Please dont take my sunshine away.

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Dr. Loomis thought of himself as a reasonable man, he could understand that sometimes people messed up and he was okay with it. But what he didn't expect was to find out that Michael Myers had broken out of Smith's Grove Sanitarium, he had been gone for not even a month and they had let possibly the most dangerous man in the state escape!

Loomis stormed into the office of the men who ran the Sanitarium, he was fuming. "How could you just let him walk out like that? Where was the rest of the security?" The men tried to justify themselves and explain how Michael had escaped, but Loomis wasn't having it. "You all don't even know where to look" he muttered angrily, "but I do". Dr. Loomis exited the room in a hurry, his long coat swaying behind him as he slammed the heavy wooden door.

Dr. Loomis knew that Michael would return to Haddonfield, that's the only place that Michael knew, the only place where he would feel comfortable being. He also knew that Michael would definitely look for you, but he was convinced that you would have moved away by now. He just hoped that Michael hadn't tried to find you yet. And if he had, you would likely be dead.

You were awoken by the loud ringing of the fire alarm in your house, accompanied by the intense smell of burning. You threw yourself out of your bed, wait.. didn't you fall asleep on the sofa? Did Michael take you to bed. You quickly forget about the warm feeling you got from the thought of Michael putting you in bed and rushed downstairs to see what was burning. When you enter your kitchen you see Michael flapping around a towel under the smoke detector, trying desperately to get it to stop making that dreadful noise. You reach up and press a button to turn off the beeping. "Michael what happened?" He sinks into the corner a little, clearly embarrassed. "I tried to make you breakfast but I forgot about the toast while trying to work the oven and it burnt and then the alarm won't off and I didn't know what to do an-" you cut off Michael's rambling, "you're a giant child you know that?" Michael looks down at the floor and you giggle. "I'm very flattered that you tried to make me breakfast but at least let me teach you how to use the oven first".

Michael looked up, an apologetic grin on his face. "What were you trying to make?" You ask, picking up the smoky pan and emptying the black remains of Michael's failed breakfast into the bin. "Pancakes, they were your favourite before" you feel your heart swell, he remembered your favourite food? "Awh Michael" you hug him, although your head only reaches his stomach, he really was huge. His arm wraps around your shoulders as he returns the hug. "Do you still want pancakes?" You look up at him, he nods "go and sit at the table and I will make some okay?" Michael nods again and sits himself at the table. For a moment everything seemed normal. Almost like he had never left. You soon bring over the not burned pancakes and let a plate in front of  Michael, he thanks you and begins to eat them. "This is what I was going for but maybe I will leave the pancakes to you" he comments, a mouth full of pancake and syrup. You laugh and admire him from across the table,  it really did seem like such a normal thing, to have him here. You knew that this was how things were supposed to be. You sat at the table with your best friend, the love of your life, watching him inhale a plate of pancakes.

When Dr Loomis arrived in Haddonfield he got an uneasy feeling. He knew Michael was here, he could feel it. Loomis began his search at the now abandoned Myers home. There were signs of a break in, but he couldn't be sure it was Michael. It was common knowledge that this was a hotspot for horny teens, and they could very well have been the people that had broken in. It was upon the discovery of Michael's old mask, and some ripped up floor boards, that confirmed the suspicion that Michael had in fact been there previously. But how far could he have got?

Dr Loomis's next stop was the local police station, where he discovered that the body of a young man had been discovered in the woods. Loomis looked into the mans death, visited his family and friends. He discovered that this man has been in a relationship with y/n y/l/n. It all made sense to him now. Michael had found you and was killing off everyone close to you. One of the local police men had informed Loomis you still lived in the area and Loomis knew he had to act quickly, to insure your safety. 

Michael had left you about an hour ago, you didn't question where he was going or what he intended to to, you just wanted him to promise to come back. Which he agreed to immediately. He wasn't planning on going anywhere anytime soon. A knock on your door interrupted your thoughts, you knew it wasn't Michael because he had a key. You opened the door and can face to face with an older man, he had white hair and matching white facial hair. He looked familiar but you couldn't remember from where.  "Y/n  Y/l/n?" He asks, you nod. "My names Dr. Loomis may I come in?". You knew who he was now. He was Michael's doctor at that hospital they kept him in. You were glad that Michael had gone out, and just hoped that Loomis left before Michael returned.

Dr. Loomis sat down on your sofa and faced you. "Y/n I'm not sure if you have heard, but Michael Myers has escaped Smith's Grove" you pretended to act shocked "now I know this comes as a surprise to you but for your safety I'd like you to go and stay with a relative, this man is dangerous and is likely to come after you, despite your history with him" you felt sorry for the man honestly, he didn't know what he was talking about, Michael loved you and you knew he would never hurt you. "I'm not leaving my home Dr. Loomis, he would of done something by now if he had any intention to".

He tried to argue with you but eventually agreed to let you stay, you just wanted him out of your house as soon as possible. Dr. Loomis wasn't convinced and decided to move his car and watch your house, incase Michael showed up. He was close to falling asleep when he heard movement by your house, everything had been quiet for hours. There was a man outside your house, this man was tall and Loomis recognised his posture. It was Michael. Loomis watched as Michael looked through the window that led to your living room, and watched him walk around to the back of your house. Dr. Loomis then darted out of his car and ran to your door and banged on it.

You opened the door with a groan, you were in the middle of getting ready to go to bed and if it wasn't Michael at the door you were going to be pissed. When you saw Dr. Loomis at your door with a panicked look on his face, you sighed. "We need to leave he's found you!" You didn't have time to react before you were being dragged out of your house by Dr. Loomis.  He pushes you into his car and fumbles with his coat in an attempt to find his keys. Before he could, the door to your side of the car had been ripped open and you had been pulled out,  you looked up and saw Michael standing there. His arm scratched and bleeding from the broken glass of the door.

Michael pulled you into his arms, he tried to walk away but Dr. Loomis pulled out his gun. "Let her go
Michael! She's nothing to do with this." Michael didn't want to go back to that place, and he couldn't leave you. He didn't know what to do and gripped you tighter, turning to leave again with you in his arms. You screamed as you heard a gunshot, and you were dropped to the floor, you felt broken glass pierce your hands. You look up in horror as several more gunshots sounded throughout the dark and previously quiet street , Michael's body falls to the floor with a loud thump.

You scream at the sight, loud and you ugly sobs shaking your entire body. He killed Michael. You had just got him back! Dr. Loomis wrapped his coat around you and helped you into the passenger side of his car. You didn't speak, you felt numb. Everything you cared about had been ripped away from you and lay lifeless on the street behind you. "It's alright, it's over now. He can't hurt you" Loomis tells you in an attempt to soothe you. He figured that you were extremely shocked by what happened. Seeing Michael again so suddenly, and surviving his attempt to kill you. Loomis had notified police of the situation, you could hear distant sirens. Just like the first time.  "lets get you to a hospital" Dr. Loomis says in a concerned voice.

You watch Michael's body get further away from the car. Tears silently streaming down your face.

A/N: Sorry this update took so long! My mums still in a bad shape and I'm getting updates done as quickly as I can,  thank you for being so patient ❤️

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I apologise for the heartbreak at the end, but as I've said before I'm trying to get this as close to the movie as I can, so Loomis had to come to the 'rescue'.

Thank you for reading this story and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

- PumpkinMilkTea ✌🏻

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