chapter 18 ~ moving?

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I woke up to bear licking my face, I pushed him a little and scratched his head "hey buddy"

I hopped out of bed and went to the bathroom. I fixed my hair and brushed my teeth, then washed my face.

With bear trotting behind me I went downstairs. As I entered the living room there where big brown boxes lined up next to each other, some of the boxes had 'clothes' written on the sides and others 'shoes'. Airline came downstairs and smiled.


"Hey what are all these boxes for?"

"Um me and karl are just throwing away some old drag"

"Christ how much shit do you have?"

"Not just drag things"


Sutan came into the living room with a bag on his shoulder. "Hello" he said smiling "hey" I smiled.

"Um I'm going out today is that ok?" I asked sutan, he nodded "you don't have to ask, with who?"

"With a friend from school"

I smiled and texted maze, she arrived yesturday and I wanted some us time.We planned to meet up at for a coffee.

I ran upstairs for a shower and to get dressed.


I entered the cafe with bear's leash in my hand, I saw Maze sitting at a table. When she saw me she stood up and I ran and hugged her. "I missed you" she said kissing my cheek "me too"

"Who's this guy?" She asked petting bear "this is bear I'm taking care of him until willams out of hospital" I said. She looked at me concerned "willams in hospital?" She asked "yea he got run over but he's ok now"

We sat down and a waitress came to our table. "Can I get ya' anything?" She asked with a smile on her face.

"Um yea a cappuccino and do you have a red velvet cake?" I asked

She nodded "yes we do, how about you she asked maze?"

"I'll take a caffe mocha and chocolate chip cookie" maze smiled

"I'll be bale with your orders" the waitress smiled. She walked away and maze grabbed my hand "how have you been?" She asked

"Ok I guess, I went back to school which sucks" I frowed. Maze smiled "come on it can't be that bad"

"It is, and it's only November" I whined "I know but it'll pass"

"Anyway how are you?" I asked "I'm good. I just got a new skateboard" she bent over and picked her board up from the floor.

"That's cool,did you break your old one?" I asked.

She pouted and nodded "I dropped it of my balcony and it broke in half" I laughed at her explanation.

Before I was going to ask how it even got over the balcony the waitress came to the table with our orders.

She gave me my coffee and cake and maze her mocha and cookie.

"Want to taste it?" I asked Maze looked up at me and frowned "I'd love to but my mom is at home right now" my eyes widened and I laughed a little "I meant the cake maze" her fave reddened and she looked down "oh"

She took a bit out of the slice of cake and I looked at her "can taste yours" I winked "of course" she said biting her lip.

I heard bear moan and look down, he was giving me the look he does when he want someone "do you want cake?" I asked him. He liked my hand and I took that as a yes. I gave him a small bit of cake and ate the rest myself.

When we finished our coffee's we paid for them and left. We walked around the city bear tortting in front of us.

We walked to a park and sat down under a tree. I took of bear's leash and he rolled around in the grass.

I lay down on the grass looking up at the sky. Maze did the same and grabbed my hand. We looked at the clouds not saying anything but still communicating.

I saw maze move and in an instant she was straddling my hips. She gave me a smirk and her hands went to my abdomen and she smiled "you know what you never told me about yourself?"

I raised my brows "what"

"If your ticklish or not" she immediately started tickling my sides.

"Ahhh" I screamed "stop!" I laughed. I tried pushing her off of me but she only held me down.

"Please" I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard.

I wrapped my arms around her and turned over, pinning her under me.

"Damn" she smirked "aren't you ticklish"

The way I held her arms on her sides turned me on so much. Looking at her lips made me want to kiss her really bad. At this moment I realized something I didn't give much attention to before; I loved maze.

I slowly leaned down but before my lips connect with hers my phone started ringing.

I got off maze and grabbed my phone "hello"

"Hey court can you come home we have to tell you something, and don't worry you didn't do anything" Sutan said.

"Sure I'll be there in ten minutes"

I hung up and turned to maze. "I had do much fun today, thank you. I have to go home now but can we do this again?" I asked maze standing up.

She gave me a half smile and got up too. "I'd love to do this again"

I hugged her and she hugged back. I called bear and said goodbye to maze.

We left the park and noticed it was already six. Both me and bear had eaten so that was good.


We got home and I opened the front door. I looked around and the house was empty.

There was only the furniture none of the picture frames of the wierd statues karl had on the shelves.

Everyone was sitting at the dinner table. "Her court," sutan smiled.

"Hey" I sat down at the table and rested my head on my hand."so what's the news?"

"The news is that we are going to be moving" david smiled

I picked my head up and raised my brows "to where, is it far away?"

David shook his head "no it is not far away. We are moving to Beverly hills" she smiled

My eyes widened "holy shit really!"

David nodded his head and I smiled "oh my god, that's awesome!"

"When are we moving?"



David told me more about the new place. It was a mansion with and indoor and outdoor pool, a game room a huge kitchen and alot more.

When we got to the house, my stuff was already in a room. The room had an amazing view of the ocean and it was to say the least huge.

It had it's own bathroom and balcony And the pool was right under it.

I explored the rest house and it also had a jacuzzi. I completely fell in love and was extremely excited to be living hear.

The neighborhood we were in was beautiful, trees and flowers where planted everywhere.

After an exhausting day I went to sleep in my new bed. I couldn't wait to tell maze my exciting news.

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