Chapter 20

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Lauren: Just as I suspected when I woke up there were so many rumors about Harry. Some people say that he cheated on my and the guy beat him up because of it. Others said that the guy was hitting on me and Harry beat him up, and the girl was the guy’s girlfriend. I was on twitter briefly but I didn’t stay on long because of hate. There were so many people that said I deserved it, and I was a mistake and such. Others asked for the true story.

The time was moving really fast and Harry and the other lads would be back in America soon. I decided I had to make I plan to really surprise Harry and get him back. Me and Rose pondered different ways but none of them really were good. “How about you just call him, Laur? I mean if you make up you could have time to go meet his family while he’s in the UK or something?” I admit that was an okayish plan but I didn’t want to do it like that. “Rose.” I started “I got it.”

Harry: The time here felt so short, and not a lot really happened. Management found out about the fight and we were now no longer allowed to attend parties without someone there with us, so I just skipped out on the rest. I caught up with a lot of my friends here, and one really important one, Emily. Emily was my childhood best friend, and when I was home here all the time we were always with each other. People always thought that there was something else between us, but it was never like that. We went out for coffee and caught up on a lot. I told her everything about Lauren; she said that of course she heard about her through the magazines and such. She basically told me the same thing that my mum did. That she’d come around and what not. After coffee I told her it was nice seeing her then kissed her on the cheek goodbye.

Lauren: I started going to the doctors more and more, which I didn’t really mind. They started doing all different tests on me that I didn’t really understand, I didn’t even know if it was good or bad. Honestly though, my cancer wasn’t really a main priority right now, he was. I thought of the perfect plan to get harry back and I was scared and excited at the same time. It was about a less than a week before he came home and I was getting the jitters. What if it didn’t work? Or if he found someone else and he doesn’t like me? Would I be an even bigger joke? On a lighter note, Niall and Rose started talking regularly, and they were planning to hangout when he got back to the UK. I was happy for her, and of course they invited me to come if me and harry got back together. I know it’s really stupid to worry more about harry then to worry about my cancer, but was the only thing on my mind and I couldn’t help it.

Rose and I spent the rest of the week together, I had her constantly reassuring me that I was making the right decision with harry. She agreed every time, but I was still nervous. My plan was to go to the airport when they landed. Which could be a total bust, what if sercurity didn’t let me through? They did that one time, but that was with the boy’s permission. Also, I knew there would be upset fans there by the sight of me, and what if I got turned down by him? All those people would see and I would just stand there hopelessly? “You’ll never know until you try! If you don’t, you’ll never get him back.” Those words that Rose said really stuck with me. This was my last chance, and I was going to nip it in the butt. 

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