Lupin's Here to Stop Accidents //11

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It hurt all over his body as Draco lay on the floor, bruises covering his torso and his left eye. His trousers and the floor surrounding his was soaking wet, but all he could do was lay still. "Draco..." Snape said as softly as could once all of the other people had left the room, but Draco chose not to respond. "...Scourgify" whispered Snape, pointing his want at Draco and watching as his clothes and the floor became dry and clean.

Slowly Snape walked over to Draco, who still hadn't moved, his eyes pressed tightly shut. Without a word Snape wrapped his arms around the child and pulled him up. He rocked Draco slightly, humming lightly into his ear as he did.

Just as Snape was about to bring Draco to his bed and lay him down for a nap, he heard a knocking at his door. "Enter" Snape said firmly, still holding Draco tightly. The door opened swiftly revealing a tall man, with dark ginger hair and a scar spread across his face; his robes were worn but funnily enough he wasn't a Weasley. "Severus" the man said warmly as he walked into the room. Even though the scene was out of the ordinary, the man didn't seem to be shocked.

"Remus" Snape said in response, cradling Draco even tighter as he felt the boy begin the shake. "I need to speak to you, in private" Lupin said, eyeing the child. "Very well" Snape replied and headed for his own bedroom door. He walked in slowly and gently lay Draco down in his bed, wrapping him in blankets. "I will be right next door, try and sleep" Snape said, running his hand through Draco's hair so it was out of his face and leaving the room quietly.

"What is it Moony" Snape asked, back to his normal tone of distain. "Albus has sent me, he wants me to help you" Lupin said, not being fazed by Snape's temper. "Help me with what?" Snape said, beginning to get defensive. "Help with Draco" Lupin said slightly more nervously. "Implying I can't look after him on my own?" Snape said, raising his voice along with his eyebrows. "Not at all, just that Draco needs more support than I think both of us realise" Lupin said more confidently now. "We are doing just fine!" Bellowed Snape.

Just as Snape's shriek left his mouth, his bedroom door creaked open slightly, but not enough for Snape to realise. Draco's eyes were peaking through the gap, his body shaking in fear as he heard the shouting.

"I won't be told how to care for a child from some half-breed like yourself!" Snape continued to shout. By now Lupin has become aware of Draco in the doorway and had began ignoring Snape's screaming. "He's my little boy and I can look after him myself" Snape finished, his face flaming red.

Just as Snape had finished talking he heard a door slam from behind him. Draco had slammed the door closed and was now sitting in Snape's bed, a blanket thrown over him, crying again. "Was that Draco?" Snape questioned, confused. "Your shouting scared him" Lupin said bluntly, following Snape as he walked towards the closed door.

"Draco buddy, are you okay?" Snape said quietly. "Get out! You're shouting just like my daddy and I hate it" Draco shouted through the blanket. Snape's heart sank, he should've known to control his temper when Draco was just next door. Snape opened his mouth to speak, but Lupin gestured for his to stay quiet. "Draco, I think we both know that Professor Snape sometimes has a hard time controlling his anger, but we also know he is nothing like your daddy" Lupin said softly. "But I don't like shouting" Draco cried, his voice quieter and more vulnerable now.

Lupin gently pulled the blanket from Draco's head and smiled as he looked into his piercing blue eyes which were glossy from the tears. "He loves you" Lupin said, keeping his eyes locked on Draco's. "No, nobody loves me. I wet myself all the time" Draco said sadly, his eyes moving to look at the floor. "I-I do l-l-love y-you" Snape for the first time in his life stuttered. Draco couldn't talk, he was in pure shock. He was sure of 2 things at this moment:
1. That he loved Snape very much too and was actually very happy he was looking after him
2. He was growing more and more desperate for a wee as the conversation moved on

Draco's face lit up, his frown was lost and his eyes grew wide as his grin grew. "You love me?" Draco asked for reassurance. "With all my heart" Snape replied. Draco had never felt as happy in a long time, his heart felt like it could burst. The rush of emotions had also led to him unconsciously pushing his hand between his legs in order to reduce the pressure of his filling bladder, but Snape didn't seem to realise.

The scene was unfolding in front of Lupin, who felt as if he was intruding and out of place. Sneakily he tried to leave the room, giving the two people some privacy to talk. "No!" Draco shouted as he saw Lupin begin to edge towards the door. "Don't go! I heard what you were talking about and I want both of you to stay and help me" Draco whined looking from Snape to Lupin. "Snape?" Lupin asked, looking for permission to stay. "If Draco wants you to stay then you shall stay" Snape said, forcing a smile across his face.

"I want you to take a nap Draco, you've had a very difficult day" Snape said, rearranging the blankets around Draco as he spoke. "Do you need a wee before you go to sleep?" He asked. Draco did, he was desperate, but he watched as Lupin's eyes stayed locked on his and he didn't yet feel confident enough to admit he needed the toilet in from of him yet. "No" Draco said, forming a sort of wince rather than a smile, but Snape accepted it and left the room along with Lupin.

"I've never seen you so kind" Lupin said as Snape closed the bedroom door behind them. "He deserves looking after. If you want to help him you're also going to have to be able to ask him if he needs to go for a wee" Snape said dully. "Ask him if he needs to go to the toilet?" Said Lupin looking confused, not having been told about this by Albus. "No, ask him if he needs a wee. Lucius treat him awfully and he has some issues with both telling people he needs a wee and making it to the toilet without having accidents. That's why I help him" Snape explained. "He's a good boy, but would rather wet himself than say he needs a wee" Snape said.

It had been around 20 minutes that Draco had been lying in Snape's bed, trying to get to sleep. However, his exceptionally full bladder was constantly on his mind, leaving him unable to fall asleep. He knew he had to get up, or he was going to have an accident in the bed, and he didn't want that. Slowly and unsurely he crept out of bed and opened the door slightly. He saw both Snape and Lupin deep in conversation across the room. He pulled the door more open and it let out a loud creek, causing both Lupin and Snape to spin their heads round so they were looking directly at Draco.

"Can't you sleep?" Snape spoke, standing up and walking towards Draco. At this point Draco was moving from side to side, unable to keep still. "I'm not tired" Draco said, lying, he was exhausted. Before Snape could speak again, Lupin spoke. "Do you need to go for a wee, Draco?" He asked boldly. Draco was shocked and honestly overwhelmed with the fact Lupin had just asked him that. Both Lupin and Snape's eyes fell on the bouncing boy. "Do you need a wee?" Snape repeated what Lupin had said as it seemed Draco wasn't going to answer him. "N-no" Draco lied. "Buddy, come on, let's try" Snape said, reaching his hand out in front of him, knowing that if he kept asking it would just upset Draco.

Draco grabbed onto Snape's hand gladly and was escorted towards the bathroom. "Go on buddy" Snape encouraged. Before he could, Draco spoke. "Is he going to come back? My dad?" Draco said. "He'll be in Azkaban for years and years I'm sure. If he does get out, you'll be a lot older and a lot stronger, but even still, I will always be here to protect you if you need me. But for now, go for a wee so you can show Professor Lupin what a big boy you are" Snape smiled, knowing that they still had a long way to go but feeling a lot more positive.








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