chapter 17~ back in La

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The tour was over and I was really going to miss it. I was so proud of myself for singing infront of people, I got over a hundred dollars everytime I preformed. When me and willam sang with each other he always let me keep most of the money.

We got home on a Wednesday at 11:12pm, I didn't want to go back to school the next morning but David said I had too after missing so much of it.

I went to bed after I took a shower and set an alarm for 7.


I woke up to the sound of beeping. I had a super weird dream about a pink hamster that flew around my head giving me advice whilst an exam. It was wierd to say the least but it was kind of cool.

I got dressed for school then went downstairs. As usual sutan was downstairs making pancakes "hey dad" I smiled sitting down on the counter.

He smiled "hey honey the pancakes are soon done"

Airline came downstairs and flopped on the couch "fuck my life" sutan rolled his eyes and looked up "what's wrong?" He asked.

Airline sat up "I can't fucking tease a wig I bought properly, the hair is too thick" he complained.

I giggled and shook my head "wash it" I said "I can't I'll fuck it up" he frowned "that's because you don't know how to do it" I teased

"Whatever I'll just call Bianca or cynthia" he shrugged "or you can do that" I agreed.

"Come here pancakes are ready" sutan said.

We all ate together and then karl drove me to school.


I walked through the green gates of the school and went outside to the school garden. I met up with a new friend named megan, we had met before the tour.

She asked a few questions about how the tour was then the bell rang.

My first lesson was chemistry. I took the books from my locker and went to class. When I walked in class I noticed I was one of the first ones to be there. "Look who finally came back from her travels" ms brown mocked. I smiled "don't be jealous I have a life" I murmured.

The lesson was about different elements and the periodic table. The teacher had told the class they had to learn it by heart.

"Courtney how many elements are in the periodic table?" She asked.

I assumed she was expecting me to not know the answer but thanks to Bianca and Detox I didn't miss much. They used to set up mini lesson about all the subjects to me sure I didn't miss anything while I was on tour.

"One hundred and eighteen" I answered

"How are they arranged?" She asked

" they are arranged in order of increasing atomic number. Elements with similar properties are arranged in the sameness column,called a group, and elements with the same number of electron shells are arranged in the same row,called a period" I answered, a smirk plastered on my face.

"Well done it's as if you did some studying while you were away" she said. I just smiled.


The day was over quite quickly. Sutan came for me and took us back home.

Whilst doing my homework I got a text from Maze

"I haven't seen you in forever"

Maze was still in San Francisco till Friday but she said she come over when she comes back to Las Angels

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