Accidental Wetting in Potions // 15

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(Prompt from: @secondlovers <3 xx)

It was the 30th of October, halloween, but also the anniversary of Lily and James Potter's death. Draco was completely oblivious to this, but to Snape it hurt him a lot. Prior to her death, Snape had been undoubtedly in love with Lily, and still to this day he fell asleep thinking about her. Other than those 2 things, it was a seemingly ordinary day at Hogwarts. It was Wednesday, so Draco had transfiguration and defence against the dark arts in the morning and double potions in the afternoon.

Draco hadn't seen professor McGonagall since his last transfiguration lesson, and he was nervous as to what she would say or how she would treat him now after his accident. "Quickly Draco, you need to be at your lesson 15 minutes early, professor McGonagall wishes to speak to you" Snape said, ushering Draco to hurry up and leave his quarters. "Do I have to?" Draco whined, really not wanting to have to have such an awkward conversation. "Yes you have to. Besides, from what I understand she only wishes to apologise. So go on" Snape said, physically pushing Draco towards the door this time. Draco sighed heavily but did as he was told and briskly walked to McGonagall's classroom. He had decided that the conversation would be considerably less awkward if the classroom was empty, so getting there as quickly as he could was in his best interests.

It only took Draco 5 minutes to walk to the classroom where he was greeted by his transfiguration teacher. "Good morning Draco, please come in" McGonagall said with a smile, opening the door wider so Draco could come inside. "Thank you for coming to see me, I know I am probably not your favourite teacher at the moment" McGonagall said. "Honestly professor, it's fine" Draco said confidently, hoping it would cause the conversation to end. "It isn't fine. I asked Snape to not explain to me why it happened so you could explain it yourself. I really want to understand so it doesn't happen again" McGonagall smiled. Draco didn't know what to say, he hadn't really ever had to explain himself before and he had no idea how to do it without sounding immature. "Just take your time" McGonagall said as she noticed Draco's hesitation.

2 minutes had passed and still Draco hadn't spoke. "Draco, don't be embarrassed, I only wish to understand" McGonagall pressed. "I have a problem that makes me need the toilet more than a normal person" Draco blurted out, his face growing a deep red. "Yes. However I have had students before with similar issues yet they have never actually wet themselves in my classroom" McGonagall said, a look of confusion spreading across her face. "I know" Draco said, his face falling so his eyes were staring at the floor. "No, no, I didn't mean that to sound unkind. What I meant was, why can't you just ask me?" McGonagall questioned. "Because it makes me nervous" Draco sighed. "Well, I want you to know that there is nothing to be nervous about. I know that your father could often be angry and shout a lot, but I promise from now on if you ask me to go to the toilet I will let you go" McGonagall said, putting a warm hand on Draco's shoulder for reassurance. "Thank you professor" Draco smiled. Usually he didn't believe it when people said things like that to him, but there was something about McGonagall's warm, motherly presence that made him feel different about her.

Both Draco's morning lessons passed quickly and without any problems. He wasn't nervous for Potions that afternoon because he had reached the point where he felt comfortable enough around Snape to ask if he could go to the bathroom.

Once 2pm had rolled round, Draco took his seat next to Pansy in the dungeon classroom, waiting for Snape to arrive. "How have you been?" Pansy said hesitantly. "Fine" Draco replied bluntly, still not in the mood to speak to her as he felt so confused because he liked Harry in that way, not her. "Oh, that's good. I haven't send you in so long, maybe we could meet up on the next Hogsmead visit?" She asked, still talking quite unsurely. "Yeah, whatever" Draco said, knowing fine well he had no intention of actually meeting up with her, he only wished for her to stop talking to him.

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