Trouble in paradise.

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Last night had been been better than you could have ever imagined. Michael was amazing, everything was amazing. But you couldn't stop thinking. Everything Michael had done, what you had done. You thought you were okay with all of this but you weren't. You kept trying and trying to push the nagging thoughts out of your head but they always clawed their way back into your brain and screamed. You loved Michael, you really loved him. But this wasn't healthy. You couldn't cope with the constant anxiety of him being caught, or the constant fear of police. And you felt as if you were holding him back. If you stayed around then he would continue to focus on keeping you safe, putting you and him in more danger. You don't want to die. You don't want Michael to die. You don't want to spend your whole life hiding. You had to leave. It was best for everyone.

You pulled yourself out of bed slowly. It was still early, about 6am. You managed not to wake Michael. You crept down to the kitchen and made a coffee. The kitchen was cold and still dark. The only light was from the just rising sun starting to peak the window, giving the room a soft illumination. Your eyes were glued to the cup in front of you. Should you just leave? Would he care? No. You should tell him, you owe him that much.

Michael slept peacefully. The rush of last night still fresh in his mind. He rolled over and reached his arm out for you. His eyes opened when his arm fell on the sheets rather than your soft skin. He heard the scrape of a chair from downstairs, immediately jumping up to find out if it was you. You were sat at the table,  your now cold coffee clasped in your fingers. "Why are you down here?" Your head snapped to the sudden noise, "sorry" he mumbles. You lean back in the wooden chair with a sigh, "come sit down Michael". His eyes narrowed slightly, something was wrong, but he sits in front of you anyway.

"Michael I'm going to go and stay with my parents for a little while" you saw his first clench, his knuckles growing whiter. "What" his voice was clear this time, he useless a demanding tone. "I haven't spent time with them in a while and it would be good to g.." he cuts you off mid sentence, with a grunt. "No" his fist was starting to shake, "what do you mean no" he pushes himself up from the table with force. Why are you leaving? He couldn't make sense of it in his head. He'd been nothing but good to you? Was his love not good enough? Was there someone else?

You stand up from the table and turn for the door, Michaels strong hand clamped itself around your wrist. "Why are you leaving me" his eyes were frantically scanning your face for any clues as to why you had suddenly changed your mind. " I can't do this anymore Michael" you could see him get angrier, explaining yourself would just make him angrier. You pull your arm from his grasp, "y/n" you didn't look at him, you couldn't. You'd come this far. You walk closer to the front door but he slams his arm across if, blocking your exit. "Michael please", your voice was soft, yet it didn't diminish the anger scrawled across Michaels features. His other hand comes down on your upper arm with a vice like grip. "You're not leaving me do you understand! You're mine!" His grip tightened and you cried out "Michael you're hurting me". Your comment caused his grip on you to loosen, taking advantage of this you pull yourself free and shove Michael out of your way, sprinting to your car.  He was so stunned by your actions that he didn't have time to stop you, you were already in your car fumbling with the keys.

"Get back here!" He screams from the driveway as you frantically pull out of the drive way. "You're all I have!". The last comment almost broke you, but you kept driving with wet tears dripping down your cheek and your upper arm throbbing. You never thought he'd actually hurt you. What were you thinking? He was a killer of course he'd hurt you. You don't know why you'd hung into this idea of childhood love for so many years, he hadn't changed. Yet you still loved him, craved him.

But you kept driving.

As soon as you'd pulled out of that drive way Michael was furious. At you for leaving and at himself for hurting you. Now you'd never come back. He slumped against the closed front door, tears of heartbreak and anger falling from his eyes. This was all his families fault. If they hadn't pushed him to the edge then he wouldn't be like this! You'd still be there if it wasn't for them! Michael was shaking with rage, he needed a release. With his knife in hand and his mask hiding him from the world, he left the house and began his search. For anyone.

You had to pull over after half an hour of driving, you didn't even know where you were going anymore, it certainly wasn't your parents house. your eyes were stinging and swollen from all the crying. Why did you leave? He was getting better. Now all of that was gone because of your stupid guilt. You'd have to go back, but not now. Things needed a few days to calm down. A few miles up the road was a rather crappy looking hotel. It would have to do for a few days.

The room was as crappy as you'd imagined, uncomfortable bed, looked like nobody had been there in months. The sofa was hard, but it would do. You sat down and pulled out your phone, all you had was your phone, purse and emergency bag that you kept in your car, it had a change of clothes and some hygiene stuff just incase. You scrolled through your contacts until you found your mums number and called. The phone rang a few times but went to voice mail. You groaned and slumped back on the sofa. Why'd you think that leaving would make you feel better? You'd left Michael and now you get even worse. The guilt was still there. It would always be there. But the love you still felt for Michael, despite all he had done was still there too. You didn't like that it was there, you wanted to forget. But you couldn't. Even when you're gone you're hiding, its no different to being with him. But at least then you weren't alone You needed him. You guess that makes you just as fucked up as he is. You'd stay away as long as you could, even if it would take every ounce of your being to do so.

A/N: hey guys, it's been a while since the last real update to this story, it's jut been me complaining really 😅
I wanted to change things up a bit as I thought Michael was being too normal when he's supposed to be a psychopath, and it seems to have gone in a way that make the reader seem to have Stockholm syndrome, which wasn't the intention but I might just role with it. Hopefully you're all okay with this.

Anyway I hope you enjoy this update and I'm sorry it took so long

I love you all ❤️

-PumpkinMilkTea ✌🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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