Timing (Call Me Ella)

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Okay a little one shot just to show you a bit of the things that happened during the seven years Ella and Niall were separated. Hope you like it.

Bel, xx



Dear reader,

Let me tell you a short story about a girl and a boy who loved each other but couldn't find the right time to be together. It wasn't that they were not meant to be, the stars above know they were two pieces of the same puzzle, but it was just a matter of timing. It was never the right time.

They met when she was filled with hatred, when her every decision was shaped by that poisonous feeling. She barely knew herself without that emotion inside and she didn't know what to do when it wasn't there anymore. She decided to live and find herself first.

Before you love someone you need to love yourself and she needed to learn to love herself again. To find her identity not in terms of hatred.

Our girl made the right choice even if no one else could appreciate it. Even if no one else understood. Even if it hurt her and the boy. The boy clearly didn't want things to end up like that but he couldn't force her to be with him. That wouldn't be real love. He had to let her fly away and I she one day came back to him it was because it was meant to be.

If they had met after she set free from her hatred things would've been different, but it wasn't like that.

And many years passed before they saw each other again, but once again that wasn't the first time their paths crossed since she walked away in her self-discovery journey. Once again, it was a matter of timing.

Like that time she went back to the place where it all began, not knowing he'd be there. Just minutes separated them, fate didn't want them together just yet. It wasn't the right time because when he walked inside the stables that day she had just walked out a few minutes before. If only he hadn't stopped to talk to his friend that morning. If only he had eaten faster they would've seen each other six years sooner than the day it actually happened.
Or that time when both were at the same concert, when she was in the crowd singing along with everyone and he was backstage, enjoying the same music, the same song. They were so close that night but none of them was aware of the other's presence. It was again fate keeping them apart for now.

Or that time he walked inside the small coffee shop right when she was coming his way at the corner of the street. Then she walked past the shop but he never looked back or he would've seen her.

Or maybe that occasion when she was hospitalised due to appendicitis. He was in the room next door because his knees were causing him trouble. Once again, none of them knew the other was so close.

Like those there were many more occasions when their paths were about to cross but timing failed them.

Only seven years later at a wedding they met again. Only seven years later Ella and Niall found each other when the time was right, when she was ready to love him even better than she did before. When he wouldn't have anyone to judge her for just being with him. Seven years apart was necessary for them to be together. And our boy was right, she came back to him because they were alway meant to be. They just needed time for themselves first.

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