It's hard to stay away.

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A few days had passed since that night, you wake up with a pain in your shoulder, it's probably because you fell asleep awkwardly on your sofa but there's not a lot you can do about it now. You drag yourself up and check your phone, it was 10am and your parents would be here at 11. You race up to your room and throw on some boyfriend jeans, a black cropped jumper and some boots, with a brown belt laced trough the the belt loops of your jeans. It was simple sure but you liked that about it. You didn't want to draw any unnecessary attention. You do your hair and apply light makeup, again you didn't like being stared at so you try to keep everything minimal.

You start throwing things into your bag when you hear a knock on your door, you grab the bag and rush to greet your parents. They were taking you to a cafe in the outskirts of town for lunch to catch up, it was kind of a tradition for you guys now as you only ever saw them a few times a year. You greeted your parents and followed them to the car.

Michael watched as the car pulled out of your drive and down the road, he had gathered so far over a few   days that you were living alone and you didn't seem to have a partner but he was extremely keen to find out more. He followed your car all the way across town and positioned himself in a near by small wooded area, he could see you and your parents sat an one of the tables outside and was close enough to hear the conversations you guys were having.

"How have you been sweetheart?" Your father asks as he takes your small hand in his. You missed your parents and wished you could see them more, but you enjoyed the feeding that came with living alone. "I'm okay, I got a little spooked a few days ago but other than that I've been just fine" you smile. Your mother looks concerned "what happened?" She questions, you explain what happened that night, the picture and the man across the street. "It was probably just some Halloween pranks, you know how kids are" you sigh "yeah I know it just kind of got to me with the picture you know" your mother smiled sadly. She knew that you were never the same since Michael got locked away "you still miss him?" You look up at your mother and look away towards some trees next to your table , "of course i miss him mum, I can't just forget him" your mother grabs your hand "I know sweetly and we don't expect you to forget him he was your best friend but you need to not let pranks like this get you down" you start to tear up but wipe your eye before any could fall. "I know mum" she gives your hand a quick squeeze and hands you the menu.

Michael's heartbeat picks up when he hears you talking about him. You still care about him and that has him feeling ecstatic. He so badly wants to run out and hug you but revealing himself in such a public place would only land him back in the hospital.

The food at the cafe was good, as it always was. You had ordered some pasta but you didn't finish it, it wasn't that you didn't like it you were just distracted. The conversation about Michael had thrown you off of your game, you moved your food around with your fork and rested your chin on your palm. You stared out into the trees near your table, your eyes narrowed when you notice something move. You sit up, startled, you could sworn you just saw the man from the other night. "You alright honey?" Your mother asks, you turn your attention to her and nod "I could of sworn I saw.." your father looked at you "saw what?" He asked. You shake your head "it's was nothing, can we go?" Your parents had luckily finished their food so they didn't question you.

You invited your parents back to your place for coffee. The ride home was silent, but it was a comfortable silence, when you all arrived back at your house you unlocked the door and head towards your kettle.

Michael cursed himself when you almost saw him for the second time. He knew his current attire would frighten you and that was the last thing he wanted. He followed your parents car back to your house and sat himself at your front window again. He wanted to see if he got brought up in conversation again, maybe that way he could find out more about how you felt. He had been watching you for a few days now and he was growing impatient, he wanted to reveal himself to you soon and the plan was that he would do so tonight. But he had not counted on your parents staying this long and he prayed they weren't staying the night. It had taken every inch of his being not to reveal himself sooner, but he needed to be sure. For your sake.

You all sat around the small breakfast bar in your kitchen, a warm mug of coffee in each of your hands. Your father walked over to the corner and switched on the radio, an old song that you all used to listen too came flooding out of the speakers. Your father turned dramatically and began singing along to the song, he grabbed your hand and pulled you from your seat. He span you around a few times before turning his attention to your mother, earning her the same fate. You laughed at your parents, you thought they were the cutest thing, dancing around in your kitchen. The song ended and the news came on shortly after. You weren't really paying too much attention to the news until one story caught your ear. "Convicted murderer Michael Myers has escaped Smith's Grove Sanitarium, while police are doing everything they can to catch him, it is advised that residents near by keep all doors locked and avoid leaving the house late at night" your mother reaches to turn off the radio quickly but you stop her, "did you know about this?" You ask, anger clear in your voice, your mother nods sadly "we didn't want to worry you sweetheart".

You get even angrier at this "why wouldn't you tell me! You know how much I still care about him!" You exclaim loudly, "that's exactly why we kept quiet! We didn't want you to put yourself in danger!" Your father says back, his voice was slightly raised, but no where near as much as yours was. "Please leave" you say, quieter now, "excuse me?" You look at your parents "i just want to be alone right now please leave". Your parents stand and you walk them to their car. They pull you into a hug "we love you, please don't do anything stupid" you nod at your father, "I won't" your father smiles and gets in the car, along with your mother. "We will call you when we are home, okay?" You roll your eyes "okay dad" you reply, waking towards your door. You wave as your parents leave then shut your front door with a sigh.

You walk to your couch and fall back onto it, you didn't realise for a minute that there were tears streaming down your face. You start crying harder, you didn't know where Michael was but you just hoped he was safe. What you didn't know was that he was currently watching you through the window behind you.

Michael had heard what happened and decided he was going to talk to you. Tonight. He couldn't stay away anymore he just wanted you back. He needed you back. He walked around your house, trying to find some way in. He couldn't find one and decided he would have to come back later when it was dark. He planned to just simply knock on your door and reveal himself but he wanted to wait until it was dark to avoid attention.

It had been a few hours and it was around 11pm, you were currently engrossed in a documentary about the moon landing conspiracy, it was interesting to you. You were a sucker for conspiracy theories. You reached over to your previously forgotten iced coffee that was on your table, you took a sip and scrunched up your face, the ice had melted and it was far too watery for you to enjoy it now.

Michael took a breath and wondered onto your doorstep, he was extremely nervous for the first time in a long time. Since he found you again it had brought back many feeling he hadn't felt in a long time, happiness, love, fear, but he didn't care. With a sigh, Michael reached up with his shaky hand and knocked a few times on your front door.

You jumped when you heard the knock on your door, you weren't paying attention and it startled you. You pull yourself up off of your sofa and walk towards your door. You had a weird feeling as you approached the door, you couldn't put your finger on what it was. You decide to ignore it and open your door. Nothing could of prepared you for what you saw.
A/N:  Ah! I know, a cliff hanger I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself.

I hope you enjoy part 6! I would of had it up a few hours ago but my bother offered to take me out for food and I wasn't about to turn down free food 😂.

Part 7 will be up tomorrow and prepare for some major tooth rotting fluff!

Thank you for reading this story and Thankyou for over 400 total reads so far! 💖

- PumpkinMilkTea ✌🏻

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