Harry Knows Draco Peed His Pants // 8

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After Draco's accident in front of Pansy he ran straight back to his room in Snape's quarters, slamming the door behind him and sitting on the floor in tears. As Draco sat in a ball on the living room floor he heard a faint knocking on the door which caused him to sit up abruptly. His eyes grew wide and his breathing turned erratic as he stared at the door. "Draco...it's me...Harry" a familiar voice whispered through the locked door. Draco didn't know what to say, how did Harry know where he was? "Please let me in" Harry said, his voice calm and sincere sounding. usually Draco wouldn't have even spoke to Harry, but for some unknown reason he began standing up and heading to open the door. 

Slowly Draco unlocked the door and opened it slightly, just enough so he could see Harry's face through the crack. Draco didn't say a word, he just stared blankly at Harry with his tear soaked face. "Please can I come in?" Harry asked Draco. "W-why?" Draco asked, cursing himself inside for stuttering in front of Potter. "I just want to make sure you're okay is all" Harry explained. "Im okay." Draco said carelessly, knowing full well that he was lying through his teeth. "I don't believe you, Draco" Harry said honestly. 

As Draco stood in front of Harry, staring into his green eyes, for the first time in his life he wasn't filled with the purest of hatred for the boy. At this moment he realised that all of the anger and disscontempt  that he felt towards Harry was only because that was how he was taught to treat him by his father. Without another word Draco opened the door fully, stepping back so that Harry could come into the room. Slowly and cautiously Harry walked through the door and into Snape's living room, a sight that he never imagined he would ever see, and took a seat on the sofa which was in to the far side of the room. At this point Draco had seemingly forgotten that he was still wearing his wet trousers as he stood in the gaze of Harry. 

The room was engulfed in a severely awkward silence as both of the boys looked at each other curiously. "Why are you here?" Draco finally said, breaking the stone cold silence. "I saw" Harry said bluntly. "Saw what?" Draco asked, confused but also a little bit nervous. "Look Draco, I had a free period this morning and I was walking around the castle to try and clear my head when I heard you running down the hallway towards me. I heard you stop, Pansy tried to speak to you but you ran away, so I followed you to see where you were going. Im only here to see if you're okay." Harry explained, trying to sound as sympathetic as he could, even though he too was always told to not like Draco either. "And now I see that you're not okay, even though you say you are" Harry continued, this time looking down to Draco's trousers at the wetness. Draco followed Harry's eyes until he was looking directly down at himself and his eyes grew even wider as he stood in shock. 

In a matter of seconds Draco has remembered that his trousers were soaking wet and he sprinted for his bedroom door, again slamming it behind him and hiding himself under his blankets. Harry sighed, not meaning to hurt Draco's feelings and not really knowing how to approach the situation. He gathered his thoughts and began walking towards the bedroom door. Knowing that Draco wouldn't let him in if he knocked, he just walked straight in and knelt down next to the bed, resting his hand on Draco's back. "So this is where you live, huh?" Harry asked, scanning the room and seeing all of Draco's clothes and belongings littering it. "Why're you being so nice to me, just leave me alone" Draco's voice sounding slightly muffled as his face was pressed into his pillow. "I don't care who you are or what you have done, when you're upset you need a friend who is there for you. I know we haven't always got on Draco, but I still don't want you feeling like shit" Harry explained as Draco began to sit up. "Tell me what happened" Harry said, looking deep into Draco's eyes. 

Draco considered his options, but almost without consciously deciding to he began to reveal his secrets to Harry as for some reason he made him feel safe and secure. "I live here, with Snape, because I have a medical condition which makes me wet myself if I'm not careful. When you saw me I was running from Flitwick's class. I asked him if I could go to the toilet and he said no, so I ran out anyways because I knew I couldn't hold it in anymore. I know I'm a freak, but I can't help it" Draco explained, his voice quivering slightly as he spoke. "oh..." was all Harry could say, he didn't want to say anything insensitive so he decided not speaking was for the best at the moment. The silence engulfed the room once again, leaving both boys staring at each other, neither one not knowing the right thing to say. "Im okay, you can go now if you want to" Draco said with a sigh. "Let's get you cleaned up first" Harry said with a smile, holding out his hands in hopes that Draco would grasp onto it. 

At first as Draco's eyes became mesmerised by Harry's he truly considered taking Harry's hand, but just as he began to raise his own hand towards Harry he heard the angry voice of his father playing in his head. His thoughts were tormentingly loud, so much so that he clamped his eyes shut as tight as he could as he heard the screams of "Don't you dare lower yourself to being friends with a Potter you stupid child, that's not how I expect a future death eater to behave!" the imaginary voice of his father screamed at him. "Draco..." Harry started before he was rudely cut off. "Get out, now" Draco shouted, sounding almost as angry as his father, pointing at the door and shaking a little bit. "But I was only trying to..." Harry tried to talk again. "I SAID GET OUT" Draco screamed, so loud that he left his own ears ringing and his face a dark shade of purple. This time Harry didn't question Draco, he stood up silently and left the room, not even looking back at him.

Draco had been sitting on his bed for a while before he looked across at the clock. It read 12:43pm, lunch time. Almost as if on cue Draco's bedroom door burst open, revealing Snape, and he didn't look very happy. "Why haven't you been in lessons all morning. I received an owl from professor Flitwick saying you rudely left his lesson and you haven't been to either of your other classes!" Snape said with an angry tone. "I-I d-dont..." Draco began stuttering. "Stop that stuttering! Explain yourself!" Snape screamed this time. The loudness of Snape's voice caused Draco's small body to tremble, and completely out of nowhere his weak bladder began releasing all over himself and his bed. 

Just as Snape was going to continue his rant his eyes scanned the young boys body and it finally registered that he was terrifying him, and not only that but he had also caused him to wet himself again. Snape immediately dropped his angry tone and took a few steps away from the child to give him some space to breathe and calm down. "Draco, I am so sorry" Snape spoke, the sound of seniority flooded every word. "I-I didn't m-mean it" Draco pleaded with Snape, his eyes filling with tears and his body still shaking uncontrollably. "Listen to me Draco. I am in the wrong for speaking to you with a lack of kindness. This whole parenting thing is completely new to me and it will take me some time to train my body, especially my mouth, to remember to speak only in kindness towards you. But it will also take time for your body to learn not to have accidents. Everyone needs to give their body time to learn, and some people learn quicker than others but we will both try and learn together. Okay?" Snape tried to explain to Draco. 

As soon as Snape had got his words out Draco flung himself around the man. Not really being used to physical contact Snape was unsure how to act at first, but soon he too wrapped his arms around the child and oddly enough he began humming into his ear to try and relax him. "Now Draco, explain to me why you missed your classes" Snape said to the now calm Draco. "He wouldn't let me go" Draco tried to explain. "Who wouldn't let you go where?" Snape asked, slightly confused. "Flitwick, he wouldn't let me go for a wee" Draco said softly. Hearing the word 'wee' still made Snape cringe slightly, having not had to deal with very young children ever he hadn't really come across such language until he met Draco. "Ah, I see" Snape said with a sigh, making a mental note to talk to Flitwick about that later. "And what happened?" Snape asked for clarification. "I couldn't hold on so I ran out of the classroom" Draco explained, sounding quite sad now. "Draco, if you are ever denied the right to leave the classroom to go to the bathroom I give you permission to get up and leave before you have an accident" Snape said, rubbing circles into Draco's back to calm him down again, feeling awful for the boy now. 


Thank you so much for all of your kind messages and requests!!! I have been so busy with college that I have really had no time to write up until now, but I am so thankful for you guys continued support!!!!


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