Chapter 11

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Harry: I slammed down on the bed and placed my face in the palms of my hands. I was so raged at myself. So many emotions were going through my head and I couldn’t take this anymore, but I couldn’t complain. I mean considering her feelings she was probably feeling 10 xs worse. I lifted my head out of my hands and looked at her, her previous facial expression did not change. She just stood there, shocked, with her sweatshirt in her hands. 

Lauren: What could I do? Say it wasn’t his fault, it clearly was but I couldn’t blame him. He didn’t know before, and I wasn’t punishing him for it. I knew I had to tell a lie to make him feel better. I stood there trying to think of something he would slightly believe, but nothing came to mind. “Erm…Harry, I fell, the other day. Getting in my car, it wasn’t you, please don’t worry.” It was no good, he didn’t believe one word out of my mouth, and honestly I didn’t make it believable. He shook his head, and then stood up again. “Oh please, Lauren, it was me and you know it.” He snapped at me and I was taken back at his remark. My jaw dropped slightly and he started to back away from me. “I just… don’t.” he stopped talking there, opened the door to our room and left. I quickly slipped my sweatshirt over my head and ran after him, but I was too late. He was gone, just like that. I stood there in the main living area of the hotel. I didn’t know where he went, and I wasn’t going to go after him. I realized I wasn’t alone when I heard someone clear there throat. On the verge of tears I looked over and saw Liam sitting on an oversized love seat with his phone in hand. “Erm…” he said confused. I walked closer over to him and sat down on the couch beside him. I guessed everyone was sleeping so I whispered to him. “He left because he hurt me; it wasn’t his fault bu...” I closed my eyes and rubbed them hard; I could feel the cool salt water on my eyes and quickly whipped them away. I knew he wasn’t mad at me, and that he would be back, he was just frustrated at himself. “He will come back, trust me. This is all new, obviously, and he’s still in shock. Give him some time; give all of us sometime to adjust.” He put his hand on my shoulder and spoke to me very sternly, but comforting. I nodded then announced I was going to go lay down for the night. He stood up and gave me a hug. “Night, Liam.” I whispered to him. “Goodnight, Lauren.” He smiled back to me. I walked back into my room and turned down the lights, I slid into side of the bed. I didn’t even know what time it was, but I was exhausted. My mind started to wonder though. I put these boys in such an awkward position; I should have given some fair warning. I was stupid to come here. Stop, I couldn’t beat myself up for this. It is what it is and it can’t be changed. My thoughts traveled to other things until I started to drift into a sleep, but were interrupted when I heard the door open. I knew it had to be Harry, so I didn’t look up. He probably thought I was asleep so he was being as silent as humanly possible. I assumed he got changed or something like that then I felt the bed shift, that’s when I turned over. He was sliding into bed when he saw that I was still awake. He sulked down into the bed to my level, and we were face to face, literally. I didn’t know what to say, I didn’t have to say anything. He was the one who had to explain himself. “Im sorry.” He whispered lightly and I felt his breath on my face. I nodded and he opened his mouth to speak again. “Im just so mad, not at you, I never meant to hurt you. This is just all so much right now; I would have never expected this.” His voice drifted off, and he moved close to kiss me on the forehead. “I know, and im sorry. I should have warned you, or told you sooner. You shouldn’t have to deal with this.” I said, you could tell that my voice was sleepy. “I shouldn’t have to deal with this? Are you kidding me? You are the one going through so much, and you shouldn’t be dealing with this.” His voice grew a little stronger. I was too tired to talk back, so I just laid there staring at him. He brought his hand up to me and touched my bald head, then slowly moved his hand down to right under my collar bone. I flinched and was quite take back by this; he knew where the hole in my chest was, from my port. They used this for my Chemotherapy, how did he know I had it? I was going to keep it a secret so he didn’t have to worry more than he should, but now that he knows… I realized he saw the shocked look on my face, and he began to speak. “About 3 years ago, my Aunt had cancer Lauren, and I can’t lose you too.”

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