chapter 2 ~ shopping~

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I woke up In the most comfortable bed ever. I opened my eyes and I was in the room David had showed me yesterday. The door slowly opened; raja walked through the door and smiled "good morning" she had a two cups of hot chocolate in her hands she sat down on my bed and handed me one of the cups "thank you" she smiled "welcome, so are you exited to go shopping" I nodded "yes the last time I went to a mall was when was 12" Raja had a shocked expression "why?!" I shrugged "once I came out as lesbain in the orphanage I didnt have a lot of friend and I used to be called names like fag and dyke so I just decided not to go out anymore, there was a time when I used to cu-" I stopped myself when I realized I was practically telling raja stuff that no one knows;I started crying, raja pulled me in for a hug "don't worry court it's OK now no one can hurt you know ,I have a gig next week and I would like you to come morgen mcmichels will be there and shangela too and you can take a pic and post it on instagram and dragcon starts is three months and all of us are going so you will meet all the stars on rupauls drag race plus Michelle visage" I started jumping up and down on the bed "oh my God thank you so much" I hugged raja and stayed in her arms for a while after we finished our hot chocolate we went down stairs to the living room. The girls were already in drag, jujubee ran to me "cmon let's go get you an outfit" she grabbed my by the wrist and pulled me back up the stairs. She went into her closet and gave me black skinny jeans and a 'misfits' shirt. I put them on and laughed "did adore leave these hear?" Jujubee smiled "no joke she actually did, I was too lazy to give them back so there still here" once we where finished, we went down stairs and went into the garage. The other girls where waiting for us in Raven's car, It was about a 30 minute drive to the mall. Raven parked the car in the parking lot and we got out, we walked into the mall and fans where already coming over to us and asking for pictures, it was kind of annoying but I didn't complain. The first store we went to was American apparel, Raja pointed to a shirt with marjauna leaves on it "omg raven look at this do you like this?" Raven rolled her eyes "yeah you're going to buy a 15 year old a weed shirt" raja smiled "I'll take that as a yes!" Raja grabbed the shirt that was my size and continued looking at the clothes. We ended up buying almost everything my size shirts, jeans, goodies and underwear we went to go pay and I looked at raven "I mean you really don't have to buy me all these clothes" manila smiled "hunty it's our pleasure don't worry about it" I smiled and thanked them. We walked out of the store and went to a lot of other shops and bought shoes, heels, dresses, shirts, shorts, jeans all kinds of things, we spent about 3 hours on just stuff for me. We went to sit on one of the benches "guys I can't thank you enough how can I even pay you back for all this stuff" raja smiled "honey you're technically family now you don't need to anything" she pulled me in for a hug, I took my phone out of my back pocket and looked at the time "omg we need to buy her a new phone" jujubee said manila nodded "totally it looks like it's been thrown off the roof a couple of times" raven laughed I smiled "that's because it has" jujubee narrowed her eye brows "you threw your phone off The roof ?!" I shook my head "I didn't a group of assholes did" raja interrupted "hey my wig and eyebrow glue finished manila, Courtney come with me let's go buy some" juju frownes "what about us?" Raja smiled "you and raven are going to go buy Starbucks meet you here later" we started making our way to a wig shop "is this where you guys buy your wigs" I asked raja shook her head "we normally buy them online but in manila's case she she only wears one and that is the black one with and white streak on it " I laughed and manila punched raja in the arm "I don't only have one wig I'm just known for that one wig that I tend to wear a lot". Raja bought what she needed and we headed back to where we where sitting earlier and saw raven a jujubee with two cups of smoothies in the their hands, they handed them to us and we left the mall "guys today was so fun thank you so much" raven smiled "you're welcome" manila pulled me closer to her "we're glad you had fun" raja stopped walking "omg guys we forgot to but a new phone for Courtney!!" I rolled my eyes "thank you but you have already bought me enough I don't need a new phone" juju shook her head "yours is old as fuck and you do need a new one" "you three go get a phone for Courtney me and raven will go put the bags in the car and meet you there" the queens nodded and we went our separate ways "guys you don't have too" juju punched my arm "omg gurl stop being so sweet and accept a gift" I nodded and we went to the apple store. Somehow raven and manila where already there "how did you guys get here before us" juju asked raven smiled "it's called using the elevator". We entered the store and searched for a phone "hey what about this one?" Raven said,we walked over to her and she was holding an iPhone six in her hand "it's only a thousands dollars" raja said "do you like it court?" Jujubee asked, I nodded manila smiled "good then get it" manila paid and we left the mall.

We arrived back at home and I was feeling so guilty for letting them spend so much money on me. I took all of my new clothes upstairs and sat down on the bed. I started having all these bad thoughts 'they welcomed me into there home and all I have been doing is costing them money' I closed my eyes and stayed like that for about ten minutes until I felt an arm around me, I opens my eyes and saw raven "hey are you ok hunty?" I shook my head "whats wrong sweety" she asked "well,you welcomed me into you home and all I've done is cost you money and I feel horrible for that ,cuz I couldn't be more gratefull for all you have given me these past two days and I'm not giving anything back" raven looked at me "hey look at me" I looked at her "we are so happy that we welcomed you into our home and you are not costing us money, we bought you those things because you nedded them so don't worry about anything" I smiled and nodded my head. Jujubee came into the room and jumped on the bed next to me "heey" "hey" I said back, raven got up "come on let's sort your clothes out and then we'll pick out something for tonight, I tilted me head "what's tonight ?" "Manila has a gig and she's going to be singing, so we're all going" I smiled "oooo cool, but aren't I underage?" Raven nodded "yea but you're going to be with me so everything will be fine" we finished organizing my clothes and I put on the ones I was going to wear for manilas gig. I go down stairs and out on some music on my phone and waited for everyone to finish , raja walked down the stairs "what are you listening to" She asked as she sits down next to me "um rubber doll by miss fame" I answer she smiled "cool, hey do you have my number?" I shake my head "nope, I don't really have anyone's phone number" she nodded and moves closer to me "here" she grabbes my phone and types something into it "now you have all of our phone numbers" I smile "thanks" she huggs me and pulls me onto her "hey let's make and instagram account for you" I nod and download instagram, I make my account and follow all the people I know. I then installed snapchat, twitter, messenger and tumblr I did an account for does too. Raja grabbed my phone and took a couple of selfies of us "I'm going to upload them on all your social medias, OK?" I nod "get up real quick and pose for me" I smiled and got up she started staking photos of me in all kinds of poses, she uploads those too and gives my phone "gawd I can't wait till you come on tour with us, BOTS all of them" she gives my a hug "I know I only have known you for a day but you already feel like a daughter to me" I smile "Im so happy you feel that way, I just hope the others like me too" raja smiled "don't worry you have already won over juju and raven, and with manila the only thing you have to do is let her pick the shoes you wear, so you don't have to worry about that" I smile "thank you, like a lot" raja tilted her head "for what, honey?" I shrugged "for being so nice and taking me shopping and buying me a new phone" she smiled "no problem, hey tonight the girls will drink so just I'm case I want you to stay next to me, OK?" I nodded "aren't you going to drink?" Raja shrugged "no, I don't really like drinking that much" I nodded.

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