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Mild surprise for kingofhellordoftime's birthday! Because best internet friend. 🙏🏼 I'm sorry it's not Iwaoi, or anything HQ!! related ;-; Sadly I'm still not quite far enough into that to know what I ship yet, if anything x'D I don't know Oikawa & Iwa nearly enough to feel comfortable writing them yet D: Sorry! But I hope you enjoy this anyway, since you said it's something I should write~ It's meh. Kinda something I just threw together sort of last minute. There's not much plot involved, really ._. It's just sort of here, haha.

I honestly wish I could get you something better ._. But distance curses us ToT Nonetheless, I'm super excited to meet you & Hanji in person at NDK next year! Enjoy~

And for everybody else! This is the reason I didn't update on Sunday. Yes, it's out of timeline order D: This takes place several months or so after they get married. The timeline might not even add up, haha, but that's okay. Think of it as filler, I guess. The next plot-related, legitimate chapter will be up Sunday. (And no, this isn't one of the two I said were left in last week's chapter, it's an extra!) I hope you guys like it :3


"Are you sure you still wanna do this?"

"How many more times are you gonna ask me that?"

"I just have to be sure. It's permanent, you know."

Eren had to roll his eyes. "Really? I had no idea," he retorted sarcastically but playfully. "Thank you for enlightening me."

"Hmph. Watch the sarcasm, brat," Levi muttered.

"I only learned it from the best," Eren said with that wide, flashy grin of his.

The two were situated in the tattoo shop on a warm spring Sunday afternoon. They'd just come from eating a hearty lunch at Eren's mom's and were now in the process of getting Eren ready for his second tattoo.

"Are you gonna let me see it yet?" asked in a mock complaint as he worked on connecting his phone's BlueTooth to the stereo in the corner.

"Patience is a virtue," Levi responded calmly. "I only have a few finishing touches to add before I want you to see it, so stay over there." The raven had just sat down at the desk in his small corner of the shop and was working on setting things up the way he liked them when working on commissions.

Eren sighed, pretending to be irritated with impatience, and smiled in amusement when Levi clicked his tongue. In reality, though Eren was excited, he was more than willing to remain patient until Levi was satisfied with the outcome of his art. That look of gratification Levi bore whenever he'd completed a piece of art he was proud of was something Eren always looked forward to. It shone through all of the gunk of his past and mental issues that sometimes still managed to cloud his eyes, make them seem so much darker than usual.

Eren loved to see the evolution of Levi's art, too. Over the years since he was still being controlled by the deepest, darkest parts of his addiction and the instabilities of his own mind, the theme of his work changed significantly. It still had the same mysterious and emotional feel to it, but unlike some things he'd etched into paper in the past that gave him a sense of absolute melancholy and tainted passion, they evoked the feeling of new life, of being reborn, of a metamorphosis that left it feeling bigger and more beautiful than it ever seemed to have the hope of being before.

It was less than ten minutes before Levi was calling Eren over, leaning back in his chair with reservation. "What do you think?"

Eren sauntered over and leaned over his husband to peer down at the drawing. His breath faltered for a split second at the sight of it and, all over again, he was entirely blown away by Levi's endless talent.

Swing Life Away [Ereri/Riren]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя