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Francheska Troven

My knees collapsed as soon as the last word left Thaddeus' lips. Everything around me became blurry and then I realized that I can no longer understand what they were all saying.

But then, I understood why. It's because my vision was blurred by tears and my scream blocked the noises making it hard for me to hear anything but my own thoughts. All I know is that Selena is trying to calm me down but then my senses wouldn't respond to anything that was happening around me.

"France! France! FRANCHESKA!" Selena's screams were the last thing I heard before everything around me completely vanished.

Francheska, you have to listen to me. Freya whispered to my ear.

When I opened my eyes, I saw her staring down at me with sad eyes. It made me feel worse that my wolf is giving me such look instead of reassuring me that everything will be fine or she already has a solution that could fix the situation we are all in.

"Please tell me that all of that was nothing but a mere nightmare and you pulled me away from it." I begged.

Her lips pursed at my begging tone, Even if I want to assure you that it was a nightmare I just can't Francheska. The situation wherein Rovan isn't waking up is true. 

Damn it! I thought, why the hell is this happening?

"What should I do Freya? We aren't even in good terms for me to be the one to be able to wake him up." I muttered feeling frustrated.\

About that, you have to wake up now. As soon as you do, ask them where Rovan is and go to him immediately. Talk to him and you might find the answer. 

I gave her a confuse look, "None of what you said made sense."

She glared at me and said, Just do what I say you idiot!

With that, I jolted awake breathing hard. 

When Selena saw that I was awake, she immediately ran towards me and asked, "Is everything okay France?"

I nodded, unable to speak. I don't understand why I can't breathe properly. All I did was talk to Freya and when she forced me to wake up physically I'm unable to breathe easily.

"Uh-uh, Se-sel," I croaked, "I need to a-ask you a que-question."

She shook her firmly and said, "No, stop talking. You can't even speak properly and you just woke up. Rest some more."

"I can't Sel," I sat up my voice getting better the more I talk, "Freya instructed me that I need to talk to him as soon as I wake up"

She gave me a look, "How can you even talk to him if he's unconscious?"

"That's the reason why I have to try talking to him! Freya told me that talking to him might be some help." I replied frustrated.

I have this feeling that if I don't do anything then I might be too late to save him. I know I have to do something to wake him up. But the question is, will he react to my voice? After all, I know that he still loathes.

She stared at me for a few seconds as if contemplating if she should let me out of the room and allow me to do what i want. But I know she's about to break by the way her eyes are showing panic.

"Fine, if that is truly what you want. But the question is, will he react to your voice?"

I looked down, "I don't know Sel, I asked myself that question awhile ago but I need to at least try or I might regret not doing anything just because of my doubts."

Selena slowly sighed after I finished speaking, and nodded.

Selena Dalton

I don't know where she's getting all that determination even though she knows that it might not work. But then, I know how she feels because I was once in her position, and I know that I'll do the same thing if Thaddeus was the one unconscious.

"Selena, bring me to Rovan's room. I'm begging you, please." She gave me those pleading eyes that I was used to see when we were younger. I could never deny those eyes every time it looks through mine.

I sighed in defeat when I realized that denying her wouldn't work anyway, "Fine." She smiled, "But you have to sit on a wheelchair because the doctors told me that you should stay in bed for the whole remaining day."

She nodded enthusiastically at my reminder and she waited patiently as I got talk to the nurse to get the wheelchair that we're going to used.

I wheeled her towards Rovan's room and I can see Francheska tapping her fingers on her knees. I can see how agitated she is with what she is about to do. I smiled a little, even though Rovan has hurt her so many times she's still worrying about him.

"France, what really happened?" I asked seriously.

She stopped her tapping at my question and she became sullen, "Didn't I already tell you not to ask me that question and just leave this to me?"

"I can't help it," I reasoned, "I at least know how you feel. That's why I want to understand what is the cause  of you two drifting apart."

She didn't answer my question and instead said, "Just bring me to his room right away."

I felt frustrated, but nodded anyway because it won't be any use if I argue and try to get the truth from her. 

When we entered the room, I immediately wheeled her towards Rovan's bed. She grasped his hand and said, "I know you hate me, but I'm begging you wake up. Not for me but at least for the pack." 

I saw tears falling from her eyes so I looked away, but then to my surprise I heard a deep voce speak.

"I've been waiting for you to come and visit me, Francheska Troven."

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