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It's the day before Harry's job interview and Harry has just gotten back from his morning classes. We should be getting ready for it-well he should, but I'd help him because I have nothing better to do.

We're not getting ready though, of course not. We're laying on the couch listening to some playlist called BUZZ BANDS and it's quite good. Turns out Harry has extremely good music taste and listening to music with him has become one of my favorite things to do; mostly because it can be calming or very entertaining.

Harry's on one side of the couch and I'm on the other. He was really scared to lay like this because he was afraid he might touch me and he knows that hurts. "But Violet," He said, "You know how clumsy I am."

I just rolled my eyes and told him to put his legs over the top, so he did and here we are now. He's doing some papers in his law class, saying "I'm going to impress all those big-shot lawyers. Think about it, they're all middle-aged and then some twenty-year-old comes in and blows them all away."

I just nod and read the book Harry gave me. I find it hard to read since it's quite sad at some points. What with them both having cancer, and, of course, Augustus being the most perfect character ever to exist.

At a certain point in the middle, I find it very hard to read, so put it down in my lap and listen to the music while covering a hand with my face so Harry can't see that I've been crying over a book.

He does anyway, putting his papers down and asking, "Violet, is something wrong?"

I laugh wetly and uncover my face. My arm is wet with tears and it's pretty uncomfortable. Harry gasps, looking shocked and then it all is put behind a smile, "What part are you at?"

Tears form back in my eyes as I think about it again. I just shake my head and wave him off, throwing the book onto the coffee table. Harry laughs as I turn and cuddle into the throw pillow I was laying on.

"C'mon, Vi, it isn't that bad." He laughs, but I just shake my head and wipe away the tears on my cheeks, "Why are crying about it so much?" He asks, good-heartedly, but I still want to slap him because who wouldn't cry over this book?

"Because I want a relationship like Hazel and Gussy!" I sniff, and Harry just laughs at me all the more.

"His name is Augustus." Harry corrects, "Even Gus."

"Well I call him Gussy." I mumble into my arm, "He's like a little puppy, and Gussy is a puppy name."

"Sounds more like a fish's name." He muses and I shake my head.

"That's a guppy."

He nods his head, "That's my exact point."

"Whatever," I say and turn towards the pillow again, snuggling into it more, "I can't take the cuteness and sadness and happiness and-yeah, I can't take it anymore."

Harry gasps and crinkles his eyebrows together, "You mean you're just going to stop reading it?" He asks.

"For now." I shrug, "I've never actually been a fan of romance novels."

He asks why I don't and I say I like books that are more fast-paced and have lots of action capture my attention more. "Side romance is fine." I say, "Full-on romance, not so much."

Harry just says, "Why is that?"

Maybe one reason being I had a boyfriend that I thought I could trust and that loved me as much as I loved him and as it turned out he didn't. Or for the fact that I didn't love the people around me enough to seek out their help when I was in a bad place.

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