Chapter 3

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Harry: it’s been about a week, and she hasn’t called. She hasn’t texted me. I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t have her number. I pondered reasons in my head of why she hasn’t phoned me. The boys saw that I was distraught and tried to comfort me, but nothing really worked. I don’t know what it was about this girl. What had she done to me? I felt sort of empty. I just really hoped she would phone me soon…

Lauren: “im just scared ok?” I snapped at Rose for she kept pestering me about phoning Harry. “What’s there to be scared of? You already talked to him before?” she realized I was getting annoyed by the topic and she dropped it from there. I held my books tightly in my hands and sighed. I wanted to call him, but yes of course I was scared. It was Harry Styles for god sake, who wouldn’t be scared? I opened my mouth to speak but then an unexpected force hit me and all my books hit the ground. “Watch it freak.” Some girl muttered not even looking at me. I sighed and started to bend down in the crowded school hallway. Rose swiftly reached down to help me. “You really should tell people, everyone would treat you differently.” She said as she snickered in the direction of the girl who had just knocked the books out of my hand. “No, no. who would believe me? Its ridiculous, Harrys Styles, giving me his number? ” I refuted. “No…Lauren not that, you know…” she paused and looked at me with an empty look in her eyes. I knew exactly what she was talking about. “Rose… I can’t… im just not ready…” I slowly closed my eyes took another deep breath and once again proceeded down the hallway.

After school, Rose and I went back to my house. It was fairly quite because only my brother, Rodger, was home. We greeted each other and then went our separate ways, basically what we have done every day for years. I dropped my school bag and fell on my bed, I was feeling really weak today, and just laid there. “Erm…so now would be a great time to… yah kn-.” I cut her off there, I knew what she was going to say and she had bugged me so I figured it was time. “Fine, you win.” I chuckled. My heart started to race again and I was getting a little worried. My hands shook as a scrolled through my contacts to his number. I gave Rose a little ready nod and to be quite because I was putting him on speaker. It started to dial, then ring. With every ring my heart beat got faster and faster, until my heart stopped when he answered. 

Harry: I was slouched on a short couch with Niall, Zayn and Louis when I heard my phone vibrate. I had a killer headache and just wanted to go back to the hotel room to sleep, but sadly we were stuck here talking about what we were planning on wearing tomorrow. I whipped out my phone and saw that I didn’t recognize the number. Usually I don’t answer because it might be someone who accidently got my number somehow. Then she popped into my head. What if it was her? I practically jumped out of the couch and fell on Liam who was lying on the floor because there was no room left on the couch. “Erm I have to take this.” I almost whispered. “Watch it mate” Liam chuckled as he rolled out of the way. I ran into the other room, and answered. “Hello.” I said confidently. “Hi Harry…its Lauren…” her voice sounded kind of shaky. “Oh hello, I thought you would never call.” I responded. She didn’t answer for a couple of seconds “Hello?” I confusedly spoke straight into the phone. “Oh im sorry, I just was confused because we didn’t really talk a lot, and you giving me your number, I thought it was a joke and-.” I cut her off “No, no joke. Listen I can’t really talk, but Erm…” I paused for a moment because I heard my name. “Harry lets go, you have to have a say in this too.” I head my stylists speak impatiently. “Erm… text me your details and I will pick you up but I have to go.” I swiftly hung up the phone and returned to the room. I wasn’t sure what just happened but I think we had a… date?

Lauren: I stared at my phone and confusingly looked over at Rose. “What just happened?” I slowly spoke. “Erm… I think you have a date!” she screamed. Rose started to jump and repeat it. “You have a date! You have a date! With Harry Styles!” “You think, cause we don’t really know each other and-.” My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a knock at the door. “Hello?” I said, and my door cautiously opened. It was Rodger, of all people. “Did I hear that my little sister had a date?” he smiled. I laughed and nodded my head. “WITH HARRY STYLES!” rose jumped in right away. Rodger said something but I wasn’t really paying attention. I started off into space and my mind wondered did I really have a date with him? What if things got serious? My heart started to race at this fact, and then it dropped. I spoke my thoughts out loud. “What if things get serious?” my voice was shaky and they could both tell something was wrong. Rodger entered the room a little more now. He crouched down next to my bed where I was sitting and whispered “Then that would be great.” He smiled and patted my knee. “But…but… then he would have to know…” my vision was fogy and I knew the tears were coming. Rose ran over and I buried my face into her shoulder, and cried. 

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