Chapter 7

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Harry: Hand in hand we stepped into the lift once more. I pressed the garage button and we were on our way down. She leaned over and put her head in the crease of my neck. We stood there for a few moments till the lift’s door opened, but we didn’t move. I was a bit confused so I moved and looked at her. The lifts door closed and I realized that broke her out of her daze. “What are you thinking about?” I asked as I pressed the ‘open’ button on the lift. It did as commanded and we walked out. “Last night.” She responded. “I had a great time.” She looked up to me and smiled. I stopped in my tracks and we were facing each other, still holding hands. She pressed he chest against mine and looked straight up in my eyes. I then realized how short she was, probably a good 7 inches lower than me. “Im glad.” I began “So did I.” I leaned down a bit and our lips met again. This kiss was a bit longer, but nothing compared to last night. Just the way it happened made it so perfect, she was so perfect. I couldn’t wait for this day to begin so I pulled away. “Come on.” I winked then walked her over to the passenger seat of my rental car. She got in gracefully and then I did the same. Today was my last day with her for a while. I stopped and thought about that. Would I see her again? Yes, I wanted to. But when would I? I didn’t know when I was returning to America. Was this going to get serious? My thoughts then went to Louis and Liam, and their girlfriends, and how they missed them every day. I turned to her and she was staring down at her fingernails. I was going to miss her, if she was my girlfriend or not. I didn’t want to leave her. We only went on one date; would this make her my girlfriend? I had to tell her I was leaving, and right now was my chance. Before she realized my brain was wondering thinking about this I was going to tell her. “Lauren…I have to tell you something.” I asked her very seriously. She turned to me and look worried, so I lightened my tone. “Erm…today…well is my last day here, in America.” I slowly spoke so I would not have to repeat the sobering fact. He eyes drained and I could tell she didn’t want me to leave. After a couple of seconds of her staring into space and what I had said sunk in, her eyes perked up. “Well, were just going to have to make this a great day.” She smiled then sat right up in her seat. Not another word was said on the matter.

Lauren: I didn’t want him to think I was going to miss him; after all, it was only one date. Would he miss me? Of course he wouldn’t miss me; I bet he has tons of other girls wrapped around his pretty little finger. This was probably my last day with him, forever. Then he would forget about me, right? He was just with me for a good time I guess. I stopped and shook my head. I needed to stop thinking this way but I couldn’t give my hopes up. So I turned to him and started talking. “So…how long you going to be away for?” he chuckled to himself but did not answer, which I though was strange. So I sat back up on my seat and looked out the window. Eventually he pulled into my drive way, and then he broke the silence. “2 months. I will be away all of 2 months. Listen Laur…” I interrupted him; I didn’t want to hear anymore. “Yes I get it; you don’t want to see me? That this was only for the hell of it and it was fun while it lasted but you have better things to do? I get it.” I was staring right into his eyes, they were blank. I could not read him, I didn’t like it. He continued this stare for a little longer until he broke it and looked down at his fingers. “No…I erm…want to see you when I get back. I really like you Lauren, and I’ve seen Liam and Louis, and how them and their girlfriends get alone, and maybe I don’t know… we could try... I know this is fairly quick, but why not?” my heart sank to what seemed like under the car and too the depths of hell. He still wanted to see me? All I could do was put on a little half smile because I was still confused. “If you don’t want to see me, and all, that’s fine too…” he trailed off smiling and I knew he was being sarcastic. I giggled and then looked up at him. “So this is a legit offer eh?” I spoke and then lightly bite my lower lip. “Yes.” He sung. I wanted to scream, and run, and jump in a million little circles. I had to call Rose, and all of my other friends. Well, all of like seven of them. No one was going to believe me, but eh, who cares? I knew that harry styles was mine.

Harry: I walked her up to her door, I told her to get ready and I’d be back with food and coffee, she agreed. I kissed her lightly on the cheek and said goodbye. She closed the door behind her and I jogged my way back to my car. I think that I was off the market? I pondered at this and smiled. I pulled out of the drive way to make my way to the closest Starbucks when my phone rang. Keeping my eyes fixed on the road I pulled out my phone and quickly looked down to see who was phoning me. Paul, great. I didn’t want to answer, but I couldn’t neglect him. I had my work to do, but I hoped it wasn’t urgent. I pressed the answer button and then tapped speaker so I could keep my focus on driving. “Hello, Paul.” I answered him cloyingly. “You need to be back here around 2:30, got it? You and the boys are doing an interview for Q102 at 4:00.” I sighed and then looked at the clock that read 11:24am. “Alright, I will. See you then.” I hung up the phone. The day was ruined. I couldn’t spend all day with her; I didn’t know why I thought I could. I practically neglected everything that was going on today because of wanting to spend time with her before I left. I would have to leave her early. Great, I stepped on the gas and speed my way to Starbuck so I could get back to her, and tell her the news. 

Lauren: I called Rose imminently. She could not control herself, she was practically happier then I was. I smiled through the phone and told her I had to go because I was spending the day with Harry. I hung up, but then called Nina, my second best friend. We drifted a bit after she moved, but she was always there for me and I the same. I told her everything, and I got goose bumps just reliving it. She was happy for me as well, and she said that she was going to tell everyone. I said ok then hung up. I held my phone to my chest and was a little hesitant at this. What if no one believed me? They would all think I am crazy, however they would find out soon enough. I quickly ran to the bathroom and took off my make up, and redid my hair. I applied another light layer of makeup. I didn’t know what to change my clothes to because I didn’t know what we were doing, but I decided on leggings and a white blouse with white wedges. When Harry arrived back to my house it was a little after 12. We sat in my living room and enjoyed beagles, brownies, bananas and coffee. We were getting into an episode of ‘Boy Meets World’ when he broke my concentration. “Lauren, I have to leave earlier then I imagined.” He mumbled. “When?” I spoke hollowly; I didn’t want him to go. I wanted him here, with me. “Around 2.” I sighed and agreed because I knew that he had a job to do, be a part of One Direction.

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