Desperate Death Eater // 13

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(Prompt from : @secondlovers xx)

'Mass Breakout From Azkaban Prison' the Daily Prophet headline read.

"It says that 42 Death Eaters have managed to escape Azkaban last night" Harry said with a worried look across his face to Ron. "Does it say who?" Ron asked, mirroring Harry's worried expression. " 'notorious torturer Bellaxtrix Lestrange was among the 42 runaways, along with Lucius Malfoy, whom has only been incarcerated for a month' is what it says here" Harry read. "finally we get rid of one of the Malfoy's and he's already broken out. You don't think he'd come to Hogwarts do you?" Ron asked, fear still plastered on his face. "Maybe he'll come to get Draco" Harry said, his face falling into a slight frown. "Well that would be a good thing at least" Ron smirked. "Hey! Leave ... leave that along Crookshanks" Harry changed his sentence half way through as he didn't want Ron to think he cared in the slightest about Draco.

Meanwhile, in Snape's quarters, Snape was in the process of waking Draco up. It was a Saturday, so he had allowed him to sleep in for a while, but didn't want him wasting his whole day sleeping. "Draco, wake up" Snape said softly but still quite coldly as he shook Draco awake. "Good morning" Snape said once he saw Draco's eyes flutter open. "Morning" Draco muffled. "There's a Hogsmead visit today or you can stay in here and catch up on some homework or you can go and practise some quidditch" Snape suggested to the sleepy looking boy. "I wanna go to Hogsmead with Crabbe and Goyle" Draco smiled seeming a little bit more awake now.

"Come on then, let's get up" Snape said, waiting for Draco to stand up, but he didn't. "Come on Draco" Snape repeated. "I w-will. Just o-one m-minute" Draco stuttered. Snape stood waiting, he knew what the problem was but wanted to show Draco it was okay to talk about. "Can y-you leave?" Draco asked shyly. "Why?" Snape questioned. "I just w-want some p-privacy" Draco almost whispered. "Draco, don't lie to me, tell me what the problem is" Snape encouraged, trying to speak more warmly than he usually did. "There isn't a problem" Draco said, not wanting to talk to Snape anymore. "You're lying" Snape said sternly.

Draco didn't speak. He knew that if he was with his father and he had lied and would've been beaten for sure. "Draco, did you have a wee while you were asleep?" Snape asked, cringing inside as he spoke. Draco's eyes fell to the floor. "I didn't mean to" Draco said, holding back his tears. "And that's okay. I'm not angry so you shouldn't be upset. We are trying to fix it, remember?" Snape spoke softly. "I remember" Draco sniffled. "So come on then. You're wearing a pull-up so your beds dry, so it's alright" Snape said, holding his hand out for Draco to hold. Draco took the older mans hand and was guided out of the room and into the bathroom where he was instructed to get ready.

"See you later" Draco said heading for the door. "Come here, Draco" Snape said, flashing his wand at the door and causing it to look. Draco took a deep breath and turned to walk towards Snape, fearing the worst. "Yes, Professor" Draco said shyly once he had positioned himself in front of Snape. "Firstly, I have to tell you that Professor Lupin wishes to see you this afternoon to speak to you about what happened in his lesson yesterday. Secondly, before you leave you must go to the toilet. I know it's going to be difficult for you today because myself or Lupin won't be there to remind you, but you're going to have to really try to go to the toilet regularly through the day, okay?" Snape said. "Okay" Draco replied, trying to smile as much as he could before he turned away and headed for the bathroom.

Draco, Crabbe and Goyle were all walking down to Hogsmead. The sky was bright and blue, the first hints of summer peaking through. However, all of a sudden the sky turned from blue to a deep black. The wind began howling and rain began pouring onto the ground with loud splashes. "What's going on!" Crabbe exclaimed, trying to duck under some trees for cover from the weather. Draco couldn't reply, his eyes were moving erratically around him, looking for the source of the extreme weather change, and he found it; 3 Black smudges has emerged from the sky and were heading to the ground.

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