Boarding with Boys (12)

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Do you guys hate me? Please don't. I know it's been awhile, but I seriously didn't have time. Do you notice the time I'm posting. I'm supposed to be asleep, but I knew you guys would want me to post so I stayed up and sneaked into another room to write. Before you read, for those of you who are wondering what I've been doing so far, heres a quick little summary: we got to the house in the afternoon, swam, ate, slept. throughout the weeks, we went fishing, mall, all that fun and sometimes boring stuff. Zach and me have been spending a lot of time together. I love him, not really cuz i'm too young to be IN love with someone, but you know what i mean... Anyways, before you read... again, sorry if it's crappy and short.. enjoy anyway!

Finn's POV

When I got home, I had a gut feeling that Carter had someone over. I guess it's living with the guy for so long that I just knew. I was right, of course. Snuggled next to each other was Carter and a mystery brunette. I placed his shake on the table and cleared my throat. The girl sprang apart and had this guilty look on her face. Carter just looked bored.

"Hey man," Carter said, faking a yawn. I could tell. He turned to the girl and just signaled the door. I rolled my eyes. He was so heartless. I walked the girl to the door and managed a small smile at her.

"I'm Taylor," she said. Her voice sounded odd. It was way too high pitched for my liking, and it was nasely like she couldn't breathe.

"Nice to meet you Taylor, I'm Finn," I said. She smiled flirtatiosly at me and did a quick wave before disappearing.

"What took you so long, Finny?" Carter asked, taking a sip of his shake and then making a face. "It's all melted." I shrugged.

"I saw Ashley," I said. At her name, he raised his eyebrows and I could tell he wanted to know what happened. "We talked and ate."

"That's all?" he asked, looking eerily suspicious. About what? I don't even know.

"Yeah, what else would there be?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him. Carter chuckled. He placed his hand on my back and patted it like I was his son or something.

"Finny, you should've made a move on her. You are really clueless," he said, laughing, but his face soon grew serious. "I guess it's a good thing you didn't kiss her. Less competition for me."

I raised an eyebrow. "I thought you liked the competition. You wanted me to ask her out, remember?" I reminded him. He shook his head, his gaze serious. It was a rare sight to see Carter serious for more than a flicker of a second.

"She's different. She was the first to ditch me," he murmured. I don't know if he was talking to himself or not. "Man, I'm beginning to think this may be harder than my other conquests." That was a first for Carter. He knew what he wanted, and he always got it. For him to admit that this chase was going to be difficult was a definite first. I guess there really is a first for everything.

"Carter, didn't you say that other older chick was different?" I asked.

"That was different. She was different because she was older. Ashley is different because she ditched me and yet I still want to go out with her," he admitted. I hoped my mouth wasn't wide open. Carter, as you can tell at first glance, was no guy to admit his deep feelings. He just seems like that guy that's in denial and doesn't believe in that relationship crap. Really, Ashley was probably flipping his whole world upside down. The world that he always knew. It was a change. For him, me, everyone. Is the change for the better or for the worse? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

"Are you sick, Cart?" I asked. I went up and felt his forehead. It was warm, but normal. He laughed at my actions.

"Don't tell the others, Finny. They'll think I'm whipped or something. I haven't even gotten her in bed yet!" he exclaimed.

"Tell us what?" At that moment, Wes and Kyle walked in. Wes held a bucket of popcorn while Kyle was already half asleep.

"That Carter got stood up by Ashley," I said. I looked over at Carter and saw him glare, but a small smile on his face.

"That's rough man. I guess you'll never get to experience the Ashley," he laughed. The way he said it, made it sound like Ashley was just a ride. Seriously, ever since Ashley came here, I'm discovering a few new qualitites about my roommates.

Ashley's POV

I was almost asleep when there was a soft knock on my door. I silently prayed it wouldn't be Tom. I went up and opened the door to see my dad. He looked tired.

"Hey," I said, gesturing for him to come in.

"I hope I didn't wake you," he said, sitting beside me on the floor near my bed.

"Not at all. What are you here for?" I asked, rubbing my tired eyes.

"I'm sorry about how tonight turned out," he said, looking a little embarrassed. Tom should be the one embarrassed.

"It's fine, dad. I went someplace to eat. All ended well," I said, remembering the chat with Finn. He really is a good person. I still feel bad i assumed he was gay. Even if he was, I'd be fine with it. But I'm glad he's not, in a way.

"Good, i just didn't want you to be bitter towards Tom. He had good intentions, Ash," my dad said. I nodded. I knew Tom did, but he seemed to ruin everything.

"Yeah, I think I'll be fine," I said. My dad smiled as he got up.

"I'll see you in the morning Ash," he said. I nodded as I followed him to the door.

"Goodnight," I said, watching him go. I crawled back into bed and fell asleep easily, the conversation with Finn filling my thoughts and dreams.

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Oh, at home, i typed up about 3 chaps of this new story i was planning on posting. I know exactly how i want it to end, but i still have the middle to figure out. Anyways, it's titled "30 Days of Asher". Tell me if I should post it...

One more thing, I think i said i was going to stay for 2 weeks, but turned out i won't be home until july 8 so i think i will be here for a total of 3-4 weeks....

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