chapter 4 ~ the news/katya and trixie

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I woke up to a knock at my door "come in" I said sleepily. Raja walked in "good morning here I made you a cappacino" she said placing a cup on my bedside table "thanks" he sat down next to me on my bed "so are you excited to meet a Russian whore and a real life Barbie" raja asked giggling, I smiled "I have been preparing myself for years" she started laughing, we talked a bit more untilwe heard manila yelling from down stairs "um guys you might want to come down here" we look each other in confusion and went down stairs, we entered the living room to see a picture of me on the tv screen manila turned up the volume "a 15 year old girl named Courtney winters was reported missing by the L.A orphanage,we are trying our best to find her and return her to the loving care of the orphanage" jujubee turned off the tv "caring my ass" I started crying "their looking for me, their going to take me back" the girls all gathered around me hugging me "don't worry baby you're our daughter now they can't take you back to that place" raven said caressing me cheek "we won't let them take you" manila said raja pulled me in for a hug "baby we love you and there is no way in hell you are going back there" jujubee grabbed her phone out of her pocket "guys I'm calling the adoption services" raven nodded "yes, call and tell them to come today!" Jujubee nodded and diled a number "hello, um yes. She is here, when will you be coming?can you come today, you can?,OK thank you. The address is" jujubee pulled away from the phone "raven what's the address" raven turned to jujubee " 6573 Hollywood blv" juju nodded and went back to talking to the person on the other side on the phone, inside I was scread but I knew that raja and the others would never send me back. Raja was holding me close to her;  she let go and raven pulled me on to the couch "I love you" I smiled and wrapped my arms around her neck "I love you too" manila came up behind me "hey she's my daughter too" "yes but right now she's mine" raven said manila rolled her eyes "please give her to me" raven shook her head "no". Jujubee sat down on the couch "OK so they said can come tomorrow at 1 pm" we all smiled "yay, I'm going to be a dad!!" Raven said getting up picking me up with her and jumping around, manila stood up "hand her over" juju and raja laughed "why don't we ask her who she wants to hug " juju said Raven nodded "OK court who do you want to celebrate with" I smiled "GROUP HUG!!!!!" Manila rolled her eyes "fuck no,come here" she said picking me up I laughed and she hugged me tightly.

After and hour of watching tv there was a knock at the door, I stood up and went to the door. I opened and in front of me saw a blonde hooker and a pink Barbie, my jaw dropped when I saw katya and trixie, raja came up behind me "hey guys" katya and trixie smiled "hey" they said at the same time "this is our daughter Courtney" raja continued I smiled "it's nice to make contact with you" katya jumped and trixie started laughing "I will not Jodie Foster this kind of behaviour" trixie said only making katya laugh "come in" raja said. They walked in and trixie smiled at me "so are you the amazing daughter the girls have been talking about" I smiled "well I hope so" trixie chuckled. Katya looked at me "so,are you a 'contact' fan?" I nodded "yes I love it!" Katya hugged me I was a bit surprised but I hugged back. We went to sit on the couch and manila got up, she started walking to the backyard door "court, come here baby" she said going out side. I got up and followed her, I sat down next to her on the porch "what's up?" She shrugged "nothing, I just want a hug" Manila said smiling and reaching her hands out to me, I giggled and moved closer and let her hug me, I hugged back and smiled "best dads ever" she giglled and kissed my check "best daughter ever" I smiled "thanks dad". I went back inside and katya picked me up from behind "holy shit!" I yelled getting a little fright "language young lady!" Raven said "sorry" raja laughed "don't mind her honey, you can swear" I didn't say anything "anyway" katya said "do you want to go out for ice cream" I looked at my soon to be dad raja "daddy, can I go" raja nodded and smiled "sure baby, katya don't kill my daughter" she said laughing "no promises" katya said "trixie, get up let's go" "I want to come too" jujubee said standing up and grabbing her bag trixie stood up and opened the door "see you later guys" raven turned around "Courtney!" She yelled I turned around "come give your dad a hug" I laughed and went to hug her "you cunt" raven smiled "love you too" I hugged raja and Manila and we all got into trixie's car. Juju sat next to me and katya and trixie sat in front.

We got to the ice cream parlor and trixie parked her car, we walked into the building and saw a huge selection of ice cream. Me and juju ran to the guy that was selling he ice cream and decided on what we where going to have, trice and katya got to the counter "what do you want?" We told her what we wanted and she ordered "cmon let's go find a table" katya said pulling me behind her. The place was full of people but we managed to find a table in the middle of the place. We sat down and waited for trixie and juju to come back, "so how is life?" Katya asked I smiled "they are the best dads anyone could ever have and the best mother's anyone could want" I said exited "thats good" katua said smiling "your going to have so much fun meeting the other queens on BOTS" I nodded "I really want to meet Sharon and Bob" I said "they are the fucking best, they are so smart and humble you're going to love them!" Katya said smiling. After a while trixie and juju came back with our orders "thanks" I said eating my cookie dough ice cream. We started talking about pointless stuff until someone came up to us "um excuse me, aren't you that girl that went missing from that orphanage" the middle aged woman,fuck I thought "um do you mind we are enjoying amazing ice cream so if you don't mind please leave" jujubee said "I can't do that" she said "and why is that?" Trixie asked "because this girl was filed missing and I found her with some ugly ass woman and now in going to take her back where she belongs!" She woman said in a bitchey tone. We all stood up and I went being jujubee "daddy" juju held me close "dont sorry honey" katya opend her arms slitely and i moved closer to he,trixe and jujubee moved closer to he woman "let me break it down for you honey" jujubee said getting angry "how fucking dare you come up to me and my daughter while we are clearly enjoying an amazing ice cream that you are going to send her back to an orphanage, I am a drag queen honey I have been on tv, I can tweet about you and the whole world will get to know what a piece of shit you are. Now ma'am if you don't mind fuck off and let me and my daughter have fun together" the woman didnt even talk she put her head down and left the shop "no one fucks with my baby" jujubee said sitting down, we all sat back down and I hugged juju "thank you so much dad" she smiled "look at me" I did "as long as me or any of your dads are here no one is going to touch you,i love you" i hugged tighter "love you too daddy".

Finished our ice cream and went home, we talked more until katya and trixie left; I uploaded all the pics and selfies I took with the girls. I was now 11 the his where all guys now and I started to get tried "cmon court up to bed" David said nugging me "daddy?" he nodded "yes?" "Can I sleep with you?" He smiled "well of course honey" I smiled and hugged all my dads a good night and went to into davids room. I got under the sheets and after about five minutes David came into the room, he got in the bed and wrapped his arms around me "I love you baby, good night" I love you dad" I turned around so that I was facing him. I feel asleep in his warm arms and it was haven.

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