A/N :(

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First of all I would like to apologise to you all, as what I am about to say has nothing to do with you guys or my story at all.

I have decided I am going to take a break from writing for a while, due to the return of my mental illness.

I have an extremely emotionally abusive mother, who denies me all right to my own feelings and thoughts and it has caused me to become very ill.

Day by day my mum has destroyed my self worth and killed the person inside of me.

My world is a constant cycle of trying to please her, and dealing with the consequences of when I don't.

I am talked to more like a dog than a person, ordered around and shouted at when I do things she deems to be wrong.

I lost my childhood because of an angry, controlling Mum, and now adult me has lost all hope of a happier future.

I won't be writing for a while, or as constantly because of the fact I am drowning in my own thoughts, too preoccupied to write good stories.

My life is one huge fight to find my worth, and at the moment it is nowhere to be seen, so I need a break.

My heart is in a thousand pieces and I'm barley keeping it together, but she doesn't see that, even if she did it would be my fault not hers anyways.

I could really do with some support from you guys, because you make me feel so valued and so important.

Thank you all for being so understanding, I will try my best to not let you down and update as much as I can.

Omorashi HARRY POTTER (DRACO MALFOY)Where stories live. Discover now