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Rovan Owen

I slowly opened my eyes, closing it again because the light was too bright. Blinking it repeatedly to adjust to the brightness is what I did before completely opening them.

Suddenly, I heard someone gasped and a glass shattering.

When I turned I saw that it was Dashia who gasped but the one who dropped the glass...

Who is she?

She was staring at me with so much happiness which confused me. I feel like I should know her but seconds of searching for a name in my memories to match her face there was none. So in the end I just opened my mouth and asked it.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

I didn't mean to use a demanding tone but the moment I said those words, the happiness fell from her face. It almost made me feel guilty but then I told myself that I don't even know her so there's no reason for me to feel any guilt.

Dashia approached my bed cautiously, "You don't remember any of us?"

I frowned at her, "What the hell are you talking about Dashia? Of course I know you, you're our Gamma's mate. The one I'm asking about is who is the girl with you? I've never seen her before."

Both of them paled at what I said then suddenly she started crying, "You... Don't remember me?" She asked with a soft tone.

There's something pushing me to comfort her. But no way will I do that when we don't even know each other. Or she knows me yet I don't but still I won't go near her and start acting like we have some sort of connection.

So I tried to smile awkwardly and say, "Please don't cry miss, because I don't really recognize you even if I try to scan my memories I can't find anything about you."

She looked down, Dashia approached her and whispered something to her. The girl stood up and left the room but not after taking a glance at me. I didn't miss the hurt in her eyes though.

Felico's mate sighed and sat on the chair beside my hospital bed, "Rovan if you're acting, I'll punch you." She threatened.

I frowned at her, "I'm not acting, I really don't recognize her as a pack member." Then I realized that I didn't ask the most important question, "What am I doing here in the hospital anyway? My memory is blurry."

Dashia pursed her lips, "We... we actually don't know. We were waiting for you to wake up to tell us but it seems even you don't know what happened." Then her eyes widened as if she realized something, "Francheska was able to talk to Peltran! Why don't you ask him?"

I didn't think about that, it didn't cross my mind that I can just ask my wolf the questions that I need some answers with. If it's true that it's possible for him to remember then that would really be helpful.

I tried to connect with him but I didn't get a response which confused me. Trying again, still no answer. Shit!

"Is there something wrong Rovan?" Dashia asked looking worried.

I shook my head, this can't be possible.

"I lost contact with my wolf."

Francheska Troven

Rovan forgot about me.

My own mate forgot about me.

The pain made it hard for me to breathe, then I realized the true reason for that.

I'm sobbing hard and the other wolves are staring at me as I continue to walk fast. Ignoring them is not hard since all I could think about is how Rovan has completely forgotten about me.

"Freya, I need to talk to you please." I called out to my wolf.

Francheska... Even I don't know what's going on. Do not panic, it might just be because Rovan just woke up from coma. She reassured me.

I opened the door to my room and slammed my body to my bed before talking again with Freya.

"Are you sure about that? Maybe he just really wants to forget about me." I asked her feeling the uncertainty in my chest, "I've hurt him too much and maybe his brain locked his memories of me. There are cases like that. He can remember the others except for me."

I heard her sigh, I'll ask Peltran okay? So please just calm down. We still don't know what's the truth and we shouldn't draw conclusions because it will only cause more confusion.

I nodded before resuming to my crying, it hurts. It hurts too much to know that the person who should care about me the most forgot me just like that. Is it so easy to forget me?

Am I really that forgettable?

Or is it just because I've caused him so much pain that it became so easy to forget your own mate?

Even if I keep asking so many questions I know Rovan is the only one who could give me a complete answer. But in his state, he wouldn't be able to. I wish that he could remember soon because any more of this my heart might not be able to take it anymore and I will collapse.

All I wish as of this moment is that our mate bond (if there is still any bond other than hatred) would be strong enough to endure this. I will trust in the decision of the moon goddess of pairing us two. After all she wouldn't have done it without a reason to do so.

My thoughts are cut off when someone knocked on the door, "France please open the door. Let's talk about this." Selena pleaded.

I swallowed and closed my eyes trying to ignore my own best friend.

"I know how you feel but you can't lock yourself up." She continued.

I know Sel, I know. But I'm not as strong as you to endure the situation at the same way you endured yours. I'm weaker than you, and we all know that.

Selena sighed in resignation as if realizing it's futile to get me out of the room, "Alright, talk to me when you're ready France." I can hear her footsteps fading away.

Sorry Selena but the difference between us is that I lost my child and my mate, which is all my fault.

Rovan, will I lose you completely?

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