Accidents Happen // 3

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Draco spent the rest of his day going to the bathroom every chance he had, meaning his afternoon lessons went well, even if they were boring and tedious.

It was 8:45pm and Draco was just finishing up some divination homework which he had been set that afternoon. He looked at the clock on the wall and jumped up quickly as he remembered he had been summoned to Snape's office again that evening. He was wearing light grey tracksuit bottoms and a green top which he usually wore for quiditch practise.

He reached Snape's office door and stood for a moment, thinking about the questions he might be asked and how he would answer them. He pulled his fingers through his platinum blonde hair and sighed as he really didn't feel like talking about this, especially not with Snape.

After a few moments passed, it was 8:58pm, and Draco reached up to knock on the door. At first he knocked lightly, so lightly that Snape didn't hear. He knocked again, this time with more force, creating a louder bang. The door swung open, revealing Snape, still in his usual robes. "Come in, Malfoy" Snape said, moving aside as to allow Draco to walk in. "Sit anywhere you like" Snape said kindly yet he still sounded quite scary. Draco sat down in the same chair he sat in the last time he was in the office, but Snape set directly across from his this time.

There was a long silence as Snape collected his thoughts. "Draco..." he started, for the first time in his life sounding quite nervous. "...I have worked at hogwarts for many years, and never in all of my life have I had a student wet themselves in front of me, twice" Snape stated blandly. "I have had the 'no going to the toilet during my lesson' rule for many years, and it has never posed a problem before" he continued through a sigh. "Tell me what is going on" he almost begged. Draco himself really didn't know what was going on, he actually had no reasonable explanation as to why he couldn't have just held on. "I really don't know" Draco said, trying his best not to stutter. "I don't believe that! And if you don't tell me why, I will be forced to send an owl off to your father asking him why is own son cannot control his own bladder" Snape said in a more angry tone.

Silence fell over the room once again as Draco stared at the floor. Unconsciously he began bouncing his leg up and down, as his bladder had began rapidly filling due to the stress of talking to Snape. "I-I'm not a-allowed to ask" Draco forced out, disappointed with himself for stuttering. "What do you mean you aren't allowed to ask?" Snape questioned, slightly confused. "Once I turned 12 my father said I needed to act more mature, of many things that meant I wasn't allowed to ask to go to the toilet" Draco said, trying to control his breathing because thinking about the situation made him very upset.

The first thing Snape thought was that he was quite disgusted with the way Lucius was treating his son, but the second thing was that Draco's bladder must be exceptionally small if he couldn't hold on through his morning lessons. "You are aware that going to the toilet is a natural process, yes?" Snape asked Draco. "I know that sir" Draco replied, feeling not only  the lump in his throat grow, but also the pain in his rapidly filling bladder. "Meaning it is something you cannot control. Imposing that rule upon someone, especially a child is quite frankly ridiculous." Snape said, seemingly turning his angry onto Draco's father rather than Draco himself.

After a while of Snape sitting, running his fingers through his jet black hair and sighing his spoke again. "I'm going to ask two very personal questions, okay?" He asked. Draco hated being asked personal things, it always made him slightly cringe, especially things about his childhood and father. Even though he really didn't want to get asked anything he nodded anyways. "First of all, please can you tell me about when you were potty trained. Such as your age, how it went, how your father and mother supported you" Snape demanded rather than asked.

The question made Draco fall back into his seat. He blocked a lot of his childhood out, because it was difficult to think about. Having a father who was a death eater made growing up very strange, and often very scary. He thought deep into his past, closing his eyes as he did. As he thought Snape decided to make things easier, he used the Legilimency spell to allow himself to read Draco's mind as he thought, and what he saw truly shocked even him.

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