's Sam?"

"I'm not sure." Dawson layed back down on his bed and started to read.

The next morning I got up for breakfast on time. Usually we are late, but I got up.

"Dawson! I'm up and ready for breakfast!" I pulled on his arm.

"We aren't going to breakfast. You have a checkup." He rolled his arm away.

"So you're saying the first time I get up on time, I just happen to have a checkup?" Wow. I can't believe- Yah, nevermind. With my luck, it was bound to happen.

At the checkup, I was expecting Abbi, but it was Cade. I hadn't seen him yet. Come to think of it, there's a lot of people who I haven't seen yet.

"How does your head feel?" Cade asked, ready to write what I said on the paper attached to his clipboard.

"Fine. You know these checkups aren't necessary, right? My memories are coming back, it's fine." I crossed my arms.

"It doesn't matter. Cheifs orders." Cade wrote more on his page. "If you're memories are coming back, that's a good sign."

I nodded and rolled my eyes. "Yippie."

"Well, that's all I needed. Thank you," Cade left, closing the door behind him.

"Chiefs orders!" I mocked, barely audible. Dawson looked at me oddly.

"This whole, hit your head thing isn't going to work forever. You have to behave, respect, and obay Cheif."

"Or what?" I pressed as we left, only out of interested.

"Or you'll be thrown over the wall." Dawsons voice was almost to small to hear.

"Thrown over the wall? Like, the wall that keeps the zombies away?" I asked, stopping in my tracks.

"Yes." Dawson shivered and kept walking.

"Has anyone ever been thrown over before?" I jogged up to Dawson.

"A few people. The first was Cheifs cousin, Lily. She had yelled at Cheif one time, and she was thrown over."

"To be fair, Lily has always gotten on her nerves." It was understandable. You might be thinking, oh no! Her own cousin? How could she? Before you think anything else, I would have too.

"The others you wouldn't have known. It was a group of three guys. They didn't think Cheif was fit to be in charge. Ever wonder why she has guards when she is the best fighter here?"

I thought for a minute. To be honest, it doesn't really make sense. So I shook my head.

"Well, she can't look in every direction, or fight off a bullet." Dawson looked at his feet and his eyes glazed over. I knew that look. I probably worn that look a lot. He was remembering something.

"She... got shot?" I asked, looking around for others. Dawson gave a weak nod. It was obvious that he didn't want to talk about it.

I mean, why would he? Obviously she is fine, but he probably didn't know that at the time. Knowing him he probably cried so much, and stayed beside her untill she got better. I have no doubt in my mind.

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