Tough Love

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Chapter 1

Lauren: My hands were shaking. I stop right outside of the door. I was sure my heart was beating so loud everyone could hear. I looked at Rose, my best friend, and we both did a little shriek. Our VIP host put his hand on the door knob, and started “Alright girls are you ready?” He slowly opened the door and my heart sank.

Harry: I heard the door click open and I knew that the fans had arrived. I searched Paul’s bag for a sharpie and then looked up. There were quite a few fans and I knew that we would be here for a while. They entered the room and crowed into a little circle, they said noting but stared. I opened my mouth to speak but Liam beat me too it. “Hello guys, how are you?” I closed my mouth and smiled. “Okay let’s get to it.” Paul spoke blankly. They formed into a line and chatted among themselves. Before anyone got to me I heard “Hello Harry!” I served the room but couldn’t find who said it. “Hello” I responded. 

Lauren: We entered the room in awkward order. Then I laid eyes on them, the five boys that I have been devoted to, dedicated to, and the boys who absolutely changed me life. I smiled so hard, and couldn’t speak. They were all so perfect, their hair, their face, their smiles. Everything that they did and I couldn’t believe that I was finally meeting my idols. Harry looked up into the crowd and smiled, his dimples bulged boldly. My heart skipped a beat and I sheepishly backed up. We formed a line up to the boys, there were propped up on chair. They all looked extremely tired but they seemed to be getting pumped up again by us. Rose and I were near the end of the line and I was glad. I wanted the boys to maybe remember me, and being at the end of the line was my only chance. I was pretty ordinary, nothing really special enough for the five most handsome boys to remember me by. I was awkwardly short, and had straight dirty blonde hair. Nothing really spectacular stood out about me. The line moved pretty slowly and I pondered what I was going to say to them, specifically Harry. I was clueless, I prepared for this day for months. However my mind was blank, all I could think about was how I was here. Finally I approached the boys; my heart was beating so much louder I was sure it was going to bulge out of my chest. I stumbled my way to them, Harry first. I stared into his beautiful light green orbs, and then he opened his mouth “Hello, love.” He smiled.

Harry: I propped my feet up on the chair bars below and was ready. I pulled the cap off the sharpie and started greeting the fans. They were all so different, some didn’t speak, some screamed, most cried, and some just wanted a conversation. I like those fans, the ones who actually talked to me like I was a human being. I liked people who like me for me, not Harry from One Direction. I looked up and saw that we were almost done greeting, I was glad. The concert wore me out and honestly I just wanted to sleep. About 10 more fans were left and one approached me slowly. I saw the nervousness in here face but she was keeping her cool. I looked at here from head to toe, she was stunning. I guessed she was around 15 or 16. She looked at me straight on, and I opened my mouth to speak “Hello, love.” I smiled broadly. “Hello Harry.” She smiled back. Her smile was absolutely incredible, but I was fixed on her eyes. They were probably her best feature. They gleamed a light green, with a dark blue ring around them; she had the tiniest dimple near her eye that came out when she smiled hard. She saw that I was staring so I broke it, and looked down at my hands. I signaled for her CD and she handed it to me.

Lauren: I was petrified to say the least. We chatted a little, and I made him laugh. The smile on his face was perfect. I didn’t want this to ever end but it was over, he handed me back the CD and I said goodbye. He said the same and I walked away to see the others. They were all so charming, nice, and beautiful. I didn’t want to leave them, but I was sure that no one did. They all signed my CD and I moved into a little corner by myself to wait for Rose. I probably had the cheekiest smile on my face but I didn’t care. My word was perfect right now. 

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