chapter two

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One week had passed and it was the day you were leaving for the tour with Matt. It was 6 am you had to be to the airport by 7 so you started packing and then got dressed and did your teeth. Matt came and you drove to the airport.

Skip airplane ride

When you landed in Georgia you went to his house.

Tawny (Matt's moms real name)-hi y/n matt talks about you all the time!

Y- oh really 😏😏


Tawny (T)- sorry matt why don't you show y/n to her room.

M- y/n come on its upstairs.

Y-ok let me get my duffel
So you went upstairs and saw your room and unpacked. Matt came in and asked if you wanted to go meet the hashchak sisters so you said sure. So you guys skateboarded to the recording studio and when you walked in Sierra walked up to you and said hi.
Olivia walked up and was very sweet then you met Madison and you guys talked and then you met Gracie and you guys did a together. Then Gracie said she wanted to hear you sing so you sang in the sound booth and then you and matt went back to his house . you went upstairs to chill for a bit. Then tawny called for dinner and you went and ate and made small talk and tawny being a mom embarrassed matt a little bit. You went upstairs and went to bed.

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